


Chpter 1 : The most basic rules of English grammer

    The biggest difference between English and Chinese is the verb, becasue the verb in English has many rules, such as the singular and plural, the first person and the third person, the past tense and the progressive etc. So, firstly of all, the following rules of the verb must be grasped.

Notice: An asterisk indicates an error

Rule 1:    Two verbs can not be used together

    * I love watch television.

    * I hate eat fish.

    * I love play basketball.

    * I love swim.


Rule 2:    If two verbs are to be used together, either with use the verb infinitive or "ing".

    I love to swim.

    I love swimming.


Rule 3:    If the subject is a third person, present and singular, the verb must be add 's'.

    * He write very well.

    * Jack love playing the violin.

    * Mary swim every day.

The correct sentences are :

    He writes very well.

    Jack loves playing the violin.

    Mary swims every day.


Rule 4:     In general, negative sentences need to use auxiliary verbs, such as do, can, will, would, shall, may, must and so on.

   The vast majority of negative sentences can not be directly added "not".

    * I not saw that moive.

    * He not likes playing violin.

The correct sentences are :

    I did not see that moive.

    He does not like playing violin.


Rule 5:    The infinitive verb "to" must be followed by a prototype verb.

    Notice the verb "be" specially.

    He wants to be a good father.

    They all love to be rich.

    No one likes to be poor.


Rule 6:    Except the verb "have", the auxiliary verbs must be followed by a prototype verb.

    I have been to England.

    I have slept all day.

    I have studied English since I was child.


Rule 7:    Except verb to be, interrogative sentences must include auxiliary verbs.

    * How many books you wrote ?

    * Why you drink so much water ?

The correct sentences are :

    How many books do you write ?

    Why do you drink so much water ?

    Do you love me ?

    Will you give me a call ?

    Are you a good father ?

    Were your mother and father in England last year ?


Rule 8:    Some special verbs change with subject.

    vervb to be :    am is are, was were

    verb to have :    have has, had


Exercise 1:

1.* I am like my parent.                               I like my parent

2.* He is loves his teacher.                           He loves his teacher

3.* He keeps swim every day.                       He keeps swimming every day

4.* He wants drink a glass of water.              He wants to drink a glass of water.

5.* He likes play violin.                                He likes to play violin. 

6.* Jack do not love mathematics.                Jack does not love mathmatics.

7.* Mary hate singing.                                 Mary hates singing.

8.* My mother cook very good food.             My mother cooks very good food.

9.* He want me to see him tomorrow.          He wants me to see him tomorrow.

10.* He not knows my name.                      He does not konw my name.

11.* I not like you.                                     I do not like you.

12.* He not like swimming.                         He does not like swimming.

13.* You not went home.                            You did not go home.

14.* I not like swimming.                            I don't like swimming.

15.* I wanted to went to my mother’s home.     I wanted to go to my mother's home.

16.* I do not like to swimming.                    I do not like swimming.

17.* I did not ate dinner.                             I did not eat dinner.

18.* I will not went home.                           I will not go home.

19.* He did not went home.                         He did not go home.

20.* You may leaving now.                          You may be leaving now

21.* He can swimming.                               He can swim.

22.* He does not goes to work.                    He does not go to work.


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