- 学生选择课程,课程也选择学生
import os BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) DB_PATH = os.path.join( BASE_PATH, 'db' ) print(DB_PATH)
from core import admin from core import student from core import teacher func_dic = { '1': admin.admin_view, '2': student.student_view, '3': teacher.teacher_view } def run(): while True: print(''' -----------欢迎来到选课系统-------- 1.管理员功能 2.学生功能 3.老师功能 ---------------end---------------- ''') choice = input('请输入功能编号:').strip() if choice == 'q': break if choice not in func_dic: print('输入有误,请重新输入!') continue func_dic.get(choice)()
from interface import admin_interface from interface import common_interface from lib import common admin_info = {'user': None} # 管理员注册 def register(): while True: username = input('请输入用户名:').strip() password = input('请输入密码:').strip() re_password = input('请输入密码:').strip() if password == re_password: # 调用接口层,管理员注册接口 flag, msg = admin_interface.admin_register_interface( username, password ) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) else: print('两次密码输入不一样,请重新输入!') # 管理员登录 def login(): while True: username = input('请输入用户名:').strip() password = input('请输入密码:').strip() # 1.调用管理员登录接口 flag, msg = common_interface.login_interface( username, password, user_type='admin' ) if flag: print(msg) # 记录当前用户登录状态 # 可变类型不需要global admin_info['user'] = username break else: print(msg) register() # 管理员创建学校 @common.auth('admin') def create_school(): while True: # 1.让用户输入学校的名称与地址 school_name = input('请输入学校名称:').strip() school_addr = input('请输入学校地址: ').strip() # 2.调用接口,保存学校 flag, msg = admin_interface.admin_creat_school_interface( # 学校名、学校地址、创建学校 school_name, school_addr, admin_info.get('user') ) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 管理员创建课程 @common.auth('admin') def create_course(): while True: # 1.让管理员先选择学校 flag, school_list_or_msg = common_interface.get_all_school_interface() if not flag: print(school_list_or_msg) break else: for index, school_name in enumerate(school_list_or_msg): print('编号:{} 学校名:{}'.format(index, school_name)) choice = input('请输入学校编号:').strip() if not choice.isdigit(): print('请输入数字') continue choice = int(choice) if choice not in range(len(school_list_or_msg)): print('请输入正确编号!') continue # 获取选择后的学校名字 school_name = school_list_or_msg[choice] # 2.选择学校后,再输入课程名称 course_name = input('请输入需要创建的课程名称:').strip() # 3.调用创建课程接口,让管理员去创建课程 flag, msg = admin_interface.admin_create_course_interface( # 传递学校的目的,是为了关联课程 school_name, course_name, admin_info.get('user') ) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 管理员创建老师 @common.auth('admin') def create_teacher(): while True: # 1.让管理员创建老师 teacher_name = input('请输入老师名称:').strip() # 调用创建老师接口,让管理员创建老师 flag, msg = admin_interface.admin_create_teacher_interface(teacher_name, admin_info.get('user')) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) pass func_dict = { '1': register, '2': login, '3': create_school, '4': create_course, '5': create_teacher } # 管理员视图函数 def admin_view(): while True: print(''' -1.注册 -2.登录 -3.创建学校 -4.创建课程 -5.创建讲师 ''') choice = input('请输入功能编号:').strip() if choice == 'q': break if choice not in func_dict: print('输入有误,请重新输入!') continue func_dict.get(choice)()
from lib import common from interface import student_interface from interface import common_interface student_info = {'user': None} # 学生注册 def register(): while True: username = input('请输入用户名:').strip() password = input('请输入密码:').strip() re_password = input('请输入密码:').strip() if password == re_password: # 调用接口层,管理员注册接口 flag, msg = student_interface.student_register_interface( username, password ) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) break else: print('两次密码输入不一样,请重新输入!') # 学生登录 def login(): while True: username = input('请输入账号:').strip() password = input('请输入密码:').strip() # 如果账号存在,登录成功 # 如果账号不存在,请重新注册 flag, msg = common_interface.login_interface( username, password, user_type='student') if flag: print(msg) student_info['user'] = username break else: print(msg) register() # 学生选择校区 @common.auth('student') def choice_school(): while True: # 1、获取所有学校,让学生选择 flag, school_list = common_interface.get_all_school_interface() if not flag: print(school_list) break for index, school_name in enumerate(school_list): print('编号:{} 学校名:{}'.format(index, school_name)) # 2、让学生输入学校编号 choice = input('请输入选择的学校编号:').strip() if not choice.isdigit(): print('输入有误!') continue choice = int(choice) if choice not in range(len(school_list)): print('输入有误!') continue school_name = school_list[choice] # 3、开始调用学生选择学校接口 flag, msg = student_interface.add_school_interface( school_name, student_info.get('user') ) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 学生选择课程 @common.auth('student') def choice_course(): while True: # 1、先获取"当前学生"所在学校的课程列表 flag, course_list = student_interface.get_course_list_interface( student_info['user'] ) # 2、打印课程列表,并让用户选择课程 if not flag: print(course_list) break else: for index, course_name in enumerate(course_list): print('编号:{} 课程名称:{} !'.format(index, course_name)) choice = input('请输入课程编号:').strip() if not choice.isdigit(): print('请输入正确编号') continue choice = int(choice) if choice not in range(len(course_list)): print('输入有误') continue course_name = course_list[choice] # 3、调用学生选择课程接口 flag, msg = student_interface.add_course_interface( course_name, student_info['user'] ) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 查看分数 @common.auth('student') def check_score(): score = student_interface.check_score_interface( student_info['user'] ) if not score: print('没有选择课程!') print(score) func_dict = { '1': register, '2': login, '3': choice_school, '4': choice_course, '5': check_score } def student_view(): while True: print(''' -1.注册 -2.登录功能 -3.选择校区 -4.选择课程 -5.查看分数 ''') choice = input('请输入功能编号:').strip() if choice == 'q': break if choice not in func_dict: print('输入有误,请重新输入!') continue func_dict.get(choice)()
from lib import common from interface import common_interface from interface import teacher_interface teacher_info = {'user': None} # 老师登录 def login(): while True: username = input('请输入账号:').strip() password = input('请输入密码:').strip() # 如果账号存在,登录成功 # 如果账号不存在,请重新注册 flag, msg = common_interface.login_interface( username, password, user_type='teacher') if flag: print(msg) teacher_info['user'] = username break else: print(msg) # 查看教授课程 @common.auth('teacher') def check_course(): flag, course_list_from_tea = teacher_interface.check_course_interface( teacher_info['user'] ) if flag: print(course_list_from_tea) else: print(course_list_from_tea) # 选择教授课程 @common.auth('teacher') def choose_course(): while True: # 1、先打印所有学校,并选择学校 flag, school_list = common_interface.get_all_school_interface() if not flag: print(school_list) break for index, school_name in enumerate(school_list): print('编号:{}---学校名称:{}'.format(index, school_name)) choice = input('请输入编号:').strip() if not choice.isdigit(): print('输入有误') continue choice = int(choice) if choice not in range(len(school_list)): print('输入有误') continue school_name = school_list[choice] # 2、从选择的学校中获取所有的课程 flag2, course_list = teacher_interface.choice_school_interface( school_name) if not flag2: print(course_list) break for index2, course_name in enumerate(course_list): print('编号:{}---课程:{}'.format(index2, course_name)) choice2 = input('请输入课程编号:').strip() if not choice2.isdigit(): print('输入有误') continue choice2 = int(choice2) if choice2 not in range(len(course_list)): print('输入有误') continue course_name = course_list[choice2] # 3、调用选择教授课程接口,将该课程添加到老师课程列表中 flag3, msg = teacher_interface.add_teacher_course( course_name, teacher_info['user'] ) if flag3: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 查看课程下学生 @common.auth('teacher') def check_stu_from_course(): while True: # 1、选择课程 flag, course_list = teacher_interface.check_course_interface( teacher_info['user'] ) if not flag: print(course_list) break for index, course_name in enumerate(course_list): print('编号:{}---课程:{}'.format(index, course_name)) choice = input('请输入编号:') if not choice.isdigit(): print('输入有误') continue choice = int(choice) if choice not in range(len(course_list)): print('输入有误') continue course_name = course_list[choice] # 2、查看课程下的学生 flag, student_list = teacher_interface.check_stu_from_course( course_name, teacher_info['user'] ) if flag: print(student_list) break else: print(student_list) # 修改学生课程分数 @common.auth('teacher') def change_score_from_student(): # 1、上一步的基础上选择出学生 while True: # 1、选择课程 flag, course_list = teacher_interface.check_course_interface( teacher_info['user'] ) if not flag: print(course_list) break for index, course_name in enumerate(course_list): print('编号:{}---课程:{}'.format(index, course_name)) choice = input('请输入编号:') if not choice.isdigit(): print('输入有误') continue choice = int(choice) if choice not in range(len(course_list)): print('输入有误') continue course_name = course_list[choice] # 2、查看课程下的学生 flag, student_list = teacher_interface.check_stu_from_course( course_name, teacher_info['user'] ) if not flag: print(student_list) break for index, student_name in enumerate(student_list): print('编号:{}---学生:{}'.format(index, student_name)) choice = input('请输入编号:') if not choice.isdigit(): print('输入有误') continue choice = int(choice) if choice not in range(len(student_list)): print('输入有误') continue student_name = student_list[choice] # 2、调用修改学生分数接口修改分数 change_score = input('请输入修改的分数').strip() if not change_score.isdigit(): print('输入有误') continue change_score = int(change_score) flag, msg = teacher_interface.change_score_from_student_interface( course_name, student_name, change_score, teacher_info['user'] ) if flag: print(msg) break func_dict = { '1': login, '2': check_course, '3': choose_course, '4': check_stu_from_course, '5': change_score_from_student } def teacher_view(): while True: print(''' -1.登录 -2.查看教授课程 -3.选择教授课程 -4.查看课程下学生 -5.修改学生分数 ''') choice = input('请输入功能编号:').strip() if choice == 'q': break if choice not in func_dict: print('输入有误,请重新输入!') continue func_dict.get(choice)()
from db import db_handler # 父类,让所有子类都继承select 与 save 方法 class Base: # 查看数据--->登录、查看数据库 @classmethod def select(cls, username): # Admin,username obj = db_handler.select_data(cls, username) return obj # 保存数据----》注册、保存、更新数据 def save(self): # 让db_handle中的save_data帮我保存对象数据 db_handler.save_data(self) # 管理员类 class Admin(Base): # 调用类的时候触发 # username,password def __init__(self, user, pwd): # 给当前对象赋值 self.user = user self.pwd = pwd # 创建学校 def create_school(self, school_name, school_addr): # 该方法内部来调用学校类实例化的得到对象,并保存 school_obj = School(school_name, school_addr) # 创建课程 def create_course(self, school_obj, course_name): # 1.该方法内部调用课程类实例化的得到对象,并保存 course_obj = Course(course_name) # 2.获取当前学校对象,并将课程添加到课程列表中 school_obj.course_list.append(course_name) # 3.更新学校数据 # 创建讲师 def create_teacher(self, teacher_name, admin_name, teacher_pwd='123'): # 1.调用老师类,实例化得到老师对象,并保存 teacher_obj = Teacher(teacher_name, teacher_pwd) pass # 学校类 class School(Base): def __init__(self, name, addr): # 必须写self.user,因为db_handler里面的save_data统一规范 self.user = name self.addr = addr # 课程列表:每所学校都应该有相应的课程 self.course_list = [] class Student(Base): def __init__(self, name, pwd): self.user = name self.pwd = pwd # 每个学生只能有一个校区 = None # 一个学生可以选择多门课程 self.course_list = [] # 学生课程分数 self.score = {} # {'course_name:0} def add_school(self, school_name): = school_name def add_course(self, course_name): # 1、学生课程列表添加课程 self.course_list.append(course_name) # 2、给学生选择的课程设置默认分数 self.score[course_name] = 0 # 2、学生选择的课程对象,添加学生 course_obj = course_obj.student_list.append( self.user ) class Course(Base): def __init__(self, course_name): # 必须写self.user,因为db_handler里面的save_data统一规范 self.user = course_name # 课程列表:每所学校都应该有相应的课程 self.student_list = [] class Teacher(Base): def __init__(self, teacher_name, teacher_pwd): self.user = teacher_name # self.pwd需要统一 self.pwd = teacher_pwd self.course_list_from_tea = [] # 老师添加课程方法 def add_teacher_course(self, course_name): self.course_list_from_tea.append(course_name) # 老师参看课程方法 def get_course(self, course_name): course_obj = student_list = course_obj.student_list return student_list # 老师修改学生分数方法 def change_score(self, course_name, student_name, change_score): student_obj = student_obj.score[course_name] = change_score
import os import pickle from conf import settings # 保存数据 def save_data(obj): # 1.获取对象的保存文件夹路径 # 以类名当做文件夹的名字 # obj.__class__:获取当前对象的类 # obj.__class__.__name__:获取类的名字 class_name = obj.__class__.__name__ user_dir_path = os.path.join( settings.DB_PATH, class_name ) # 2.判断文件夹是否存在,不存在则创建文件夹 if not os.path.exists(user_dir_path): os.mkdir(user_dir_path) # 3.拼接当前用户的pickle文件路径,以用户名作为文件名 user_path = os.path.join( user_dir_path, obj.user # 当前用户名字 ) # 4.打开文件,保存对象,通过pickle with open(user_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f) # 查看数据 def select_data(cls, username): # 类,username # 由cls类获取类名 class_name = cls.__name__ user_dir_path = os.path.join( settings.DB_PATH, class_name ) # 2.判断文件夹是否存在,不存在则创建文件夹 if not os.path.exists(user_dir_path): os.mkdir(user_dir_path) # 3.拼接当前用户的pickle文件路径,以用户名作为文件名 user_path = os.path.join( user_dir_path, username # 当前用户名字 ) # 4.判断文件如果存在,再打开,并返回,若不存在,则代表用户不存在 if os.path.exists(user_path): # 5.打开文件,获取对象 with open(user_path, 'rb') as f: obj = pickle.load(f) return obj