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some comments from MS about single sign-on on multiple web applications

Posted on 2004-11-30 23:40  FISHER  阅读(859)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
*** Problem Description ***
Customer wanted to implement ASP.NET forms authentication across his entire
web app
which consisted of ASP.NET *and* classic ASP content.

*** Resolution ***

The following sample should work.  A few notes though:  This would have
been pretty
easy using simple COM Interop to call into the FormsAutentication utility
however the functions require an HttpContext which is only available in an
application.  As a workaround, we created and ASP.NET web service that does
forms auth ticket validation.

1.  First, use the ASP.NET Forms Authentication sample from the following
KB as a
base to start:

Q301240 HOW TO: Implement Forms-Based Authentication in ASP.NET Using C#

2.  Next, create a class that will manually validate a ticket that it is
return the forms authentication cookie name that is in use, and finally
return the
login url (all so that the code can be self-contained with minimum

////////////// start sample code //////////////

//this method validates a ticket passed from ASP
public bool IsAuthenticated(string rawCookieData)
if(rawCookieData.Trim().Length <= 0)
  return false;

FormsAuthenticationTicket decryptedTicket;

  decryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(rawCookieData);
  //log reason for failure or whatever here if you like
  return false;

if (decryptedTicket.Expired)
  return false;
// Optionally you could change the method signature to return
// the decrypted ticket and then, you can call RenewTicketIfOld
// and then implement code on the ASP side to update the cookie
// with the newed ticket.  This would only be necessary if the
// ticket has a timeout set (this resets the timeout)
// see the MSDN docs on FormsAuthentication.RenewTicketIfOld.
return true;


// method merely returns the name of the cookie being used
public string GetCookieName()
return FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName.ToString();

// method returns the login url used in the redirect
// this is trickier since there is no FormsAuth utility function available
return this so we have to manually look at web.config
private string GetLoginURL()
string sConfigPath = Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath) +

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
  XmlNode xmlNodeForms =
  return xmlNodeForms.Attributes.GetNamedItem("loginUrl").InnerText;
  throw new System.Exception("error in GetLoginURL()");

////////////// end sample //////////////

3.  Now create another .NET wrapper class that calls this web service (or
and compile a webproxy class)
4.  Next, use regasm.exe and gacutil.exe to make this "wrapper" class
callable from
ASP via ComInterop.
5.  The ASP code would look something like this:

Set oAuthClass = Server.CreateObject("ASPNETFormsAuth.WrapperClass")
If Not
oAuthClass.IsAuthenticated(Request.Cookies(oAuthClass.GetCookieName)) Then
     Response.Redirect("http://servername/ASPApplicationRoot/" &
oAuthClass.GetLoginURL & "?RetrunURL=" & Requset.ServerVariables("URL"))
End If

This code can be in a standalone ASP page and then can be #included at the
top of every page in the ASP app