dpvs 新建连接 转载
/** * set @verdict if failed to schedule * 新建的连接由conn_sched进行调度,对于tcp服务调用tcp_conn_sched,在__dp_vs_in中被调用 * 返回值: * EDPVS_OK: 继续lvs处理 * 其余: 结束lvs处理,并且将设置的verdict作为hook返回结果返回 */ static int tcp_conn_sched(struct dp_vs_proto *proto, const struct dp_vs_iphdr *iph, struct rte_mbuf *mbuf, struct dp_vs_conn **conn, int *verdict) { struct tcphdr * th, _tcph; struct dp_vs_service *svc; bool outwall = false; //校验 assert(proto && iph && mbuf && conn && verdict); //获取tcp header,只是指针操作,不涉及数据复制 th = mbuf_header_pointer(mbuf, iph->len, sizeof(_tcph), &_tcph); //如果获取tcp header失败,主要是数据包长不对,直接丢弃 if (unlikely(!th)) { *verdict = INET_DROP; return(EDPVS_INVPKT); } /* Syn-proxy step 2 logic: receive client's 3-handshacke ack packet */ /* When synproxy disabled, only SYN packets can arrive here. * So don't judge SYNPROXY flag here! If SYNPROXY flag judged, and syn_proxy * got disbled and keepalived reloaded, SYN packets for RS may never be sent. */ //如果是syn cookies 连接建立第三次握手数据包,则返回EDPVS_PKTSTOLEN if (dp_vs_synproxy_ack_rcv(iph->af, mbuf, th, proto, conn, iph, verdict) == 0) { /* Attention: First ACK packet is also stored in conn->ack_mbuf */ return(EDPVS_PKTSTOLEN); } /* only TCP-SYN without other flag can be scheduled */ //对于新建立的连接,只允许syn请求,其余的都丢弃,此处说明不是syn的数据包 if (!th->syn || th->ack || th->fin || th->rst) { #ifdef CONFIG_DPVS_IPVS_DEBUG char dbuf[64], sbuf[64]; const char *daddr, *saddr; daddr = inet_ntop(iph->af, &iph->daddr, dbuf, sizeof(dbuf)) ? dbuf : "::"; saddr = inet_ntop(iph->af, &iph->saddr, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)) ? sbuf : "::"; RTE_LOG(DEBUG, IPVS, "%s: [%d] try sched non-SYN packet: [%c%c%c%c] %s/%d->%s/%d\\n", __func__, rte_lcore_id(), th->syn ? 'S' : '.', th->fin ? 'F' : '.', th->ack ? 'A' : '.', th->rst ? 'R' : '.', saddr, ntohs(th->source), daddr, ntohs(th->dest)); #endif /* Drop tcp packet which is send to vip and !vport */ //如果是发往vip,但不是vport的数据报,则丢弃 if (g_defence_tcp_drop && (svc = dp_vs_vip_lookup(iph->af, iph->proto, &iph->daddr, rte_lcore_id()))) { dp_vs_estats_inc(DEFENCE_TCP_DROP); *verdict = INET_DROP; return(EDPVS_INVPKT); } //找不到对应的dp_vs_service,则设置返回结果为INET_ACCEPT,并且返回EDPVS_INVAL *verdict = INET_ACCEPT; return(EDPVS_INVAL); } //根据请求目的地址和端口来查找dp_vs_service,如果找不到丢弃 svc = dp_vs_service_lookup(iph->af, iph->proto, &iph->daddr, th->dest, 0, mbuf, NULL, &outwall, rte_lcore_id()); if (!svc) { /* Drop tcp packet which is send to vip and !vport */ //如果是发往vip,但不是vport的数据报,则丢弃 if (g_defence_tcp_drop && (svc = dp_vs_vip_lookup(iph->af, iph->proto, &iph->daddr, rte_lcore_id()))) { dp_vs_estats_inc(DEFENCE_TCP_DROP); *verdict = INET_DROP; return(EDPVS_INVPKT); } *verdict = INET_ACCEPT; return(EDPVS_NOSERV); } //根据dp_vs_service来选择后端real server建立连接 *conn = dp_vs_schedule(svc, iph, mbuf, false, outwall); if (!*conn) { *verdict = INET_DROP; return(EDPVS_RESOURCE); } return(EDPVS_OK); }
- dp_vs_schedule
/** * select an RS by service's scheduler and create a connection * dp_vs_schedule 新建立连接后端调度,选择一个real server */ struct dp_vs_conn *dp_vs_schedule(struct dp_vs_service *svc, const struct dp_vs_iphdr *iph, struct rte_mbuf *mbuf, bool is_synproxy_on, bool outwall) { uint16_t _ports[2], *ports; /* sport, dport */ struct dp_vs_dest * dest; struct dp_vs_conn * conn; struct dp_vs_conn_param param; assert(svc && iph && mbuf); //ports指向目的端口,源端口,非copy ports = mbuf_header_pointer(mbuf, iph->len, sizeof(_ports), _ports); if (!ports) { return(NULL); } /* persistent service */ //长连接请求 if (svc->flags & DP_VS_SVC_F_PERSISTENT) { return(dp_vs_sched_persist(svc, iph, mbuf, is_synproxy_on)); } //根据特定算法选择 real server, 常用的有 rr, wrr, wlc 以后再分析。返回 dest 结构体是后端 rs dest = svc->scheduler->schedule(svc, mbuf); if (!dest) { RTE_LOG(WARNING, IPVS, "%s: no dest found.\\n", __func__); #ifdef CONFIG_DPVS_MBUF_DEBUG dp_vs_mbuf_dump("found dest failed.", iph->af, mbuf); #endif return(NULL); } //snat特殊处理 if (dest->fwdmode == DPVS_FWD_MODE_SNAT) { return(dp_vs_snat_schedule(dest, iph, ports, mbuf, outwall)); } //icmp处理 if (unlikely(iph->proto == IPPROTO_ICMP)) { struct icmphdr *ich, _icmph; ich = mbuf_header_pointer(mbuf, iph->len, sizeof(_icmph), &_icmph); if (!ich) { return(NULL); } ports = _ports; _ports[0] = icmp4_id(ich); _ports[1] = ich->type << 8 | ich->code; dp_vs_conn_fill_param(iph->af, iph->proto, &iph->saddr, &iph->daddr, ports[0], ports[1], 0, ¶m); } else if (unlikely(iph->proto == IPPROTO_ICMPV6)) { struct icmp6_hdr *ic6h, _ic6hp; ic6h = mbuf_header_pointer(mbuf, iph->len, sizeof(_ic6hp), &_ic6hp); if (!ic6h) { return(NULL); } ports = _ports; _ports[0] = icmp6h_id(ic6h); _ports[1] = ic6h->icmp6_type << 8 | ic6h->icmp6_code; dp_vs_conn_fill_param(iph->af, iph->proto, &iph->daddr, &dest->addr, ports[1], ports[0], 0, ¶m); } else { //填充proto,caddr,vaddr,cport,vport供新建立连接使用 dp_vs_conn_fill_param(iph->af, iph->proto, &iph->saddr, &iph->daddr, ports[0], ports[1], 0, ¶m); } //根据参数,目标机器信息建立代理连接 conn = dp_vs_conn_new(mbuf, iph, ¶m, dest, is_synproxy_on ? DPVS_CONN_F_SYNPROXY : 0); if (!conn) { return(NULL); } dp_vs_stats_conn(conn); return(conn); }
- dp_vs_conn缓存池
/* * memory pool for dp_vs_conn{} */ //dp_vs_conn缓存池,per-socket数组 static struct rte_mempool *dp_vs_conn_cache[DPVS_MAX_SOCKET]; #define this_conn_count (RTE_PER_LCORE(dp_vs_conn_count)) #define this_conn_cache (dp_vs_conn_cache[rte_socket_id()]) //连接hash表 #define this_conn_tbl (RTE_PER_LCORE(dp_vs_conn_tbl))
- 初始化用于查找的this_conn_tbl,per-lcore hash表
- 初始化conn缓存池,per-socket数组
int dp_vs_conn_init(void) { int i, err; lcoreid_t lcore; char poolname[32]; /* init connection template table */ //persistent持续调度相关,模板连接查找表 dp_vs_ct_tbl = rte_malloc_socket(NULL, sizeof(struct list_head) * DPVS_CONN_TBL_SIZE, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, rte_socket_id()); for (i = 0; i < DPVS_CONN_TBL_SIZE; i++) { INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dp_vs_ct_tbl[i]); } rte_spinlock_init(&dp_vs_ct_lock); /* * unlike linux per_cpu() which can assign CPU number, * RTE_PER_LCORE() can only access own instances. * it make codes looks strange. */ //主要初始化用于查找conn的this_conn_tbl,per-lcore hash表 rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(conn_init_lcore, NULL, SKIP_MASTER); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore) { if ((err = rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore)) < 0) { RTE_LOG(WARNING, IPVS, "%s: lcore %d: %s.\\n", __func__, lcore, dpvs_strerror(err)); } } conn_ctrl_init(); /* connection cache on each NUMA socket */ //初始化conn连接池,per-socket数组 for (i = 0; i < get_numa_nodes(); i++) { snprintf(poolname, sizeof(poolname), "dp_vs_conn_%d", i); dp_vs_conn_cache[i] = rte_mempool_create(poolname, conn_pool_size, sizeof(struct dp_vs_conn), conn_pool_cache, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, i, 0); if (!dp_vs_conn_cache[i]) { err = EDPVS_NOMEM; goto cleanup; } } dp_vs_conn_rnd = (uint32_t)random(); return(EDPVS_OK); cleanup: dp_vs_conn_term(); return(err); } static int conn_init_lcore(void *arg) { int i; if (!rte_lcore_is_enabled(rte_lcore_id())) { return(EDPVS_DISABLED); } if (netif_lcore_is_idle(rte_lcore_id())) { return(EDPVS_IDLE); } //创建用于查找conn的hash表头 this_conn_tbl = rte_malloc_socket(NULL, sizeof(struct list_head) * DPVS_CONN_TBL_SIZE, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, rte_socket_id()); if (!this_conn_tbl) { return(EDPVS_NOMEM); } for (i = 0; i < DPVS_CONN_TBL_SIZE; i++) { INIT_LIST_HEAD(&this_conn_tbl[i]); } #ifdef CONFIG_DPVS_IPVS_CONN_LOCK rte_spinlock_init(&this_conn_lock); #endif this_conn_count = 0; return(EDPVS_OK); }
- dp_vs_conn_alloc
static struct dp_vs_conn *dp_vs_conn_alloc(enum dpvs_fwd_mode fwdmode, uint32_t flags) { struct dp_vs_conn * conn; struct dp_vs_redirect *r = NULL; //从当前所在socket对应的conn cache中分配一个conn if (unlikely(rte_mempool_get(this_conn_cache, (void **)&conn) != 0)) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IPVS, "%s: no memory for connection\\n", __func__); return(NULL); } //清零,并设置conn所在的connpool,主要用于在释放时归还至正确的connpool memset(conn, 0, sizeof(struct dp_vs_conn)); conn->connpool = this_conn_cache; this_conn_count++; /* no need to create redirect for the global template connection */ //根据flag,分配dp_vs_redirect,主要在FNAT,SNAT和NAT模式下 if (likely((flags & DPVS_CONN_F_TEMPLATE) == 0)) { r = dp_vs_redirect_alloc(fwdmode); } conn->redirect = r; return(conn); }
- dp_vs_conn_new
/** * 创建新的连接 * mbuf: 接收到的数据包 * iph: 主要保存IP层相关数据,IP层首部长度,源/目的地址 * param: 创建连接的相关信息,主要是tcp四元组信息 * dest: dp_vs_service选出出来的real server相关信息 */ struct dp_vs_conn *dp_vs_conn_new(struct rte_mbuf *mbuf, const struct dp_vs_iphdr *iph, struct dp_vs_conn_param *param, struct dp_vs_dest *dest, uint32_t flags) { struct dp_vs_conn * new; struct conn_tuple_hash *t; uint16_t rport; __be16 _ports[2], *ports; int err; assert(mbuf && param && dest); //分配dp_vs_conn,从内存池中分配 new = dp_vs_conn_alloc(dest->fwdmode, flags); if (unlikely(!new)) { return(NULL); } //设置连接的flag new->flags = flags; /* set proper RS port */ if (dp_vs_conn_is_template(new) || param->ct_dport != 0) { rport = param->ct_dport; } else if (dest->fwdmode == DPVS_FWD_MODE_SNAT) { //如果是ICMP相关报文,rport从icmp信息从param中获取(icmp应用数据中设置params) if (unlikely(param->proto == IPPROTO_ICMP || param->proto == IPPROTO_ICMPV6)) { rport = param->vport; } else { //否则从mbuf中获取rport ports = mbuf_header_pointer(mbuf, iph->len, sizeof(_ports), _ports); if (unlikely(!ports)) { RTE_LOG(WARNING, IPVS, "%s: no memory\\n", __func__); goto errout; } //设置rport为源端口,snat模式中为内部服务器--->外部服务器(www.baidu.com) rport = ports[0]; } } else { //rport为选择后端real server的服务port rport = dest->port; } //conn 连接有一个 tuplehash 数组元素,长度为2,保存两个方向的 tupehash 结构体。不同方向的源地址和目的地址意义是不同的 /* init inbound conn tuple hash */ //t指向tuplehash中DPVS_CONN_DIR_INBOUND方向的conn_tuple_hash //即外网服务器(如 baidu.com) -> DPVS -> 内网服务器 t = &tuplehash_in(new); t->direct = DPVS_CONN_DIR_INBOUND; t->af = param->af; t->proto = param->proto; //源地址是外网 client addr t->saddr = *param->caddr; t->sport = param->cport; //目的地址是服务虚IP地址 t->daddr = *param->vaddr; t->dport = param->vport; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&t->list); /* init outbound conn tuple hash */ //t指向tuplehash中DPVS_CONN_DIR_OUTBOUND方向的conn_tuple_hash //即内网服务器 -> DPVS -> 外网服务器(如 baidu.com ) t = &tuplehash_out(new); t->direct = DPVS_CONN_DIR_OUTBOUND; t->af = dest->af; t->proto = param->proto; if (dest->fwdmode == DPVS_FWD_MODE_SNAT) { //如果是snat模式(主要用于内网服务器作为客户端角色,请求外网服务器),此时,saddr为mbuf数据包中的源地址 t->saddr = iph->saddr; } else { //否则,使用后端real server的地址 t->saddr = dest->addr; } //源port使用前面得到的rport,与saddr类似 t->sport = rport; t->daddr = *param->caddr; /* non-FNAT */ t->dport = param->cport; /* non-FNAT */ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&t->list); /* init connection */ //设置conn相关的协议族,端口之类信息 new->af = param->af; new->proto = param->proto; new->caddr = *param->caddr; new->cport = param->cport; new->vaddr = *param->vaddr; new->vport = param->vport; new->laddr = *param->caddr; /* non-FNAT */ new->lport = param->cport; /* non-FNAT */ if (dest->fwdmode == DPVS_FWD_MODE_SNAT) { new->daddr = iph->saddr; } else { new->daddr = dest->addr; } new->dport = rport; new->outwall = param->outwall; /* neighbour confirm cache */ if (AF_INET == tuplehash_in(new).af) { new->in_nexthop.in.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); } else { new->in_nexthop.in6 = in6addr_any; } if (AF_INET == tuplehash_out(new).af) { new->out_nexthop.in.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); } else { new->out_nexthop.in6 = in6addr_any; } new->in_dev = NULL; new->out_dev = NULL; /* Controll member */ new->control = NULL; rte_atomic32_clear(&new->n_control); /* caller will use it right after created, * just like dp_vs_conn_get(). */ rte_atomic32_set(&new->refcnt, 1); new->state = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_DPVS_IPVS_STATS_DEBUG new->ctime = rte_rdtsc(); #endif /* bind destination and corresponding trasmitter */ //将conn与对应的后端real server dest绑定,主要设置不同转发模式相关的传输函数 err = dp_vs_conn_bind_dest(new, dest); if (err != EDPVS_OK) { RTE_LOG(WARNING, IPVS, "%s: fail to bind dest: %s\\n", __func__, dpvs_strerror(err)); goto errout; } /* FNAT only: select and bind local address/port */ //full-nat 特殊处理 if (dest->fwdmode == DPVS_FWD_MODE_FNAT) { if ((err = dp_vs_laddr_bind(new, dest->svc)) != EDPVS_OK) { goto unbind_dest; } } /* init redirect if it exists */ //初始化new conn相关dp_vs_redirect,主要为了解决在nat-mode模式下inside→outside两端连接数据包可能不从同一网卡的同一 //物理队列上收取,导致可能会分配到不同的lcore上处理 dp_vs_redirect_init(new); /* add to hash table (dual dir for each bucket) */ //conn_hash将连接加到this_conn_tlb中,实际上是将tuphash两个方向的都加到流表里,方便不同方向的检索 if ((err = dp_vs_conn_hash(new)) != EDPVS_OK) { goto unbind_laddr; } /* timer */ //默认超时时间 new->timeout.tv_sec = conn_init_timeout; new->timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* synproxy */ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&new->ack_mbuf); //设置syn_retry_max为0 rte_atomic32_set(&new->syn_retry_max, 0); //设置dup_ack_cnt为0 rte_atomic32_set(&new->dup_ack_cnt, 0); //处理synproxy if ((flags & DPVS_CONN_F_SYNPROXY) && !dp_vs_conn_is_template(new)) { struct tcphdr _tcph, *th = NULL; struct dp_vs_synproxy_ack_pakcet *ack_mbuf; struct dp_vs_proto *pp; th = mbuf_header_pointer(mbuf, iph->len, sizeof(_tcph), &_tcph); if (!th) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IPVS, "%s: get tcphdr failed\\n", __func__); goto unbind_laddr; } /* save ack packet */ if (unlikely(rte_mempool_get(this_ack_mbufpool, (void **)&ack_mbuf) != 0)) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IPVS, "%s: no memory\\n", __func__); goto unbind_laddr; } //将mbuf加入到ack_mbuf列表. ack_mbuf->mbuf = mbuf; list_add_tail(&ack_mbuf->list, &new->ack_mbuf); new->ack_num++; sp_dbg_stats32_inc(sp_ack_saved); /* save ack_seq - 1 */ //将client发来的fnat_seq保存到fnat_seq,将fnat_seq-1保存到syn_proxy_seq new->syn_proxy_seq.isn = htonl((uint32_t)((ntohl(th->ack_seq) - 1))); /* save ack_seq */ new->fnat_seq.fdata_seq = ntohl(th->ack_seq); /* FIXME: use DP_VS_TCP_S_SYN_SENT for syn */ pp = dp_vs_proto_lookup(param->proto); new->timeout.tv_sec = pp->timeout_table[new->state = DPVS_TCP_S_SYN_SENT]; } /* schedule conn timer */ dpvs_time_rand_delay(&new->timeout, 1000000); //最后将连接加到定时器,管理连接超时。tcp 不同状态的超时时间是不同的,以后单独分析定时器 //超时处理函数为dp_vs_conn_expire dp_vs_conn_attach_timer(new, true); #ifdef CONFIG_DPVS_IPVS_DEBUG conn_dump("new conn: ", new); #endif return(new); unbind_laddr: dp_vs_laddr_unbind(new); unbind_dest: dp_vs_conn_unbind_dest(new); errout: dp_vs_conn_free(new); return(NULL); }
- 绑定conn关联的dest
- 设置conn的传输函数
static int dp_vs_conn_bind_dest(struct dp_vs_conn *conn, struct dp_vs_dest *dest) { /* ATTENTION: * Initial state of conn should be INACTIVE, with conn->inactconns=1 and * conn->actconns=0. We should not increase conn->actconns except in session * sync.Generally, the INACTIVE and SYN_PROXY flags are passed down from * the dest here. */ conn->flags |= rte_atomic16_read(&dest->conn_flags); if (dest->max_conn && (rte_atomic32_read(&dest->inactconns) + \\ rte_atomic32_read(&dest->actconns) >= dest->max_conn)) { dest->flags |= DPVS_DEST_F_OVERLOAD; return(EDPVS_OVERLOAD); } //增加dest的引用计数 rte_atomic32_inc(&dest->refcnt); if (dp_vs_conn_is_template(conn)) { rte_atomic32_inc(&dest->persistconns); } else { rte_atomic32_inc(&dest->inactconns); } //设置不同模式的流量处理函数,NAT相关的流量都要经过LB,而DR/TUNNEL模式属于单臂模式,只有入口流量,没有出口流量 switch (dest->fwdmode) { case DPVS_FWD_MODE_NAT: conn->packet_xmit = dp_vs_xmit_nat; conn->packet_out_xmit = dp_vs_out_xmit_nat; break; case DPVS_FWD_MODE_TUNNEL: conn->packet_xmit = dp_vs_xmit_tunnel; break; case DPVS_FWD_MODE_DR: conn->packet_xmit = dp_vs_xmit_dr; break; case DPVS_FWD_MODE_FNAT: conn->packet_xmit = dp_vs_xmit_fnat; conn->packet_out_xmit = dp_vs_out_xmit_fnat; break; case DPVS_FWD_MODE_SNAT: conn->packet_xmit = dp_vs_xmit_snat; conn->packet_out_xmit = dp_vs_out_xmit_snat; break; default: return(EDPVS_NOTSUPP); } conn->dest = dest; return(EDPVS_OK); }
- dp_vs_conn_hash
static inline int dp_vs_conn_hash(struct dp_vs_conn *conn) { int err; #ifdef CONFIG_DPVS_IPVS_CONN_LOCK rte_spinlock_lock(&this_conn_lock); #endif //将conn加入到对应的hash表中,方便查找,in/out方向tuplehash都加入到hash表中 err = __dp_vs_conn_hash(conn, DPVS_CONN_TBL_MASK); #ifdef CONFIG_DPVS_IPVS_CONN_LOCK rte_spinlock_unlock(&this_conn_lock); #endif //将conn加入到redirect hash中 dp_vs_redirect_hash(conn); return(err); } static inline int __dp_vs_conn_hash(struct dp_vs_conn *conn, uint32_t mask) { uint32_t ihash, ohash; if (unlikely(conn->flags & DPVS_CONN_F_HASHED)) { return(EDPVS_EXIST); } //计算in/out两个方向上的tuplehash key ihash = dp_vs_conn_hashkey(tuplehash_in(conn).af, &tuplehash_in(conn).saddr, tuplehash_in(conn).sport, &tuplehash_in(conn).daddr, tuplehash_in(conn).dport, mask); ohash = dp_vs_conn_hashkey(tuplehash_out(conn).af, &tuplehash_out(conn).saddr, tuplehash_out(conn).sport, &tuplehash_out(conn).daddr, tuplehash_out(conn).dport, mask); //如果是长连接,则加入到dp_vs_ct_tbl中,否则加入至this_conn_tbl hash表中 if (dp_vs_conn_is_template(conn)) { /* lock is complusory for template */ rte_spinlock_lock(&dp_vs_ct_lock); list_add(&tuplehash_in(conn).list, &dp_vs_ct_tbl[ihash]); list_add(&tuplehash_out(conn).list, &dp_vs_ct_tbl[ohash]); rte_spinlock_unlock(&dp_vs_ct_lock); } else { list_add(&tuplehash_in(conn).list, &this_conn_tbl[ihash]); list_add(&tuplehash_out(conn).list, &this_conn_tbl[ohash]); } conn->flags |= DPVS_CONN_F_HASHED; rte_atomic32_inc(&conn->refcnt); return(EDPVS_OK); }
- dp_vs_conn_attach_timer
static void dp_vs_conn_attach_timer(struct dp_vs_conn *conn, bool lock) { int rc; //如果conn->timer正在运行中,则直接返回 if (dp_vs_conn_is_in_timer(conn)) { return; } //如果为长连接,则将定时器加入到global_timer中,否则加入至per-lcore timer中 if (dp_vs_conn_is_template(conn)) { if (lock) { rc = dpvs_timer_sched(&conn->timer, &conn->timeout, dp_vs_conn_expire, conn, true); } else { rc = dpvs_timer_sched_nolock(&conn->timer, &conn->timeout, dp_vs_conn_expire, conn, true); } } else { if (lock) { rc = dpvs_timer_sched(&conn->timer, &conn->timeout, dp_vs_conn_expire, conn, false); } else { rc = dpvs_timer_sched_nolock(&conn->timer, &conn->timeout, dp_vs_conn_expire, conn, false); } } if (rc == EDPVS_OK) { //设置conn->timer正在运行中 dp_vs_conn_set_in_timer(conn); } }
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