[linux-]$ /home/script/listHive.py ta_name_1002_user_search_log_day 20180626
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################## # 通过表名和时间查看hive分区表的数据 # len(sys.argv)--输入参数个数 # sys.argv[1] -- 表名 # sys.argv[2] -- 时间 # 创建者:df # 创建日期:2018年06月25日 ############################################### import os import sys ll = len(sys.argv) def pri(com): print("command: '%s'" % com) os.system(com) sys.exit(0) if ll < 2: print('no parameter !') print('Please enter the format !') print("./l_hive.py tableName [date]") sys.exit(1) #获取表名 v_tablename = sys.argv[1] command = "hadoop fs -ls /apps/hive/warehouse/*/%s" % v_tablename if ll == 2: pri(command) v_time = sys.argv[2] if ll > 2: # 获取时间长度 len = len(v_time) if len <4: pri(command) else: num = len / 2 - 3 + 1 for i in range(num): sublen = 6 + i * 2 command = "%s/*=%s" % (command, v_time[0:sublen]) pri(command) else: print('Please enter the format !') print("./l_hive.py tableName [date]") sys.exit(1)