1.8 Hello World添加menu


(1)在default.php的统计目录下添加文件default.xml ,这就可以使joomla 能够识别default.php为一个菜单项。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="component" version="2.5.0" method="upgrade">
    <name>Hello World!</name>
    <!-- The following elements are optional and free of formatting constraints -->
    <creationDate>November 2009</creationDate>
    <author>John Doe</author>
    <copyright>Copyright Info</copyright>
    <license>License Info</license>
    <!--  The version string is recorded in the components table -->
    <!-- The description is optional and defaults to the name -->
    <description>Description of the Hello World component ...</description>
    <update> <!-- Runs on update; New in 2.5 -->
            <schemapath type="mysql">sql/updates/mysql</schemapath>
    <!-- Site Main File Copy Section -->
    <!-- Note the folder attribute: This attribute describes the folder
        to copy FROM in the package to install therefore files copied
        in this section are copied from /site/ in the package -->
    <files folder="site">
        <!-- Administration Menu Section -->
        <menu>Hello World!</menu>
        <!-- Administration Main File Copy Section -->
        <!-- Note the folder attribute: This attribute describes the folder
            to copy FROM in the package to install therefore files copied
            in this section are copied from /admin/ in the package -->
        <files folder="admin">
            <!-- Admin Main File Copy Section -->
            <!-- SQL files section -->
posted @ 2015-08-29 19:56  codergma  阅读(216)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报