Nginx源码分析 - 主流程篇 - 解析配置文件 转载
- Nginx的配置文件每一行就是一条命令。
- 最外层的为核心模块的配置参数(类型:NGX_CORE_MODULE);内部嵌套的为各个子模块的配置。
- events {} 为事件模块(类型:NGX_EVENT_MODULE)
- http {} 为HTTP模块 (类型:NGX_HTTP_MODULE)
- http模块内还会嵌套多层
- 多层嵌套会在后续的event模块中介绍。这里只介绍最顶层的core模块的解析。
/ \
Events Http
/ \ / \
epoll kqueue Server Server
/ \ \
Location Location Location

#user nobody; worker_processes 1; #error_log logs/error.log; #error_log logs/error.log notice; #error_log logs/error.log info; #pid logs/; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; #log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' # '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' # '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; #access_log logs/access.log main; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; keepalive_timeout 65; #gzip on; server { listen 80; server_name localhost; #charset koi8-r; #access_log logs/host.access.log main; location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; } #error_page 404 /404.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html # error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root html; } # proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on # #location ~ \.php$ { # proxy_pass; #} # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on # #location ~ \.php$ { # root html; # fastcgi_pass; # fastcgi_index index.php; # fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /scripts$fastcgi_script_name; # include fastcgi_params; #} # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root # concurs with nginx's one # #location ~ /\.ht { # deny all; #} } # another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-based configuration # #server { # listen 8000; # listen somename:8080; # server_name somename alias another.alias; # location / { # root html; # index index.html index.htm; # } #} # HTTPS server # #server { # listen 443 ssl; # server_name localhost; # ssl_certificate cert.pem; # ssl_certificate_key cert.key; # ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m; # ssl_session_timeout 5m; # ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; # ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; # location / { # root html; # index index.html index.htm; # } #} }
1. ngx_cycle_s的conf_ctx和modules
cycle->conf_ctx :配置文件上下文数组。每个模块的配置文件数据结构的指针地址都会按照模块的index索引放置在cycle->conf_ctx数组中。
/** * Nginx全局变量cycle */ struct ngx_cycle_s { void ****conf_ctx; /* 配置文件 上下文的数组,每个模块的配置信息*/ ngx_pool_t *pool; /* 内存池地址 */ ... ngx_module_t **modules; /* 模块数组 */ ngx_uint_t modules_n; /* 模块个数 */ ngx_uint_t modules_used; /* unsigned modules_used:1; */ ... };
2. ngx_module_s的index和commands
/** * 业务模块数据结构 */ struct ngx_module_s { ngx_uint_t ctx_index; ngx_uint_t index; /* 模块的唯一标识符号 */ char *name; /* 模块名称 */ ... void *ctx; /* 模块上下文 */ ngx_command_t *commands; /* 模块支持的命令集 */ ngx_uint_t type; /* 模块类型 */ ... };
3. ngx_command_s 命令集的结构
/** * 模块支持的命令集结构 */ struct ngx_command_s { ngx_str_t name; /* 命令名称 */ ngx_uint_t type; /* 命令类别 */ char *(*set)(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf); /* set回调函数 */ ngx_uint_t conf; ngx_uint_t offset; /* 偏移量,命令长度 */ void *post; /* 支持的回调方法;大多数情况为NULL*/ };
1. 核心模块在nginx.c的文件头部
static ngx_command_t ngx_core_commands[] = { //daemon on|off 是否已守护进程方式运行,守护进程是脱离终端在后台运行的进程,脱离终端是避免进程执行过程中的打印在任何终端上面显示 { ngx_string("daemon"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_FLAG, ngx_conf_set_flag_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, daemon), NULL }, //是否以master/slave方式运行 master_process on | off,如果以master/slave方式运行将以slave来接收连接,否则以master接收连接 { ngx_string("master_process"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_FLAG, ngx_conf_set_flag_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, master), NULL }, //timer_resolution t表示至少t秒后才调用一次gettimeofday /* 如果nginx.conf配置文件中设置了timer_resolution酡置项,即表明需要控制时间精度,这时会调用setitimer方法,设置时间间隔 为timer_resolution毫秒来回调ngx_timer_signal_handler方法 */ //timer_resolution这个参数加上可以保证定时器每个这么多秒中断一次,从而可以从epoll中返回,并跟新时间,判断哪些事件有超时,执行超时事件,例如客户端继上次 //发请求过来,隔了client_header_timeout时间后还没有新请求过来,这会关闭连接 { ngx_string("timer_resolution"), //单位是s NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_conf_set_msec_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, timer_resolution), NULL }, //设置pid文件路径 { ngx_string("pid"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_conf_set_str_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, pid), NULL }, //lock_file logs/nginx.lock,如果不打开lock_file,则该nginx.lock文件不生效,没作用,如果打开,则开操作系统是否支持原子锁,如果不支持则用文件锁实现 //一般linux是支持原子锁的,所以该文件没有意义 /* 见ngx_trylock_fd */ { ngx_string("lock_file"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_conf_set_str_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, lock_file), NULL }, //worker_processes 4设置进程个数 { ngx_string("worker_processes"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_set_worker_processes, 0, 0, NULL }, //debug_points [stop|abort] nginx在一些关键逻辑错误处设置了调试点,如果设置为stop,nginx在执行到这些调试点讲发出SIGSTOP信号以用以调试。 //如果设置为abort则在这些调试点会产生coredump文件,从而可以使用gdb查看nginx当时的各种信息 { ngx_string("debug_points"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_conf_set_enum_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, debug_points), &ngx_debug_points }, //worker进程运行的用户和用户组 user username [groupname],不设置groupname则group默认为username { ngx_string("user"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE12, ngx_set_user, 0, 0, NULL }, //进程优先级,取值范围-20 - 19 越小优先权越高 { ngx_string("worker_priority"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_set_priority, 0, 0, NULL }, //worker_processes 4设置进程个数 worker_cpu_affinity 1000 0100 0010 0001 { ngx_string("worker_cpu_affinity"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_1MORE, ngx_set_cpu_affinity, 0, 0, NULL }, //设置worker进程打开文件描述符的最大个数 { ngx_string("worker_rlimit_nofile"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_conf_set_num_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, rlimit_nofile), NULL }, //设置coredump文件的大小 { ngx_string("worker_rlimit_core"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_conf_set_off_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, rlimit_core), NULL }, //设置coredump path文件的产生路径 { ngx_string("working_directory"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_conf_set_str_slot, 0, offsetof(ngx_core_conf_t, working_directory), NULL }, //设置系统环境变量 { ngx_string("env"), NGX_MAIN_CONF|NGX_DIRECT_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE1, ngx_set_env, 0, 0, NULL }, ngx_null_command }; //http{}外的配置见ngx_core_module_ctx, http{}内的配置见ngx_http_module static ngx_core_module_t ngx_core_module_ctx = { ngx_string("core"), ngx_core_module_create_conf, ngx_core_module_init_conf }; ngx_module_t ngx_core_module = { NGX_MODULE_V1, &ngx_core_module_ctx, /* module context */ ngx_core_commands, /* module directives */ NGX_CORE_MODULE, /* module type */ NULL, /* init master */ NULL, /* init module */ NULL, /* init process */ NULL, /* init thread */ NULL, /* exit thread */ NULL, /* exit process */ NULL, /* exit master */ NGX_MODULE_V1_PADDING };
- ngx_core_module 核心模块。主要管理核心模块的信息。
- ngx_core_module_ctx 核心模块的上下文。每个模块的上下文都不同,所以模块结构中只给了一个void的指针类型,可以指向不同的数据结构。核心模块的ngx_core_module_ctx主要定义了ngx_core_module_create_conf和ngx_core_module_init_conf回调函数(创建和初始化配置文件)
- ngx_core_commands 核心模块定义的命令集。当nginx.conf中的命令被拆简后,会通过这个命令集,逐个将核心模块的命令赋值到核心模块的配置文件数据结构上。
2. 核心模块的配置结构ngx_core_conf_t
/** * 核心配置文件信息 * 对应nginx.conf的 * #user nobody; worker_processes 1; #error_log logs/error.log; #error_log logs/error.log notice; #error_log logs/error.log info; #pid logs/; */ typedef struct { ngx_flag_t daemon; ngx_flag_t master; ngx_msec_t timer_resolution; ngx_int_t worker_processes; ngx_int_t debug_points; ngx_int_t rlimit_nofile; off_t rlimit_core; int priority; ngx_uint_t cpu_affinity_auto; ngx_uint_t cpu_affinity_n; ngx_cpuset_t *cpu_affinity; char *username; ngx_uid_t user; ngx_gid_t group; ngx_str_t working_directory; ngx_str_t lock_file; ngx_str_t pid; ngx_str_t oldpid; ngx_array_t env; char **environment; } ngx_core_conf_t;
1. 创建核心模块配置文件数据结构ngx_core_conf_t
/* * 核心模块的配置文件创建 * 配置创建调用nginx.c 中的 ngx_core_module_create_conf * 以及其他核心模块的init_conf,例如:ngx_event_core_module_ctx中的ngx_event_core_create_conf * */ for (i = 0; cycle->modules[i]; i++) { if (cycle->modules[i]->type != NGX_CORE_MODULE) { continue; } module = cycle->modules[i]->ctx; if (module->create_conf) { rv = module->create_conf(cycle); //模块回调函数,创建模块的配置信息 if (rv == NULL) { ngx_destroy_pool(pool); return NULL; } cycle->conf_ctx[cycle->modules[i]->index] = rv; //配置文件复制 } }
3. 调用解析配置函数ngx_conf_param和ngx_conf_parse
ngx_conf_param:主要解析命令行中的核心模块配置参数,例如:nginx -t -c /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
ngx_conf_parse:主要解析配置文件/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf 信息
/* 解析命令行中的配置参数;例如:nginx -t -c /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf */ if (ngx_conf_param(&conf) != NGX_CONF_OK) { environ = senv; ngx_destroy_cycle_pools(&conf); return NULL; } /* 解析配置文件/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf 信息 */ if (ngx_conf_parse(&conf, &cycle->conf_file) != NGX_CONF_OK) { environ = senv; ngx_destroy_cycle_pools(&conf); return NULL; }
4. 配置文件核心解析函数ngx_conf_parse
- ngx_conf_read_token 按行读取配置文件,并将命令解析成token数组cf->args;
- ngx_conf_handler 将命令token数组与模块命令集匹配并设置到模块配置文件数据结构上。
/** * 解析配置信息核心函数 * 包含:解析命令中的配置信息和文件中的配置信息 */ char * ngx_conf_parse(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_str_t *filename) { ... /* 打开配置文件: /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf */ if (filename) { /* open configuration file */ fd = ngx_open_file(filename->data, NGX_FILE_RDONLY, NGX_FILE_OPEN, 0); //只读方式打开文件 if (fd == NGX_INVALID_FILE) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, ngx_errno, ngx_open_file_n " \"%s\" failed", filename->data); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } prev = cf->conf_file; cf->conf_file = &conf_file; if (ngx_fd_info(fd, &cf->conf_file-> == NGX_FILE_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf->log, ngx_errno, ngx_fd_info_n " \"%s\" failed", filename->data); } /* 配置文件buf,默认大小4096 */ cf->conf_file->buffer = &buf; buf.start = ngx_alloc(NGX_CONF_BUFFER, cf->log); if (buf.start == NULL) { goto failed; } buf.pos = buf.start; buf.last = buf.start; buf.end = buf.last + NGX_CONF_BUFFER; buf.temporary = 1; /* 读取配置文件数据,保存到cf->conf_file中 */ cf->conf_file->file.fd = fd; cf->conf_file-> = filename->len; cf->conf_file-> = filename->data; cf->conf_file->file.offset = 0; cf->conf_file->file.log = cf->log; cf->conf_file->line = 1; type = parse_file; ... } else if (cf->conf_file->file.fd != NGX_INVALID_FILE) { /** * 解析块:events { worker_connections 1024; } */ type = parse_block; } else { type = parse_param; } for ( ;; ) { /* 将配置信息解析成 token;仅仅是将配置文件的数据解析成一个个的单词,按行解析 */ rc = ngx_conf_read_token(cf); /* * ngx_conf_read_token() may return * * NGX_ERROR there is error 解析失败 * NGX_OK the token terminated by ";" was found 遇到结尾符号;,则表示解析成功 * NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START the token terminated by "{" was found 遇到{模块配置开始标识 * NGX_CONF_BLOCK_DONE the "}" was found 遇到模块}结束标识 * NGX_CONF_FILE_DONE the configuration file is done 遇到文件解析完毕 */ if (rc == NGX_ERROR) { goto done; } /* 一个模块解析结束,则跳到done模块代码 */ if (rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_DONE) { if (type != parse_block) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected \"}\""); goto failed; } goto done; } /* 一个模块解析结束,则跳到done模块代码 */ if (rc == NGX_CONF_FILE_DONE) { if (type == parse_block) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected end of file, expecting \"}\""); goto failed; } goto done; } if (rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START) { if (type == parse_param) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "block directives are not supported " "in -g option"); goto failed; } } /* rc == NGX_OK || rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START */ /* 当遇到 NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START 和 NGX_OK*/ if (cf->handler) { /* * the custom handler, i.e., that is used in the http's * "types { ... }" directive */ if (rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected \"{\""); goto failed; } rv = (*cf->handler)(cf, NULL, cf->handler_conf); if (rv == NGX_CONF_OK) { continue; } if (rv == NGX_CONF_ERROR) { goto failed; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, rv); goto failed; } /* 配置文件处理;将配置文件设置到模块上 */ rc = ngx_conf_handler(cf, rc); if (rc == NGX_ERROR) { goto failed; } } failed: ... return NGX_CONF_OK; }
5. 命令token解析 ngx_conf_read_token
ngx_conf_read_token 主要是将配置文件分解成逐个的单词数组。例如配置文件中遇到“空格”则为分隔符,“;”为结束符。
user nfsnobody nfsnobody; worker_processes 8; error_log /usr/local/nginx-1.4.7/nginx_error.log crit; pid /usr/local/nginx-1.4.7/; #Specifies the value for maximum file descriptors that can be opened by this process. worker_rlimit_nofile 65535; events { use epoll; worker_connections 65535;
/** * 读取配置信息 * 把每次分析的值放到cf->args这个数组里面 碰到{} ; 返回 * 例如配置文件如下: * user nfsnobody nfsnobody; * worker_processes 8; * error_log /usr/local/nginx-1.4.7/nginx_error.log crit; * pid /usr/local/nginx-1.4.7/; * #Specifies the value for maximum file descriptors that can be opened by this process. * worker_rlimit_nofile 65535; * events * { * use epoll; * worker_connections 65535;} * * 分解成逐个单词: * user * nfsnobody * nfsnobody * worker_processes * 8 * error_log * /usr/local/nginx-1.4.7/nginx_error.log * crit * pid * /usr/local/nginx-1.4.7/ * worker_rlimit_nofile * 65535 * events * */ static ngx_int_t ngx_conf_read_token(ngx_conf_t *cf) { u_char *start, ch, *src, *dst; off_t file_size; size_t len; ssize_t n, size; ngx_uint_t found, need_space, last_space, sharp_comment, variable; ngx_uint_t quoted, s_quoted, d_quoted, start_line; ngx_str_t *word; ngx_buf_t *b, *dump; found = 0; //表示找到一个 token need_space = 0; last_space = 1; //标志位,表示上一个字符为token分隔符 sharp_comment = 0; //注释 #符号 variable = 0; //变量符号 $ quoted = 0; //标志位,表示上一个字符为反斜杠 s_quoted = 0; //标志位,表示已扫描一个双引号,期待另一个双引号 d_quoted = 0; //标志位,表示已扫描一个单引号,期待另一个单引号 cf->args->nelts = 0; b = cf->conf_file->buffer; //buffer 每次4096 dump = cf->conf_file->dump; start = b->pos; start_line = cf->conf_file->line; file_size = ngx_file_size(&cf->conf_file->; for ( ;; ) { /* buf中的数据已经处理完毕,则需要判断是否文件读取完了,如果没有读取完,则继续解析配置文件 */ if (b->pos >= b->last) { /* 文件已经读取完毕,返回NGX_CONF_FILE_DONE */ if (cf->conf_file->file.offset >= file_size) { if (cf->args->nelts > 0 || !last_space) { if (cf->conf_file->file.fd == NGX_INVALID_FILE) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected end of parameter, " "expecting \";\""); return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected end of file, " "expecting \";\" or \"}\""); return NGX_ERROR; } return NGX_CONF_FILE_DONE; } /* buf中已经使用的长度 */ len = b->pos - start; /* 如果len=4096 则表明buf全部读取满了;如果读取了4096个字符,还是没有发现"和'的标示符号,则认为读取失败,参数太长了 */ if (len == NGX_CONF_BUFFER) { cf->conf_file->line = start_line; if (d_quoted) { ch = '"'; } else if (s_quoted) { ch = '\''; } else { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "too long parameter \"%*s...\" started", 10, start); return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "too long parameter, probably " "missing terminating \"%c\" character", ch); return NGX_ERROR; } /* 将数据移动到buf的头部 */ if (len) { ngx_memmove(b->start, start, len); } /* 如果buf有空闲,则继续读取文件中的数据到buf中 */ size = (ssize_t) (file_size - cf->conf_file->file.offset); if (size > b->end - (b->start + len)) { size = b->end - (b->start + len); } n = ngx_read_file(&cf->conf_file->file, b->start + len, size, cf->conf_file->file.offset); if (n == NGX_ERROR) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (n != size) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, ngx_read_file_n " returned " "only %z bytes instead of %z", n, size); return NGX_ERROR; } /* 设置b->pos和b->last的位置,并重新设置start的位置 */ b->pos = b->start + len; b->last = b->pos + n; start = b->start; if (dump) { dump->last = ngx_cpymem(dump->last, b->pos, size); } } /* ch字符用于读取配置文件信息 */ ch = *b->pos++; /* 如果遇到换行符号 \n */ if (ch == LF) { cf->conf_file->line++; /* 判断改行是否是注释 如果遇到\n结尾,并且是注释,则设置sharp_comment = 0;当sharp_comment=1 则注释字符不处理*/ if (sharp_comment) { sharp_comment = 0; } } /* 注释,则直接跳过 */ if (sharp_comment) { continue; } /* 如果为反引号,则设置反引号标识,并且不对该字符进行解析 */ if (quoted) { quoted = 0; continue; } /* 上一个字符为单引号或者双引号,期待一个分隔符 */ if (need_space) { ... } } }
设值到模块配置文件数据结构上 ngx_conf_handler
ngx_conf_handler方法主要是将拿到的token数组cf->args,按照模块的命令集cycle->modules[i]->commands 设置值。(后面解析event和http头部核心模块的时候,会用到)
通过模块的index索引值,拿到cycle->ctx 模块配置文件数据结构。
通过rv = cmd->set(cf, cmd, conf),调用命令集中定义的设值值的回调方法。
/** * 配置文件处理 * cycle->modules */ static ngx_int_t ngx_conf_handler(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_int_t last) { char *rv; void *conf, **confp; ngx_uint_t i, found; ngx_str_t *name; ngx_command_t *cmd; name = cf->args->elts; found = 0; /* 循环配置模块 */ for (i = 0; cf->cycle->modules[i]; i++) { cmd = cf->cycle->modules[i]->commands; if (cmd == NULL) { continue; } for ( /* void */ ; cmd->name.len; cmd++) { if (name->len != cmd->name.len) { continue; } /* 检查配置名称和token的第一个元素的名称是否一致,如果不一致,则说明命令不一样 */ if (ngx_strcmp(name->data, cmd-> != 0) { continue; } found = 1; if (cf->cycle->modules[i]->type != NGX_CONF_MODULE && cf->cycle->modules[i]->type != cf->module_type) { continue; } ... /* is the directive's argument count right ? */ if (!(cmd->type & NGX_CONF_ANY)) { ... } /* set up the directive's configuration context */ conf = NULL; /* 设置配置文件的值 设置配置项对外面的配置信息; */ if (cmd->type & NGX_DIRECT_CONF) { /* ngx_core_module; */ conf = ((void **) cf->ctx)[cf->cycle->modules[i]->index]; } else if (cmd->type & NGX_MAIN_CONF) { conf = &(((void **) cf->ctx)[cf->cycle->modules[i]->index]); } else if (cf->ctx) { confp = *(void **) ((char *) cf->ctx + cmd->conf); if (confp) { conf = confp[cf->cycle->modules[i]->ctx_index]; } } /** * 配置文件设置值; * conf为配置的指针地址; * cmd为命令结构; * conf为配置指针地址 一般情况下 conf为模块自定义的配置文件数据结构地址 * */ rv = cmd->set(cf, cmd, conf); if (rv == NGX_CONF_OK) { return NGX_OK; } if (rv == NGX_CONF_ERROR) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%s\" directive %s", name->data, rv); return NGX_ERROR; } } ... return NGX_ERROR; }
通过核心模块ngx_core_module的索引index值,就可以得到核心配置的数据结构 ngx_core_conf_t
/* 获取核心配置文件的数据结构 ngx_core_conf_t */ ccf = (ngx_core_conf_t *) ngx_get_conf(cycle->conf_ctx, ngx_core_module);
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