Basics of Type Script

1. To define a Variable. 

  There are two ways. Let and Var

Var a = 3;

Let b = 4; 

  The difference between Let and Var 

2. Data type. 


  var bn: boolean = true 

var bn:boolean = true;

  // Number type

  var num:Number = 111;

  var num2:Number = 3.14;


  var str:string = 'aaaa';


  var arr:numer[] = [11,22,33,44];

  var  arr: Array<number> = [11,22,33,44];


  enum color {red, green, yellow, blue};

  color[0]  = red

 example 2

  enum color1 { red = 1, green =3, yellow = 5, blue}

    color1[3] =green 

    color1[5] = yellow

    color1[6] = blue


  var tmp:any[] = ['aaa', 1111, 22, 3.4]  //this will not throw error


  function NAME(): string {


  return  "String";

}   //this function must return type String as defined. 

  function NAME() : void {


3. Constant variable 


posted @ 2019-05-24 00:32  CodingYM  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报