03-01 登录注册页面
一. 模态登录组件
<template> <div class="login"> <div class="box"> <i class="el-icon-close" @click="close_login"></i> <div class="content"> <div class="nav"> <span :class="{active: login_method === 'is_pwd'}" @click="change_login_method('is_pwd')">密码登录</span> <span :class="{active: login_method === 'is_sms'}" @click="change_login_method('is_sms')">短信登录</span> </div> <el-form v-if="login_method === 'is_pwd'"> <el-input placeholder="用户名/手机号/邮箱" prefix-icon="el-icon-user" v-model="username" clearable> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="密码" prefix-icon="el-icon-key" v-model="password" clearable show-password> </el-input> <el-button type="primary">登录</el-button> </el-form> <el-form v-if="login_method === 'is_sms'"> <el-input placeholder="手机号" prefix-icon="el-icon-phone-outline" v-model="mobile" clearable @blur="check_mobile"> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="验证码" prefix-icon="el-icon-chat-line-round" v-model="sms" clearable> <template slot="append"> <span class="sms" @click="send_sms">{{ sms_interval }}</span> </template> </el-input> <el-button type="primary">登录</el-button> </el-form> <div class="foot"> <span @click="go_register">立即注册</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "Login", data() { return { username: '', password: '', mobile: '', sms: '', login_method: 'is_pwd', sms_interval: '获取验证码', is_send: false, } }, methods: { close_login() { this.$emit('close') }, go_register() { this.$emit('go') }, change_login_method(method) { this.login_method = method; }, check_mobile() { if (!this.mobile) return; if (!this.mobile.match(/^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$/)) { this.$message({ message: '手机号有误', type: 'warning', duration: 1000, onClose: () => { this.mobile = ''; } }); return false; } this.is_send = true; }, send_sms() { if (!this.is_send) return; this.is_send = false; let sms_interval_time = 60; this.sms_interval = "发送中..."; let timer = setInterval(() => { if (sms_interval_time <= 1) { clearInterval(timer); this.sms_interval = "获取验证码"; this.is_send = true; // 重新回复点击发送功能的条件 } else { sms_interval_time -= 1; this.sms_interval = `${sms_interval_time}秒后再发`; } }, 1000); } } } </script> <style scoped> .login { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .box { width: 400px; height: 420px; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; position: relative; top: calc(50vh - 210px); left: calc(50vw - 200px); } .el-icon-close { position: absolute; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; top: 10px; right: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .el-icon-close:hover { color: darkred; } .content { position: absolute; top: 40px; width: 280px; left: 60px; } .nav { font-size: 20px; height: 38px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span { margin: 0 20px 0 35px; color: darkgrey; user-select: none; cursor: pointer; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span.active { color: black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding-bottom: 9px; } .el-input, .el-button { margin-top: 40px; } .el-button { width: 100%; font-size: 18px; } .foot > span { float: right; margin-top: 20px; color: orange; cursor: pointer; } .sms { color: orange; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; width: 70px; text-align: center; user-select: none; } </style>
二. 模态注册组件
<template> <div class="register"> <div class="box"> <i class="el-icon-close" @click="close_register"></i> <div class="content"> <div class="nav"> <span class="active">新用户注册</span> </div> <el-form> <el-input placeholder="手机号" prefix-icon="el-icon-phone-outline" v-model="mobile" clearable @blur="check_mobile"> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="密码" prefix-icon="el-icon-key" v-model="password" clearable show-password> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="验证码" prefix-icon="el-icon-chat-line-round" v-model="sms" clearable> <template slot="append"> <span class="sms" @click="send_sms">{{ sms_interval }}</span> </template> </el-input> <el-button type="primary">注册</el-button> </el-form> <div class="foot"> <span @click="go_login">立即登录</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "Register", data() { return { mobile: '', password: '', sms: '', sms_interval: '获取验证码', is_send: false, } }, methods: { close_register() { this.$emit('close', false) }, go_login() { this.$emit('go') }, check_mobile() { if (!this.mobile) return; if (!this.mobile.match(/^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$/)) { this.$message({ message: '手机号有误', type: 'warning', duration: 1000, onClose: () => { this.mobile = ''; } }); return false; } this.is_send = true; }, send_sms() { if (!this.is_send) return; this.is_send = false; let sms_interval_time = 60; this.sms_interval = "发送中..."; let timer = setInterval(() => { if (sms_interval_time <= 1) { clearInterval(timer); this.sms_interval = "获取验证码"; this.is_send = true; // 重新回复点击发送功能的条件 } else { sms_interval_time -= 1; this.sms_interval = `${sms_interval_time}秒后再发`; } }, 1000); } } } </script> <style scoped> .register { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .box { width: 400px; height: 480px; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; position: relative; top: calc(50vh - 240px); left: calc(50vw - 200px); } .el-icon-close { position: absolute; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; top: 10px; right: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .el-icon-close:hover { color: darkred; } .content { position: absolute; top: 40px; width: 280px; left: 60px; } .nav { font-size: 20px; height: 38px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span { margin-left: 90px; color: darkgrey; user-select: none; cursor: pointer; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span.active { color: black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding-bottom: 9px; } .el-input, .el-button { margin-top: 40px; } .el-button { width: 100%; font-size: 18px; } .foot > span { float: right; margin-top: 20px; color: orange; cursor: pointer; } .sms { color: orange; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; width: 70px; text-align: center; user-select: none; } </style>
1. components中新建Register.vue文件, 写入如上代码 2. components中的Header.vue中. 导入组件, 注册组件, 使用组件 3. 登录注册绑定点击事件, 为Register组件使用条件渲染指令v-if, 指定一个值is_Register控制Register组件的展示状态. 在点击z注册按钮时is_register为True 在点击登录组件中×时, Login组件应该控制传递数据, 控制父组件的展示或者隐藏. 子组件对×绑定事件的传递this.$emit('close') 5. 父组件中的Register组件中获取到传递过来的事件@close. 绑定一个父组件中的触发该事的方法, 一当该事件触发, 表示用户×了登录界面. 此时is_register因该为false.
四. 登录业务分析
1. 多方式登录
""" 1)前台提供账号密码,账号可能是 用户名、手机号、邮箱等 接口: 后台只需要提供一个多方式登录接口即可 - 多方式登录接口 """
""" 1)前台提供手机号和验证码完成登录 接口: 前台填完手机号,往后台发送校验手机号的请求,如果存在继续,不存在提示注册 - 手机号存在与否接口 前台点击发送验证码,将手机再次发送给后台,后台将手机号通知给第三方,发送短信 - 手机验证码接口 前台点击登录提交手机号与验证码,完成验证码登录 - 验证码登录接口 """
五. 注册业务分析
1. 验证码注册
""" 1)前台提供手机号、验证码、密码完成注册 接口: 前台填完手机号,往后台发送校验手机号的请求,如果不存在继续,存在提示登录 - 手机号存在与否接口 前台点击发送验证码,将手机再次发送给后台,后台将手机号通知给第三方,发送短信 - 手机验证码接口 前台点击注册提交手机号、验证码及密码,完成验证码注册 - 验证码注册接口 """
""" 1. 多方式登录接口 2. 手机号存在与否接口 3. 手机验证码接口 4. 验证码登录接口 5. 验证码注册接口 """
03-02 多方式登录
一. 后台
1. 插件
pip install djangorestframework-jwt
from django.urls import path, include from rest_framework.routers import SimpleRouter from . import views router = SimpleRouter() # '',action装饰器,自动将login作为路径 router.register('', views.LoginAPIView, 'login') urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), ]
import datetime JWT_AUTH = { # 过期时间七天 'JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA': datetime.timedelta(days=7), }
import re from rest_framework.viewsets import ViewSet, GenericViewSet from rest_framework.mixins import CreateModelMixin from rest_framework.decorators import action from . import serializers from . import models from luffyapi.utils.response import APIResponse # Create your views here. class LoginView(ViewSet): # 多方式登录,jwt @action(methods=['POST'], detail=False) def login(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ser = serializers.UserInfoModelSerializer(data=request.data) if ser.is_valid(): token = ser.context['token'] username = ser.context['user_obj'].username return APIResponse(token=token, username=username) else: return APIResponse(code=0, msg=ser.errors)
import re from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError from . import models class UserInfoModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # 提示: 因为继承了AbstractUser的表源码中username字段指定的是unique字段. 在视图中进行序列化data=request.data时, 如果不重定义 # 在序列化中就会被认为存储数据, 因为data本质就是存储数据, 而我们这里因该重定义该字段, 去除这种影响 sername = serializers.CharField() class Meta: model = models.UserInfo fields = ['username', 'password', 'id'] extra_kwargs = { 'id': {'read_only': True}, 'password': {'write_only': True}, } def validate(self, attrs): # 多种登录方式 user_obj = self._get_user(attrs) # 签发token token = self._get_token(user_obj) # 放在context中,在视图类中可以取出来 self.context['token'] = token self.context['user_obj'] = user_obj # 钩子函数,记得返回值 return attrs # 内部规范, def _get_user(self, attrs): username = attrs.get('username') password = attrs.get('password') # 多种方式登录 if re.match(r'^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$', username): user_obj = models.UserInfo.objects.filter(phone=username).first() elif re.match(r'^.*?@.*?\.com$', username): user_obj = models.UserInfo.objects.filter(email=username).first() else: user_obj = models.UserInfo.objects.filter(username=username).first() if user_obj: # 用户存在,校验密码 # 因校验的密文,需要check_password res = user_obj.check_password(password) if res: return user_obj else: raise ValidationError('密码错误') else: raise ValidationError('用户不存在') def _get_token(self, user_obj): from rest_framework_jwt.serializers import jwt_payload_handler, jwt_encode_handler payload = jwt_payload_handler(user_obj) # 通过user对象获得payload token = jwt_encode_handler(payload) # 通过payload获得token return token
二. 前台(cookies修改页面登陆状态)
<template> <div class="login"> <div class="box"> <i class="el-icon-close" @click="close_login"></i> <div class="content"> <div class="nav"> <span :class="{active: login_method === 'is_pwd'}" @click="change_login_method('is_pwd')">密码登录</span> <span :class="{active: login_method === 'is_sms'}" @click="change_login_method('is_sms')">短信登录</span> </div> <el-form v-if="login_method === 'is_pwd'"> <el-input placeholder="用户名/手机号/邮箱" prefix-icon="el-icon-user" v-model="username" clearable> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="密码" prefix-icon="el-icon-key" v-model="password" clearable show-password> </el-input> <el-button type="primary" @click="login">登录</el-button> </el-form> <el-form v-if="login_method === 'is_sms'"> <el-input placeholder="手机号" prefix-icon="el-icon-phone-outline" v-model="mobile" clearable @blur="check_mobile"> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="验证码" prefix-icon="el-icon-chat-line-round" v-model="sms" clearable> <template slot="append"> <span class="sms" @click="send_sms">{{ sms_interval }}</span> </template> </el-input> <el-button type="primary">登录</el-button> </el-form> <div class="foot"> <span @click="go_register">立即注册</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "Login", data() { return { username: '', password: '', mobile: '', sms: '', login_method: 'is_pwd', sms_interval: '获取验证码', is_send: false, } }, methods: { close_login() { this.$emit('close') }, go_register() { this.$emit('go') }, change_login_method(method) { this.login_method = method; }, check_mobile() { if (!this.mobile) return; if (!this.mobile.match(/^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$/)) { this.$message({ message: '手机号有误', type: 'warning', duration: 1000, onClose: () => { this.mobile = ''; } }); return false; } this.is_send = true; }, send_sms() { if (!this.is_send) return; this.is_send = false; let sms_interval_time = 60; this.sms_interval = "发送中..."; let timer = setInterval(() => { if (sms_interval_time <= 1) { clearInterval(timer); this.sms_interval = "获取验证码"; this.is_send = true; // 重新回复点击发送功能的条件 } else { sms_interval_time -= 1; this.sms_interval = `${sms_interval_time}秒后再发`; } }, 1000); }, login() { if (this.username && this.password) { this.$axios.post(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/login/', { 'username': this.username, 'password': this.password, }).then(response => { console.log(response.data); // 把用户信息保存到cookie中 // this.$cookies.set('key','value','过期时间,按s计') this.$cookies.set('token', response.data.token, '7d'); this.$cookies.set('username', response.data.username, '7d'); // 关闭登录窗口(子传父) // 给父组件,Head传递一个事件,让它从cookie中取出token和username this.$emit('close'); this.$emit('loginSuccess'); }).catch(error => { console.log(error.response); }) } else { this.$message({ message: '用户名或密码输入不能为空!', type: 'warning', }); } } } } </script> <style scoped> .login { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .box { width: 400px; height: 420px; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; position: relative; top: calc(50vh - 210px); left: calc(50vw - 200px); } .el-icon-close { position: absolute; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; top: 10px; right: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .el-icon-close:hover { color: darkred; } .content { position: absolute; top: 40px; width: 280px; left: 60px; } .nav { font-size: 20px; height: 38px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span { margin: 0 20px 0 35px; color: darkgrey; user-select: none; cursor: pointer; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span.active { color: black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding-bottom: 9px; } .el-input, .el-button { margin-top: 40px; } .el-button { width: 100%; font-size: 18px; } .foot > span { float: right; margin-top: 20px; color: orange; cursor: pointer; } .sms { color: orange; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; width: 70px; text-align: center; user-select: none; } </style>
<template> <div class="header"> <div class="slogan"> <p>老男孩IT教育 | 帮助有志向的年轻人通过努力学习获得体面的工作和生活</p> </div> <div class="nav"> <ul class="left-part"> <li class="logo"> <router-link to="/"> <img src="../assets/img/head-logo.svg" alt=""> </router-link> </li> <li class="ele"> <span @click="goPage('/free-course')" :class="{active: url_path === '/free-course'}">免费课</span> </li> <li class="ele"> <span @click="goPage('/actual-course')" :class="{active: url_path === '/actual-course'}">实战课</span> </li> <li class="ele"> <span @click="goPage('/light-course')" :class="{active: url_path === '/light-course'}">轻课</span> </li> </ul> <div class="right-part"> <div v-if="!username"> <span @click="put_login">登录</span> <span class="line">|</span> <span @click="put_register">注册</span> </div> <div v-else> <span>{{username}}</span> <span class="line">|</span> <span @click="logout">注销</span> </div> <Login v-if="is_login" @close="close_login" @go="put_register" @loginSuccess="loginSuccess"/> <Register v-if="is_register" @close="close_register" @go="put_login"/> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Login from './Login' import Register from './Register' export default { name: "Header", data() { return { url_path: sessionStorage.url_path || '/', is_login: false, is_register: false, token: '', username: '' } }, methods: { goPage(url_path) { // 已经是当前路由就没有必要重新跳转 if (this.url_path !== url_path) { this.$router.push(url_path); } sessionStorage.url_path = url_path; }, put_login() { this.is_login = true; this.is_register = false; }, put_register() { this.is_login = false; this.is_register = true; }, close_login() { this.is_login = false; }, close_register() { this.is_register = false; }, loginSuccess() { this.username = this.$cookies.get('username'); this.token = this.$cookies.get('token'); }, logout() { // 把两个变量值为空 this.username = ''; this.token = ''; // 清除cookie this.$cookies.remove('username'); this.$cookies.remove('token'); } }, created() { sessionStorage.url_path = this.$route.path; this.url_path = this.$route.path; // 当页面一创建,我就去cookie中取token和username this.username = this.$cookies.get('username'); this.token = this.$cookies.get('token'); }, components: { Login, Register } } </script> <style scoped> .header { background-color: white; box-shadow: 0 0 5px 0 #aaa; } .header:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .slogan { background-color: #eee; height: 40px; } .slogan p { width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; color: #aaa; font-size: 13px; line-height: 40px; } .nav { background-color: white; user-select: none; width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; } .nav ul { padding: 15px 0; float: left; } .nav ul:after { clear: both; content: ''; display: block; } .nav ul li { float: left; } .logo { margin-right: 20px; } .ele { margin: 0 20px; } .ele span { display: block; font: 15px/36px '微软雅黑'; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; cursor: pointer; } .ele span:hover { border-bottom-color: orange; } .ele span.active { color: orange; border-bottom-color: orange; } .right-part { float: right; } .right-part .line { margin: 0 10px; } .right-part span { line-height: 68px; cursor: pointer; } </style>
03-03 手机是否存在验证接口
router = SimpleRouter() router.register('', views.LoginAPIView, 'login') urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), ]
class LoginView(ViewSet): # 多方式登录,jwt @action(methods=['POST'], detail=False) def login(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ser = serializers.UserInfoModelSerializer(data=request.data) if ser.is_valid(): token = ser.context['token'] username = ser.context['user_obj'].username return APIResponse(token=token, username=username) else: return APIResponse(code=0, msg=ser.errors) @action(methods=['GET'], detail=False) def verify_telephone(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # 校验手机号 telephone = request.query_params.get('telephone') if not re.match(r'^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$', telephone): return APIResponse(code=0, msg='手机号不合法 ') try: models.UserInfo.objects.get(phone=telephone) return APIResponse(result=True) except: return APIResponse(code=0, msg='手机号不存在')
03-04 腾讯云短信开发
""" 准备工作 1)创建短信应用 - 应用管理 2)申请短信签名 - 国内短信 > 签名管理 3)申请短信模块 - 国内短信 > 正文模板管理 """
""" 1)API文档,接口的使用说吧 2)SDK,基于开发语言封装的可以直接调用的功能(工具)集合 官网sdk使用文档中找到安装命令:pip install qcloudsms_py 按照sdk使用说明进行开发:https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/11672 """
# 所有配置换成申请的数据 # 申请的短信应用 SDK AppID appid = 1400 # 申请的短信应用 SDK AppKey appkey = "ba81" # 申请的短信模板ID,需要在短信控制台中申请 template_id = 5447 # 申请的签名,参数使用的是`签名内容`,而不是`签名ID` sms_sign = "Owen的技术栈" from qcloudsms_py import SmsSingleSender sender = SmsSingleSender(appid, appkey) import random def get_code(): code = '' for i in range(4): code += str(random.randint(0, 9)) return code mobile = 13344556677 # 模板所需参数,和申请的模板中占位符要保持一致 code = get_code() print(code) params = [code, 5] try: result = sender.send_with_param(86, mobile, template_id, params, sign=sms_sign, extend="", ext="") if result and result.get('result') == 0: print('发送成功') except Exception as e: print('短信发送失败:%s' % e)
三. 短信服务二次封装
from .send import send_sms from .send import make_code
# 短信应用 SDK AppID APPID = 1400123123 # SDK AppID 以1400开头 # 短信应用 SDK AppKey APPKEY = "2025dfawefwfjkiokjg984100" # 需要发送短信的手机号码 # phone_numbers = ["21212313123", "12345678902", "12345678903"] # 短信模板ID,需要在短信控制台中申请 TEMPLATE_ID = 7839 # NOTE: 这里的模板 ID`7839`只是示例,真实的模板 ID 需要在短信控制台中申请 # 签名 SMS_SIGN = "腾讯云" # NOTE: 签名参数使用的是`签名内容`,而不是`签名ID`。这里的签名"腾讯云"只是示例,真实的签名需要在短信控制台中申请
import random from qcloudsms_py import SmsSingleSender from libs.sms import settings import utils def make_code(): code_list = [] for i in range(6): code_list.append(str(random.randint(0, 9))) return ''.join(code_list) def send_sms(code, telephone): ssender = SmsSingleSender(settings.APPID, settings.APPKEY) params = [code] # 当模板没有参数时,`params = []` try: result = ssender.send_with_param(86, telephone, settings.TEMPLATE_ID, params, sign=settings.SMS_SIGN, extend="", ext="") """ 'result': 0表示成功 result: {'result': 0, 'errmsg': 'OK', 'ext': '', 'sid': '2025dfawefwfjkiokjg984100', 'fee': 1, 'isocode': 'CN'} """ # print('result:', result) if not result.get('result'): return True return False except Exception as e: utils.log.error(f'手机号:{telephone},短信发送失败,错误为:{e}') if __name__ == '__main__': test_phone = ['13333333333'] for phone in range(3): send_sms(make_code(), telephone=test_phone[0])
from rest_framework.throttling import SimpleRateThrottle class SmsThrotting(SimpleRateThrottle): scope = 'sms' def get_cache_key(self, request, view): telephone = request.query_params.get('telephone') # 唯一性 # cache_format = 'throttle_%(scope)s_%(ident)s'字符串替换 return self.cache_format % {'scope': self.scope, 'ident': telephone}
REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES': { # 一分钟,发送一次验证码 'sms': '1/m' # key要跟类中的scope对应 }, }
from luffyapi.utils.throttlings import SmsThrotting class SendSmsView(ViewSet): # 对手机号发送验证码频率进行限制,一分钟1次 throttle_classes = [SmsThrotting, ] @action(methods=['GET'], detail=False) def send_code(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' 发送验证码接口 :return: ''' from luffyapi.libs.tx_sms import get_code, send_message from django.core.cache import cache from django.conf import settings telephone = request.query_params.get('telephone') # 后端校验手机号是否合法 if not re.match(r'^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$', telephone): return APIResponse(code=0, msg='手机号不合法 ') # code = get_code() code = '1234' # result = send_message(telephone, code) result = True # 验证码保存 # 'sms_cache_{}'加字符串,是为了唯一性,180,是缓存保存180s cache.set(settings.PHONE_CACHE_KEY.format(telephone), code, 180) if result: return APIResponse() else: return APIResponse(code=0, msg='验证码发送失败')
router = SimpleRouter() router.register('', views.SendSmsView, 'sms') urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), ]
03-06 短信登录接口
router = SimpleRouter() router.register('', views.LoginAPIView, 'login') urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), ]
# 手机验证码登录 class CodeUserInfoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): code = serializers.CharField() class Meta: model = models.UserInfo fields = ['phone', 'code'] def validate(self, attrs): user_obj = self._get_user(attrs) # 用户存在,签发token token = self._get_token(user_obj) self.context['token'] = token self.context['user_obj'] = user_obj return attrs def _get_user(self, attrs): """ 校验获取用户对象: 1. 判断用户手机号码是否符合格式 2. 判断用户手机号码是否存在数据中 3. 通过手机号码从缓存中获取用户的正确验证码 """ print(attrs) telephone = attrs.get('phone') print(telephone) code = attrs.get('code') # 取出原来的code cache_code = cache.get(settings.PHONE_CACHE_KEY.format(telephone)) print(cache_code) if code == cache_code: if re.match(r'^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$', telephone): user_obj = models.UserInfo.objects.filter(phone=telephone).first() if user_obj: # 把使用过的验证码删除 cache.set(settings.PHONE_CACHE_KEY.format(telephone), '') return user_obj else: raise ValidationError('用户不存在') else: raise ValidationError('手机号不合法') else: raise ValidationError('验证码错误') def _get_token(self, user_obj): from rest_framework_jwt.serializers import jwt_payload_handler, jwt_encode_handler payload = jwt_payload_handler(user_obj) # 通过user对象获得payload token = jwt_encode_handler(payload) # 通过payload获得token return token
class LoginView(ViewSet): @action(methods=['POST'], detail=False) def code_login(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ser = serializers.CodeUserInfoSerializer(data=request.data) if ser.is_valid(): token = ser.context['token'] username = ser.context['user_obj'].username return APIResponse(token=token, username=username) else: return APIResponse(code=0, msg=ser.errors)
03-07 后端短信注册接口
一. urls.py
router = SimpleRouter() router.register('register', views.RegisterAPIView, 'register') # -> actions={post: create} urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), ]
# 注册 class UserRegisterSerilaizer(serializers.ModelSerializer): code = serializers.CharField(max_length=4, min_length=4, write_only=True) """ 提示: 如果code不指定 write_only. 在序列化的时候, 库中没有, 当然会抛出异常 Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field `code` on serializer `RegisterModelSerializer`. The serializer field might be named incorrectly and not match any attribute or key on the `User` instance. Original exception text was: 'User' object has no attribute 'code'. """ class Meta: model = models.UserInfo fields = ['phone', 'password', 'code','username'] extra_kwargs = { 'username': {'read_only': True}, } def validate(self, attrs): telephone = attrs.get('phone') code = attrs.get('code') cache_code = cache.get(settings.PHONE_CACHE_KEY.format(telephone)) if code == cache_code: if re.match(r'^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$', telephone): attrs['username'] = telephone attrs.pop('code') return attrs else: raise ValidationError('手机号不合法') else: raise ValidationError('验证码错误') def create(self, validated_data): user_obj = models.UserInfo.objects.create_user(**validated_data) return user_obj
# 注册 class RegisterView(GenericViewSet, CreateModelMixin): queryset = models.UserInfo.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.UserRegisterSerilaizer def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): response = super().create(request, *args, **kwargs) username = response.data.get('username') return APIResponse(code=1, msg='注册成功', username=username)
03-08 前台登录注册修订
一. Login.vue
<template> <div class="login"> <div class="box"> <i class="el-icon-close" @click="close_login"></i> <div class="content"> <div class="nav"> <span :class="{active: login_method === 'is_pwd'}" @click="change_login_method('is_pwd')">密码登录</span> <span :class="{active: login_method === 'is_sms'}" @click="change_login_method('is_sms')">短信登录</span> </div> <el-form v-if="login_method === 'is_pwd'"> <el-input placeholder="用户名/手机号/邮箱" prefix-icon="el-icon-user" v-model="username" clearable> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="密码" prefix-icon="el-icon-key" v-model="password" clearable show-password> </el-input> <el-button type="primary" @click="login">登录</el-button> </el-form> <el-form v-if="login_method === 'is_sms'"> <el-input placeholder="手机号" prefix-icon="el-icon-phone-outline" v-model="mobile" clearable @blur="check_mobile"> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="验证码" prefix-icon="el-icon-chat-line-round" v-model="sms" clearable> <template slot="append"> <span class="sms" @click="send_sms">{{ sms_interval }}</span> </template> </el-input> <el-button type="primary" @click="code_login">登录</el-button> </el-form> <div class="foot"> <span @click="go_register">立即注册</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "Login", data() { return { username: '', password: '', mobile: '', sms: '', login_method: 'is_pwd', sms_interval: '获取验证码', is_send: false, } }, methods: { close_login() { this.$emit('close') }, go_register() { this.$emit('go') }, change_login_method(method) { this.login_method = method; }, check_mobile() { if (!this.mobile) return; if (!this.mobile.match(/^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$/)) { this.$message({ message: '手机号有误!', type: 'warning', duration: 1000, onClose: () => { this.mobile = ''; } }); return false; } this.$axios.get(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/verify_telephone/', { params: { // 15870638044 'telephone': this.mobile, } }).then(response => { // console.log('response.data:', response.data); if (response.data.code) { this.is_send = true; } else { this.$message({ message: '手机号码不存在!', type: 'warning', duration: 1000, }); } }).catch(error => { this.$message({ message: '未知错误!', type: 'warning', }); }); }, send_sms() { if (!this.is_send) return; this.is_send = false; let sms_interval_time = 60; this.sms_interval = "发送中..."; this.$axios.get(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/send/', { params: { 'telephone': this.mobile, } }).then(response => { // console.log('request.data:', response.data); if (response.data.code) { this.$message({ message: '验证码发送成功!', type: 'success', duration: 1000, }); } else { this.$message({ message: '验证码发送失败!', type: 'warning', }); } }).catch(error => { }); let timer = setInterval(() => { if (sms_interval_time <= 1) { clearInterval(timer); this.sms_interval = "获取验证码"; this.is_send = true; // 重新回复点击发送功能的条件 } else { sms_interval_time -= 1; this.sms_interval = `${sms_interval_time}秒后再发`; } }, 1000); }, login() { if (this.username && this.password) { this.$axios.post(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/login/', { 'username': this.username, 'password': this.password, }).then(response => { console.log(response.data); // 把用户信息保存到cookie中 // this.$cookies.set('key','value','过期时间,按s计') this.$cookies.set('token', response.data.token, '7d'); this.$cookies.set('username', response.data.username, '7d'); // 关闭登录窗口(子传父) // 给父组件,Head传递一个事件,让它从cookie中取出token和username this.$emit('close'); this.$emit('loginSuccess'); }).catch(error => { console.log(error.response); }) } else { this.$message({ message: '用户名或密码输入不能为空!', type: 'warning', }); } }, code_login() { if (this.mobile && this.sms) { this.$axios.post(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/code_login/', { 'telephone': this.mobile, 'code': this.sms, }).then(response => { if (response.data.code) { console.log(response.data); // 获取token, 获取username let username = response.data.username; let token = response.data.token; // 将获取的token和username存入cookies中 this.$cookies.set('token', token, '7d'); this.$cookies.set('username', username, '7d'); // 向父组件传递事件 this.$emit('close'); this.$emit('loginSuccess'); } else { this.$message({ message: '未知错误!', type: 'warning', }); } }).catch(error => { this.$message({ message: '未知错误!', type: 'warning', }); }) } else { this.$message({ message: '手机号码 或者 验证码输入不能为空!', type: 'warning', }); } } } } </script> <style scoped> .login { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .box { width: 400px; height: 420px; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; position: relative; top: calc(50vh - 210px); left: calc(50vw - 200px); } .el-icon-close { position: absolute; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; top: 10px; right: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .el-icon-close:hover { color: darkred; } .content { position: absolute; top: 40px; width: 280px; left: 60px; } .nav { font-size: 20px; height: 38px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span { margin: 0 20px 0 35px; color: darkgrey; user-select: none; cursor: pointer; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span.active { color: black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding-bottom: 9px; } .el-input, .el-button { margin-top: 40px; } .el-button { width: 100%; font-size: 18px; } .foot > span { float: right; margin-top: 20px; color: orange; cursor: pointer; } .sms { color: orange; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; width: 70px; text-align: center; user-select: none; } </style>
<template> <div class="register"> <div class="box"> <i class="el-icon-close" @click="close_register"></i> <div class="content"> <div class="nav"> <span class="active">新用户注册</span> </div> <el-form> <el-input placeholder="手机号" prefix-icon="el-icon-phone-outline" v-model="mobile" clearable @blur="check_mobile"> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="密码" prefix-icon="el-icon-key" v-model="password" clearable show-password> </el-input> <el-input placeholder="验证码" prefix-icon="el-icon-chat-line-round" v-model="sms" clearable> <template slot="append"> <span class="sms" @click="send_sms">{{ sms_interval }}</span> </template> </el-input> <el-button type="primary" @click="register">注册</el-button> </el-form> <div class="foot"> <span @click="go_login">立即登录</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "Register", data() { return { mobile: '', password: '', sms: '', sms_interval: '获取验证码', is_send: false, } }, methods: { close_register() { this.$emit('close', false) }, go_login() { this.$emit('go') }, check_mobile() { if (!this.mobile) return; if (!this.mobile.match(/^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$/)) { this.$message({ message: '手机号有误!', type: 'warning', duration: 1000, onClose: () => { this.mobile = ''; } }); return false; } else { this.$axios.get(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/verify_telephone/', { params: { 'telephone': this.mobile, } }).then(response => { if (response.data.code) { // 手机号码存在, 用户已经注册 this.$message({ message: '该手机号码已经注册!', type: 'warning', }); } else { // 手机号码不存在, 让用户可以点击发送验证码 this.is_send = true; } }).catch(error => { // 异常 this.$message({ message: '未知错误!', type: 'warning', }); }) } }, send_sms() { if (!this.is_send) return; this.is_send = false; let sms_interval_time = 60; this.sms_interval = "发送中..."; this.$axios.get(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/send/', { params: { 'telephone': this.mobile } }).then(response => { if (response.data.code) { // 手机号码发送成功 this.$message({ message: '验证码发送成功!', type: 'success', }); } else { // 手机号码发送失败 this.$message({ message: '验证码发送失败!', type: 'warning', }); } }).catch(error => { // 异常. this.$message({ message: '未知错误!', type: 'warning', }); }); let timer = setInterval(() => { if (sms_interval_time <= 1) { clearInterval(timer); this.sms_interval = "获取验证码"; this.is_send = true; // 重新回复点击发送功能的条件 } else { sms_interval_time -= 1; this.sms_interval = `${sms_interval_time}秒后再发`; } }, 1000); }, register() { if (this.mobile && this.sms && this.password) { this.$axios.post(this.$settings.base_url + '/user/register/', { 'telephone': this.mobile, 'code': this.sms, 'password': this.password, }).then(response => { if (response.data.code) { // 注册成功, 跳转到登录页面 this.$message({ message: '注册成功!', type: 'success', duration: 1000, onClose: () => { this.go_login(); } }); } else { // 注册失败 this.$message({ message: '注册失败!', type: 'warning', }); } }).catch(error => { // 异常 this.$message({ message: '未知错误!', type: 'warning', }); }) } else { // 以上内容有空的 this.$message({ message: '手机号码, 密码, 验证码不能含有空值!', type: 'warning', }); } } } } </script> <style scoped> .register { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .box { width: 400px; height: 480px; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; position: relative; top: calc(50vh - 240px); left: calc(50vw - 200px); } .el-icon-close { position: absolute; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; top: 10px; right: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .el-icon-close:hover { color: darkred; } .content { position: absolute; top: 40px; width: 280px; left: 60px; } .nav { font-size: 20px; height: 38px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span { margin-left: 90px; color: darkgrey; user-select: none; cursor: pointer; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span.active { color: black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding-bottom: 9px; } .el-input, .el-button { margin-top: 40px; } .el-button { width: 100%; font-size: 18px; } .foot > span { float: right; margin-top: 20px; color: orange; cursor: pointer; } .sms { color: orange; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; width: 70px; text-align: center; user-select: none; } </style>
<template> <div class="header"> <div class="slogan"> <p>老男孩IT教育 | 帮助有志向的年轻人通过努力学习获得体面的工作和生活</p> </div> <div class="nav"> <ul class="left-part"> <li class="logo"> <router-link to="/"> <img src="../assets/img/head-logo.svg" alt=""> </router-link> </li> <li class="ele"> <span @click="goPage('/free-course')" :class="{active: url_path === '/free-course'}">免费课</span> </li> <li class="ele"> <span @click="goPage('/actual-course')" :class="{active: url_path === '/actual-course'}">实战课</span> </li> <li class="ele"> <span @click="goPage('/light-course')" :class="{active: url_path === '/light-course'}">轻课</span> </li> </ul> <div class="right-part"> <div v-if="!username"> <span @click="put_login">登录</span> <span class="line">|</span> <span @click="put_register">注册</span> </div> <div v-else> <span>{{username}}</span> <span class="line">|</span> <span @click="logout">注销</span> </div> <Login v-if="is_login" @close="close_login" @go="put_register" @loginSuccess="loginSuccess"/> <Register v-if="is_register" @close="close_register" @go="put_login"/> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Login from './Login' import Register from './Register' export default { name: "Header", data() { return { url_path: sessionStorage.url_path || '/', is_login: false, is_register: false, token: '', username: '' } }, methods: { goPage(url_path) { // 已经是当前路由就没有必要重新跳转 if (this.url_path !== url_path) { this.$router.push(url_path); } sessionStorage.url_path = url_path; }, put_login() { this.is_login = true; this.is_register = false; }, put_register() { this.is_login = false; this.is_register = true; }, close_login() { this.is_login = false; }, close_register() { this.is_register = false; }, loginSuccess() { this.username = this.$cookies.get('username'); this.token = this.$cookies.get('token'); }, logout() { // 把两个变量值为空 this.username = ''; this.token = ''; // 清除cookie this.$cookies.remove('username'); this.$cookies.remove('token'); } }, created() { sessionStorage.url_path = this.$route.path; this.url_path = this.$route.path; // 当页面一创建,我就去cookie中取token和username this.username = this.$cookies.get('username'); this.token = this.$cookies.get('token'); }, components: { Login, Register } } </script> <style scoped> .header { background-color: white; box-shadow: 0 0 5px 0 #aaa; } .header:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .slogan { background-color: #eee; height: 40px; } .slogan p { width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; color: #aaa; font-size: 13px; line-height: 40px; } .nav { background-color: white; user-select: none; width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; } .nav ul { padding: 15px 0; float: left; } .nav ul:after { clear: both; content: ''; display: block; } .nav ul li { float: left; } .logo { margin-right: 20px; } .ele { margin: 0 20px; } .ele span { display: block; font: 15px/36px '微软雅黑'; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; cursor: pointer; } .ele span:hover { border-bottom-color: orange; } .ele span.active { color: orange; border-bottom-color: orange; } .right-part { float: right; } .right-part .line { margin: 0 10px; } .right-part span { line-height: 68px; cursor: pointer; } </style>
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