dpdk PMD
PMD是Poll Mode Driver的缩写,即基于用户态的轮询机制的驱动
虽然PMD是在用户态实现设备驱动,但还是依赖于内核提供的策略。其中uio模块,是内核提供的用户态驱动框架,而igb_uio是DPDK kit中拥有与uio交互,bind指定网卡的内核模块;
当使用DPDK脚本dpdk-devbind来bind网卡时,会通过sysfs与内核交互,让内核使用指定驱动来匹配网卡。具体的行为向/sys/bus/pci/devices/(pci id)/driver_override写入指定驱动名称,或者向/sys/bus/pci/drivers/igb_uio(驱动名称)/new_id写入要绑定网卡的PCI ID。前者是配置设备,让其选择驱动。后者是是配置驱动,让其支持新的PCI设备。按照内核的文档https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-pci,这两个动作都会促使驱动bind新设备。
但是在dpdk-devbind脚本中,还是通过向/sys/bus/pci/drivers/igb_uio(驱动名称)/bind写入pci id来保证bind;
当使用igb_uio bind指定设备后,内核会调用igb_uio注册的struct pci_driver的probe函数,即igbuio_pci_probe;
static int igbuio_pci_enable_interrupts(struct rte_uio_pci_dev *udev) { int err = 0; switch (igbuio_intr_mode_preferred) { case RTE_INTR_MODE_MSIX: /* Only 1 msi-x vector needed */ #ifndef HAVE_ALLOC_IRQ_VECTORS msix_entry.entry = 0; if (pci_enable_msix(udev->pdev, &msix_entry, 1) == 0) { dev_dbg(&udev->pdev->dev, "using MSI-X"); udev->info.irq_flags = IRQF_NO_THREAD; udev->info.irq = msix_entry.vector; udev->mode = RTE_INTR_MODE_MSIX; break; } #else if (pci_alloc_irq_vectors(udev->pdev, 1, 1, PCI_IRQ_MSIX) == 1) { dev_dbg(&udev->pdev->dev, "using MSI-X"); udev->info.irq_flags = IRQF_NO_THREAD; udev->info.irq = pci_irq_vector(udev->pdev, 0); udev->mode = RTE_INTR_MODE_MSIX; break; } #endif default: dev_err(&udev->pdev->dev, "invalid IRQ mode %u", igbuio_intr_mode_preferred); udev->info.irq = UIO_IRQ_NONE; err = -EINVAL; } if (udev->info.irq != UIO_IRQ_NONE) err = request_irq(udev->info.irq, igbuio_pci_irqhandler, udev->info.irq_flags, udev->info.name, udev); dev_info(&udev->pdev->dev, "uio device registered with irq %ld\n", udev->info.irq); return err; }
当打开uio设备时,igb_uio注册了一个中断。这时大家应该有个疑问,PMD不是用户态轮询设备吗?为什么还要申请中断,注册中断处理函数呢?这是因为,即使应用层可以通过uio来实现设备驱动,但是设备的某些事件还是需要内核进行响应,然后通知应用层;相当于中断的上半部 和下半部
上半部中断服务函数: 主要通知一个event到user比如: 唤醒在idev->wait等待队列中的task
/** * This is interrupt handler which will check if the interrupt is for the right device. * If yes, disable it here and will be enable later. */ static irqreturn_t igbuio_pci_irqhandler(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct rte_uio_pci_dev *udev = (struct rte_uio_pci_dev *)dev_id; struct uio_info *info = &udev->info; /* Legacy mode need to mask in hardware */ if (udev->mode == RTE_INTR_MODE_LEGACY && !pci_check_and_mask_intx(udev->pdev)) return IRQ_NONE; uio_event_notify(info); /* Message signal mode, no share IRQ and automasked */ return IRQ_HANDLED; }
RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(net_ixgbe, rte_ixgbe_pmd); #define RTE_PMD_EXPORT_NAME(name, idx) \ static const char RTE_PMD_EXPORT_NAME_ARRAY(this_pmd_name, idx) \ __attribute__((used)) = RTE_STR(name) /** Helper for PCI device registration from driver (eth, crypto) instance */ #define RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(nm, pci_drv) \ RTE_INIT(pciinitfn_ ##nm) \ {\ (pci_drv).driver.name = RTE_STR(nm);\ rte_pci_register(&pci_drv); \ } \ RTE_PMD_EXPORT_NAME(nm, __COUNTER__) /* register a driver */ void rte_pci_register(struct rte_pci_driver *driver) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&rte_pci_bus.driver_list, driver, next); driver->bus = &rte_pci_bus; }
RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI为dpdk定义的宏,使用了GNU C提供的“__attribute__(constructor)”机制,使得注册设备驱动的过程在main函数执行之前完成。
PCI设备和PCI驱动匹配后,调用pci_map_device()函数为该PCI设备创建map resource; pci_uio_map_resource()函数为pci设备在虚拟地址空间映射pci资源,后续直接通过操作内存来操作pci设备
4、rte_bus_probe---------->调用rte_eth_dev_create 以及 eth_ixgbe_pci_probe()初始化PCI设备; 并通过eth_ixgbe_dev_init 函数分配一个网卡设备,并在全局数组rte_eth_dev_data[]中为网卡设备的数据域分配空间。
/* Launch threads, called at application init(). */ int rte_eal_init(int argc, char **argv) { int i, fctret, ret; pthread_t thread_id; static rte_atomic32_t run_once = RTE_ATOMIC32_INIT(0); const char *p; static char logid[PATH_MAX]; char cpuset[RTE_CPU_AFFINITY_STR_LEN]; char thread_name[RTE_MAX_THREAD_NAME_LEN]; /* checks if the machine is adequate */ if (!rte_cpu_is_supported()) { rte_eal_init_alert("unsupported cpu type."); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } //操作静态局部变量run_once确保函数只执行一次 if (!rte_atomic32_test_and_set(&run_once)) { rte_eal_init_alert("already called initialization."); rte_errno = EALREADY; return -1; } //dpdk: EAL init args: -c 3 -n 4 --file-prefix vpp --master-lcore 0 p = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); strlcpy(logid, p ? p + 1 : argv[0], sizeof(logid)); thread_id = pthread_self();//获取主线程的线程ID //初始化结构体struct internal_config eal_reset_internal_config(&internal_config); /* set log level as early as possible设置log level */ eal_log_level_parse(argc, argv); //赋值全局结构struct lcore_config if (rte_eal_cpu_init() < 0) {//赋值全局结构struct lcore_config rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot detect lcores."); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } fctret = eal_parse_args(argc, argv); if (fctret < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Invalid 'command line' arguments."); rte_errno = EINVAL; rte_atomic32_clear(&run_once); return -1; } if (eal_plugins_init() < 0) {//EAL的“-d”选项可以指定需要载入的动态链接库) rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init plugins\n"); rte_errno = EINVAL; rte_atomic32_clear(&run_once); return -1; } if (eal_option_device_parse()) { rte_errno = ENODEV; rte_atomic32_clear(&run_once); return -1; } rte_config_init(); if (rte_eal_intr_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init interrupt-handling thread\n"); return -1; } /* Put mp channel init before bus scan so that we can init the vdev * bus through mp channel in the secondary process before the bus scan. */ if (rte_mp_channel_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("failed to init mp channel\n"); if (rte_eal_process_type() == RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) { rte_errno = EFAULT; return -1; } } if (rte_bus_scan()) {//scan 扫描设备的device信息 ///sys/bus/pci/devices”目录下的所有pci地址,逐个获取对应的pci地址、pci id、sriov使能时的vf个数、亲和的numa、设备地址空间、驱动类型等 rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot scan the buses for devices\n"); rte_errno = ENODEV; rte_atomic32_clear(&run_once); return -1; } /* autodetect the iova mapping mode (default is iova_pa) */ rte_eal_get_configuration()->iova_mode = rte_bus_get_iommu_class(); /* Workaround for KNI which requires physical address to work */ if (rte_eal_get_configuration()->iova_mode == RTE_IOVA_VA && rte_eal_check_module("rte_kni") == 1) { rte_eal_get_configuration()->iova_mode = RTE_IOVA_PA; RTE_LOG(WARNING, EAL, "Some devices want IOVA as VA but PA will be used because.. " "KNI module inserted\n"); } if (internal_config.no_hugetlbfs == 0) { /* rte_config isn't initialized yet */ ret = internal_config.process_type == RTE_PROC_PRIMARY ? eal_hugepage_info_init() : eal_hugepage_info_read(); if (ret < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot get hugepage information."); rte_errno = EACCES; rte_atomic32_clear(&run_once); return -1; } } if (internal_config.memory == 0 && internal_config.force_sockets == 0) { if (internal_config.no_hugetlbfs) internal_config.memory = MEMSIZE_IF_NO_HUGE_PAGE; } if (internal_config.vmware_tsc_map == 1) { #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_EAL_VMWARE_TSC_MAP_SUPPORT rte_cycles_vmware_tsc_map = 1; RTE_LOG (DEBUG, EAL, "Using VMWARE TSC MAP, " "you must have monitor_control.pseudo_perfctr = TRUE\n"); #else RTE_LOG (WARNING, EAL, "Ignoring --vmware-tsc-map because " "RTE_LIBRTE_EAL_VMWARE_TSC_MAP_SUPPORT is not set\n"); #endif } rte_srand(rte_rdtsc()); if (rte_eal_log_init(logid, internal_config.syslog_facility) < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init logging."); rte_errno = ENOMEM; rte_atomic32_clear(&run_once); return -1; } #ifdef VFIO_PRESENT if (rte_eal_vfio_setup() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init VFIO\n"); rte_errno = EAGAIN; rte_atomic32_clear(&run_once); return -1; } #endif /* in secondary processes, memory init may allocate additional fbarrays * not present in primary processes, so to avoid any potential issues, * initialize memzones first. */ if (rte_eal_memzone_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init memzone\n"); rte_errno = ENODEV; return -1; } if (rte_eal_memory_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init memory\n"); rte_errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } /* the directories are locked during eal_hugepage_info_init */ eal_hugedirs_unlock(); if (rte_eal_malloc_heap_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init malloc heap\n"); rte_errno = ENODEV; return -1; } if (rte_eal_tailqs_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init tail queues for objects\n"); rte_errno = EFAULT; return -1; } if (rte_eal_alarm_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init interrupt-handling thread\n"); /* rte_eal_alarm_init sets rte_errno on failure. */ return -1; } if (rte_eal_timer_init() < 0) { rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot init HPET or TSC timers\n"); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } eal_check_mem_on_local_socket(); eal_thread_init_master(rte_config.master_lcore); ret = eal_thread_dump_affinity(cpuset, sizeof(cpuset)); RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, "Master lcore %u is ready (tid=%x;cpuset=[%s%s])\n", rte_config.master_lcore, (int)thread_id, cpuset, ret == 0 ? "" : "..."); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(i) { /* * create communication pipes between master thread * and children */ if (pipe(lcore_config[i].pipe_master2slave) < 0) rte_panic("Cannot create pipe\n"); if (pipe(lcore_config[i].pipe_slave2master) < 0) rte_panic("Cannot create pipe\n"); lcore_config[i].state = WAIT; /* create a thread for each lcore */ ret = pthread_create(&lcore_config[i].thread_id, NULL, eal_thread_loop, NULL); if (ret != 0) rte_panic("Cannot create thread\n"); /* Set thread_name for aid in debugging. */ snprintf(thread_name, sizeof(thread_name), "lcore-slave-%d", i); ret = rte_thread_setname(lcore_config[i].thread_id, thread_name); if (ret != 0) RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, "Cannot set name for lcore thread\n"); } /* * Launch a dummy function on all slave lcores, so that master lcore * knows they are all ready when this function returns. */ rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(sync_func, NULL, SKIP_MASTER); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); /* initialize services so vdevs register service during bus_probe. */ ret = rte_service_init(); if (ret) { rte_eal_init_alert("rte_service_init() failed\n"); rte_errno = ENOEXEC; return -1; } /* Probe all the buses and devices/drivers on them /* 所有的 dirver 都会register a driver void rte_pci_register(struct rte_pci_driver *driver) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&rte_pci_bus.driver_list, driver, next); driver->bus = &rte_pci_bus; */ /*遍历pci_device_list和pci_driver_list链表,根据PCI_ID, 将pci_device与pci_driver绑定,并调用pci_driver的 probe函数初始化PCI设备*/ if (rte_bus_probe()) {//对应 rte_pci_probe 函数 --->pci_probe_all_drivers //--AILQ_FOREACH(p, &(rte_pci_bus.driver_list), next) ---->rte_pci_probe_one_driver //----rte_pci_map_device && dr->probe(dr, dev); //PCI设备和PCI驱动匹配后,调用pci_map_device()函数为该PCI设备创建map resource rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot probe devices\n"); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } #ifdef VFIO_PRESENT /* Register mp action after probe() so that we got enough info */ if (rte_vfio_is_enabled("vfio") && vfio_mp_sync_setup() < 0) return -1; #endif /* initialize default service/lcore mappings and start running. Ignore * -ENOTSUP, as it indicates no service coremask passed to EAL. */ ret = rte_service_start_with_defaults(); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOTSUP) { rte_errno = ENOEXEC; return -1; } rte_eal_mcfg_complete(); return fctret; }
/* 读取/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:00\:09.0/uio/uio0/maps/map0/目录下的文件,获取UIO设备的map resource。并将其记录在struct pci_map数据结构中。 检查PCI设备和UIO设备在内存总线上的物理地址是否一致。如果一致,对/dev/uioID文件mmap一段内存空间,并将其记录在pci_map->addr和rte_pci_device->mem_resource[].addr中 将所有UIO设备的resource信息都记录在struct mapped_pci_resource数据结构中,并挂到全局链表uio_res_list上 */ /* Map pci device */ int rte_pci_map_device(struct rte_pci_device *dev) { int ret = -1; /* try mapping the NIC resources using VFIO if it exists */ switch (dev->kdrv) { case RTE_KDRV_VFIO: #ifdef VFIO_PRESENT if (pci_vfio_is_enabled()) ret = pci_vfio_map_resource(dev); #endif break; case RTE_KDRV_IGB_UIO: case RTE_KDRV_UIO_GENERIC: if (rte_eal_using_phys_addrs()) { /* map resources for devices that use uio */ ret = pci_uio_map_resource(dev); } break; default: RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, " Not managed by a supported kernel driver, skipped\n"); ret = 1; break; } return ret; } /* map the PCI resource of a PCI device in virtual memory */ int pci_uio_map_resource(struct rte_pci_device *dev) { int i, map_idx = 0, ret; uint64_t phaddr; struct mapped_pci_resource *uio_res = NULL; struct mapped_pci_res_list *uio_res_list = RTE_TAILQ_CAST(rte_uio_tailq.head, mapped_pci_res_list); dev->intr_handle.fd = -1; dev->intr_handle.uio_cfg_fd = -1; /* secondary processes - use already recorded details */ if (rte_eal_process_type() != RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) return pci_uio_map_secondary(dev); /* allocate uio resource open 打开要管理的uio 设备*/ ret = pci_uio_alloc_resource(dev, &uio_res); if (ret) return ret; /* DPDK还需要把PCI设备的BAR映射到应用层 Map all BARs */ for (i = 0; i != PCI_MAX_RESOURCE; i++) { /* skip empty BAR */ phaddr = dev->mem_resource[i].phys_addr; if (phaddr == 0) continue; ret = pci_uio_map_resource_by_index(dev, i, uio_res, map_idx); if (ret) goto error; map_idx++; } uio_res->nb_maps = map_idx; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(uio_res_list, uio_res, next); return 0; error: for (i = 0; i < map_idx; i++) { pci_unmap_resource(uio_res->maps[i].addr, (size_t)uio_res->maps[i].size); rte_free(uio_res->maps[i].path); } pci_uio_free_resource(dev, uio_res); return -1; } int pci_uio_alloc_resource(struct rte_pci_device *dev, struct mapped_pci_resource **uio_res) { char devname[PATH_MAX]; /* contains the /dev/uioX */ struct rte_pci_addr *loc; loc = &dev->addr; snprintf(devname, sizeof(devname), "/dev/uio@pci:%u:%u:%u", dev->addr.bus, dev->addr.devid, dev->addr.function); if (access(devname, O_RDWR) < 0) { RTE_LOG(WARNING, EAL, " "PCI_PRI_FMT" not managed by UIO driver, " "skipping\n", loc->domain, loc->bus, loc->devid, loc->function); return 1; } /* save fd if in primary process 初始化PCI设备的中断句柄。*/ dev->intr_handle.fd = open(devname, O_RDWR); if (dev->intr_handle.fd < 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot open %s: %s\n", devname, strerror(errno)); goto error; } dev->intr_handle.type = RTE_INTR_HANDLE_UIO; /* allocate the mapping details for secondary processes*/ *uio_res = rte_zmalloc("UIO_RES", sizeof(**uio_res), 0); if (*uio_res == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "%s(): cannot store uio mmap details\n", __func__); goto error; } snprintf((*uio_res)->path, sizeof((*uio_res)->path), "%s", devname); memcpy(&(*uio_res)->pci_addr, &dev->addr, sizeof((*uio_res)->pci_addr)); return 0; error: pci_uio_free_resource(dev, *uio_res); return -1; }
4、rte_bus_probe---------->调用rte_eth_dev_create 以及 eth_ixgbe_pci_probe()初始化PCI设备; 并通过eth_ixgbe_dev_init 函数分配一个网卡设备,并在全局数组rte_eth_dev_data[]中为网卡设备的数据域分配空间。
rte_intr_callback_register(&(pci_dev->intr_handle), eth_igb_interrupt_handler, (void *)eth_dev);
int __rte_experimental rte_eth_dev_create(struct rte_device *device, const char *name, size_t priv_data_size, ethdev_bus_specific_init ethdev_bus_specific_init, void *bus_init_params, ethdev_init_t ethdev_init, void *init_params) { struct rte_eth_dev *ethdev; int retval; RTE_FUNC_PTR_OR_ERR_RET(*ethdev_init, -EINVAL); if (rte_eal_process_type() == RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) { //在全局数组rte_eth_devices[]中分配一个网卡设备。并在全局数组rte_eth_dev_data[]中为网卡设备的数据域分配空间。 ethdev = rte_eth_dev_allocate(name); if (!ethdev) return -ENODEV; if (priv_data_size) { ethdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket( name, priv_data_size, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, device->numa_node); if (!ethdev->data->dev_private) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "failed to allocate private data"); retval = -ENOMEM; goto data_alloc_failed; } } } else { ethdev = rte_eth_dev_attach_secondary(name); if (!ethdev) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "secondary process attach failed, " "ethdev doesn't exist"); return -ENODEV; } } ethdev->device = device; if (ethdev_bus_specific_init) { retval = ethdev_bus_specific_init(ethdev, bus_init_params); if (retval) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "ethdev bus specific initialisation failed"); goto probe_failed; } } retval = ethdev_init(ethdev, init_params); if (retval) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "ethdev initialisation failed"); goto probe_failed; } rte_eth_dev_probing_finish(ethdev); return retval; probe_failed: /* free ports private data if primary process */ if (rte_eal_process_type() == RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) rte_free(ethdev->data->dev_private); data_alloc_failed: rte_eth_dev_release_port(ethdev); return retval; } /* * This function is based on code in ixgbe_attach() in base/ixgbe.c. * It returns 0 on success. */ static int eth_ixgbe_dev_init(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, void *init_params __rte_unused) { struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_ETH_DEV_TO_PCI(eth_dev); struct rte_intr_handle *intr_handle = &pci_dev->intr_handle; struct ixgbe_hw *hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(eth_dev->data->dev_private); struct ixgbe_vfta *shadow_vfta = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_VFTA(eth_dev->data->dev_private); struct ixgbe_hwstrip *hwstrip = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HWSTRIP_BITMAP(eth_dev->data->dev_private); struct ixgbe_dcb_config *dcb_config = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_DCB_CFG(eth_dev->data->dev_private); struct ixgbe_filter_info *filter_info = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_FILTER_INFO(eth_dev->data->dev_private); struct ixgbe_bw_conf *bw_conf = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_BW_CONF(eth_dev->data->dev_private); uint32_t ctrl_ext; uint16_t csum; int diag, i; PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); //设置网卡设备的操作函数集,以及收包、发包函数 eth_dev->dev_ops = &ixgbe_eth_dev_ops; eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst = &ixgbe_recv_pkts; eth_dev->tx_pkt_burst = &ixgbe_xmit_pkts; eth_dev->tx_pkt_prepare = &ixgbe_prep_pkts; /* * For secondary processes, we don't initialise any further as primary * has already done this work. Only check we don't need a different * RX and TX function. */ if (rte_eal_process_type() != RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) { struct ixgbe_tx_queue *txq; /* TX queue function in primary, set by last queue initialized * Tx queue may not initialized by primary process */ if (eth_dev->data->tx_queues) { txq = eth_dev->data->tx_queues[eth_dev->data->nb_tx_queues-1]; ixgbe_set_tx_function(eth_dev, txq); } else { /* Use default TX function if we get here */ PMD_INIT_LOG(NOTICE, "No TX queues configured yet. " "Using default TX function."); } ixgbe_set_rx_function(eth_dev); return 0; } rte_eth_copy_pci_info(eth_dev, pci_dev); /* Vendor and Device ID need to be set before init of shared code */ hw->device_id = pci_dev->id.device_id; hw->vendor_id = pci_dev->id.vendor_id; hw->hw_addr = (void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr; hw->allow_unsupported_sfp = 1; /* Initialize the shared code (base driver) */ #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_BYPASS diag = ixgbe_bypass_init_shared_code(hw); #else diag = ixgbe_init_shared_code(hw); #endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_BYPASS */ if (diag != IXGBE_SUCCESS) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "Shared code init failed: %d", diag); return -EIO; } /* pick up the PCI bus settings for reporting later */ ixgbe_get_bus_info(hw); /* Unlock any pending hardware semaphore */ ixgbe_swfw_lock_reset(hw); #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_SECURITY /* Initialize security_ctx only for primary process*/ if (ixgbe_ipsec_ctx_create(eth_dev)) return -ENOMEM; #endif /* Initialize DCB configuration*/ memset(dcb_config, 0, sizeof(struct ixgbe_dcb_config)); ixgbe_dcb_init(hw, dcb_config); /* Get Hardware Flow Control setting */ hw->fc.requested_mode = ixgbe_fc_full; hw->fc.current_mode = ixgbe_fc_full; hw->fc.pause_time = IXGBE_FC_PAUSE; for (i = 0; i < IXGBE_DCB_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS; i++) { hw->fc.low_water[i] = IXGBE_FC_LO; hw->fc.high_water[i] = IXGBE_FC_HI; } hw->fc.send_xon = 1; /* Make sure we have a good EEPROM before we read from it */ diag = ixgbe_validate_eeprom_checksum(hw, &csum); if (diag != IXGBE_SUCCESS) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "The EEPROM checksum is not valid: %d", diag); return -EIO; } #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_BYPASS diag = ixgbe_bypass_init_hw(hw); #else diag = ixgbe_init_hw(hw); #endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_BYPASS */ /* * Devices with copper phys will fail to initialise if ixgbe_init_hw() * is called too soon after the kernel driver unbinding/binding occurs. * The failure occurs in ixgbe_identify_phy_generic() for all devices, * but for non-copper devies, ixgbe_identify_sfp_module_generic() is * also called. See ixgbe_identify_phy_82599(). The reason for the * failure is not known, and only occuts when virtualisation features * are disabled in the bios. A delay of 100ms was found to be enough by * trial-and-error, and is doubled to be safe. */ if (diag && (hw->mac.ops.get_media_type(hw) == ixgbe_media_type_copper)) { rte_delay_ms(200); diag = ixgbe_init_hw(hw); } if (diag == IXGBE_ERR_SFP_NOT_PRESENT) diag = IXGBE_SUCCESS; if (diag == IXGBE_ERR_EEPROM_VERSION) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "This device is a pre-production adapter/" "LOM. Please be aware there may be issues associated " "with your hardware."); PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "If you are experiencing problems " "please contact your Intel or hardware representative " "who provided you with this hardware."); } else if (diag == IXGBE_ERR_SFP_NOT_SUPPORTED) PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "Unsupported SFP+ Module"); if (diag) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "Hardware Initialization Failure: %d", diag); return -EIO; } /* Reset the hw statistics */ ixgbe_dev_stats_reset(eth_dev); /* disable interrupt */ ixgbe_disable_intr(hw); /* reset mappings for queue statistics hw counters*/ ixgbe_reset_qstat_mappings(hw); /* Allocate memory for storing MAC addresses */ eth_dev->data->mac_addrs = rte_zmalloc("ixgbe", ETHER_ADDR_LEN * hw->mac.num_rar_entries, 0); if (eth_dev->data->mac_addrs == NULL) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "Failed to allocate %u bytes needed to store " "MAC addresses", ETHER_ADDR_LEN * hw->mac.num_rar_entries); return -ENOMEM; } /* Copy the permanent MAC address */ ether_addr_copy((struct ether_addr *) hw->mac.perm_addr, ð_dev->data->mac_addrs[0]); /* Allocate memory for storing hash filter MAC addresses */ eth_dev->data->hash_mac_addrs = rte_zmalloc("ixgbe", ETHER_ADDR_LEN * IXGBE_VMDQ_NUM_UC_MAC, 0); if (eth_dev->data->hash_mac_addrs == NULL) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "Failed to allocate %d bytes needed to store MAC addresses", ETHER_ADDR_LEN * IXGBE_VMDQ_NUM_UC_MAC); return -ENOMEM; } /* initialize the vfta */ memset(shadow_vfta, 0, sizeof(*shadow_vfta)); /* initialize the hw strip bitmap*/ memset(hwstrip, 0, sizeof(*hwstrip)); /* initialize PF if max_vfs not zero */ ixgbe_pf_host_init(eth_dev); ctrl_ext = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_CTRL_EXT); /* let hardware know driver is loaded */ ctrl_ext |= IXGBE_CTRL_EXT_DRV_LOAD; /* Set PF Reset Done bit so PF/VF Mail Ops can work */ ctrl_ext |= IXGBE_CTRL_EXT_PFRSTD; IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext); IXGBE_WRITE_FLUSH(hw); if (ixgbe_is_sfp(hw) && hw->phy.sfp_type != ixgbe_sfp_type_not_present) PMD_INIT_LOG(DEBUG, "MAC: %d, PHY: %d, SFP+: %d", (int) hw->mac.type, (int) hw->phy.type, (int) hw->phy.sfp_type); else PMD_INIT_LOG(DEBUG, "MAC: %d, PHY: %d", (int) hw->mac.type, (int) hw->phy.type); PMD_INIT_LOG(DEBUG, "port %d vendorID=0x%x deviceID=0x%x", eth_dev->data->port_id, pci_dev->id.vendor_id, pci_dev->id.device_id); //注册中断处理函数。 rte_intr_callback_register(intr_handle, ixgbe_dev_interrupt_handler, eth_dev); /* enable uio/vfio intr/eventfd mapping */ rte_intr_enable(intr_handle); /* enable support intr */ ixgbe_enable_intr(eth_dev); /* initialize filter info */ memset(filter_info, 0, sizeof(struct ixgbe_filter_info)); /* initialize 5tuple filter list */ TAILQ_INIT(&filter_info->fivetuple_list); /* initialize flow director filter list & hash */ ixgbe_fdir_filter_init(eth_dev); /* initialize l2 tunnel filter list & hash */ ixgbe_l2_tn_filter_init(eth_dev); /* initialize flow filter lists */ ixgbe_filterlist_init(); /* initialize bandwidth configuration info */ memset(bw_conf, 0, sizeof(struct ixgbe_bw_conf)); /* initialize Traffic Manager configuration */ ixgbe_tm_conf_init(eth_dev); return 0; }
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