


A. 完全不及物动词       complete intransitive verb,    c.vi.

B. 不完全不及物动词    incomplete intransitive verb,  i.vi.

C. 完全及物动词          complete transitive verb,   c.vt.

D. 不完全及物动词       incomplete transitive verb,    i.vt.

E. 授予动词                dative verb, d.v.



1, Malvin sold his bicycle to his coursin.

2, I hung my coat on the rack.

3, The rain fell in torrents.

4, Show the guests the way to the garden.

5, The janitor took the key from the center.

6, His intervention made the matter complicated.

7, Harold proved eligible for the position.

8, The doctor felt my pulse.

9, The icy wind feels bitter.

10, How's John doing ?



1, dative verb, 直接宾语与间接宾语倒置,需要加“to”

2, on the rack,介词短语,作副词,在分析的时候,可以直接去掉。

3,in torrent, 介词短语,同上。

4,the way to the garden,作为一个整体,名词(对等名词),为直接宾语。

5,from the center, 介词短语,同question2。


    1)dative verb表示“从...中”时,使用介词“of”;

    2)from doing...,比如:prevent sb from doing, forbid sb from doing, keep sb from doing

6, make是不完全及物动词,有两种用法:

    1) make sb do...

    2) make sb/sth (to be) + adj

7, prove即可作c.vt也可以做i.iv,前者表示“证明”,+that从句或someone;后者表示“证明是”,等同于“prove to be adj”。





11, The bread tastes of garlic.

12, The boy are upstair.

13, The room measures fifteen feet across.

14, The baby slept a sound sleep.

15, I always have my bedroom look tidy and clean.

16, It is fortunate that the newcomer know computers very well.

17, In the U.S. Senate, each state, regardless of population, is equally represented.

18, "What did you do with the door?"

      "The door was painted white."

19, While in college, he used to reserving long hair.

20, The people in general looked upon the situation as critical.



11, taste做不及物动词(感官动词),表示“尝起来怎么样”,后面接形容词。A项“sweetly”是副词,B项“of garlic”,是“of+noun”等同于形容词。






17,regardless of population是插入语,分析时,应先删去。

18,paint sth adj,(不完全及物动词),该句是被动用法。

19,used to do, 过去常常; used to doing ,表习惯于。。。

      wear long hair, 留长发

       wear short hair 留短发

20, look upon/regard ... as..., 认定动词。as+adj.



21, I never feel badly if I fail to win a prize; the effort gives me satifaction.

22, Bats deterministic their positions by means of echolocation, a system that does not rely on sight.

23, My reaction, I suppose, could have been called to be instinctive.

24, Everyone who comes must take a ticket with him.

25, Judy found her difficult to make herself understood.

26, Just as I finished eating, my brother explained me a question.

27, The computer makes possibly a phenomenal leap in human proficiency.

28, A person ought not to forget to use tact and courtesy in dealing with others, if he expects them like him and be his friends.

29, The students in the dormitories were forbidden, unless they had special passes, from staying out after 11:30 p.m.

30, Because he could not think clearer, his effort in trying to solve the problem failed.



21,feel bad,感官动词+ adj

22, 主语为Bats,缺少动词,将deterministic改为determine.

23, “call”表“称作”,是i.vt.,此处为被动语态。call my reaction instinctive,(去掉to be).



26,explain作“dative verb”,不管i.o.和d.o.的位置如何,都要加“to”。


28, expect sb to do

29,forbid sb to do,不能用from doing。

30,think是c.iv,后面接副词,clearer需改为more clearly。


posted @ 2017-02-09 13:42  CodingMarmot  阅读(2365)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报