SGI STL 空间配置器(allocator)源码剖析




 1 <strong>Constructors</strong>
 2 // Constructors used to create allocator objects.
 3 allocator(); // Default constructor 
 4 allocator(const allocator<Type>& _Right);  // Copy constructor
 5 template<class Other>                      // Template copy constructor
 6 allocator(const allocator<Other>& _Right);
 8 <strong>Typedefs</strong>
 9 const_pointer   // A type that provides a constant pointer to the type of object managed by the allocator. 
10 const_reference // A type that provides a constant reference to type of object managed by the allocator. 
11 difference_type // A signed integral type that can represent the difference between values of pointers to the type of object managed by the allocator. 
12 pointer         // A type that provides a pointer to the type of object managed by the allocator. 
13 reference       // A type that provides a reference to the type of object managed by the allocator.
14 size_type       // An unsigned integral type that can represent the length of any sequence that an object of template class allocator can allocate. 
15 value_type      // A type that is managed by the allocator.
17 <strong>Member Functions</strong>
18 // Finds the address of an object whose value is specified.
19 pointer (reference _Val) const;
20 const_pointer (const_reference _Val) const;
22 // Allocates a block of memory large enough to store at least some specified number of elements.
23 pointer allocate(size_type _Count, const void* _Hint);
25 // Constructs a specific type of object at a specified address that is initialized with a specified value.
26 void construct(pointer _Ptr, const Type& _Val);
28 // Frees a specified number of objects from storage beginning at a specified position.
29 void deallocate(pointer _Ptr, size_type _Count);
31 // Calls an objects destructor without deallocating the memory where the object was stored.
32 void destroy(pointer _Ptr);
34 // Returns the number of elements of type Type that could be allocated by an object of class allocator before the free memory is used up.
35 size_type max_size( ) const; 
37 // A structure that enables an allocator for objects of one type to allocate storage for objects of another type.
38 template<class _Other>
39 struct rebind {
40    typedef allocator<_Other> other;
41 };
43 <strong>Operators overload</strong>
44 template<class Other>
45 allocator<Type>& operator=(const allocator<Other>& _Right);  // Assignment operator
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SGI STL使用的空间配置器

SGI STL底层没有采用上述STL标准规范中的声明,它的配置器与众不同,其名称是alloc而非allocator,而且不接受任何参数。
SGI STL中的每种容器都已经指定其缺省的空间配置器alloc,我们在使用时很少需要自行指定配置器。
SGI STL空间配置器的设计哲学:
  • 从堆中申请内存空间
  • 考虑多线程状态
  • 考虑内存不足时的应变措施
  • 考虑过多“小型区块”可能造成的内存碎片问题
SGI STL空间配置器alloc的设计描述:
  • 使用双层级配置器
  • 第一级配置器(__malloc_alloc_template)直接使用malloc() 和 free() 
  • 第二级配置器(__default_alloc_template)视情况采用不同策略:当配置区块超过128byte时,视之为“足够大”,便调用第一级配置器;否则,视之为“过小”,为了提高效率(1.减少内存碎片;2.降低额外负担:直接使用malloc()申请内存时,系统会要多分配一些内存(内存头)用来管理所分配的内存空间),采用复杂的内存池(memory pool)技术(见下文详解),不再求助于第一级配置器
  • SGI STL为了使配置器的接口能够符合STL的标准规范,提供了一个包装接口simple_alloc:
 1 template<class T, class Alloc>
 2 class simple_alloc {
 3 public:
 4     static T *allocate(size_t n)
 5                 { return 0 == n? 0 : (T*) Alloc::allocate(n * sizeof (T)); }
 6     static T *allocate(void)
 7                 { return (T*) Alloc::allocate(sizeof (T)); }
 8     static void deallocate(T *p, size_t n)
 9                 { if (0 != n) Alloc::deallocate(p, n * sizeof (T)); }
10     static void deallocate(T *p)
11                 { Alloc::deallocate(p, sizeof (T)); }
12 };
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 1 <span style="font-size:10px;">// 基于malloc()的配置器.通常比第二级配置器(__default_alloc_template)慢.
 2 // 通常是线程安全的,并且对存储空间的使用更加高效.
 5 void (* __malloc_alloc_oom_handler)() = 0;     // 内存不足处理函数指针
 6 // g++ 2.7.2 does not handle static template data members.
 7 # else
 8 extern void (* __malloc_alloc_oom_handler)();
 9 # endif
10 #endif
12 template <int inst>  // 没有模版型别参数,至于非型别参数inst没有用到
13 class __malloc_alloc_template {
14 private:   // 用来处理内存不足的情况
15     static void *oom_malloc(size_t);
16     static void *oom_realloc(void *, size_t);
18     static void (* __malloc_alloc_oom_handler)();
19 #endif
21 public:
23     static void * allocate(size_t n)
24     {
25         void *result = malloc(n);    // 直接调用malloc()
26         if (0 == result) 
27             result = oom_malloc(n);  // 内存申请失败,调用内存不足处理函数 
28         return result;
29     }
31     static void deallocate(void *p, size_t /* n */)
32     {
33         free(p);  // 直接调用free()
34     }
36     static void * reallocate(void *p, size_t /* old_sz */, size_t new_sz)
37     {
38         void * result = realloc(p, new_sz);  // 直接使用realloc()
39         if (0 == result) 
40             result = oom_realloc(p, new_sz); // 内存申请失败,调用内存不足处理函数 
41         return result;
42     }
44     // 指定内存不足处理函数句柄
45     static void (* set_malloc_handler(void (*f)()))()
46     {
47         void (* old)() = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler;
48         __malloc_alloc_oom_handler = f;
49         return(old);
50     }
52 };
55 template <int inst>
56 void (* __malloc_alloc_template<inst>::__malloc_alloc_oom_handler)() = 0; // 初值为0,需client设定
57 #endif
59 // 内存不足处理函数:malloc()申请内存失败
60 template <int inst>
61 void * __malloc_alloc_template<inst>::oom_malloc(size_t n)
62 {
63     void (* my_malloc_handler)();
64     void *result;
66     for (;;) {  // 不断尝试
67         my_malloc_handler = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler;
68         if (0 == my_malloc_handler) { 
69             __THROW_BAD_ALLOC; } // client未设定处理函数,直接抛出异常  
70         (*my_malloc_handler)();  // 调用内存不足处理函数
71         result = malloc(n);      // 再次尝试申请内存
72         if (result) 
73             return(result);      // 申请成功
74     }
75 }
77 // 内存不足处理函数:realloc()申请内存失败(与oom_malloc()类似)
78 template <int inst>
79 void * __malloc_alloc_template<inst>::oom_realloc(void *p, size_t n)
80 {
81     void (* my_malloc_handler)();
82     void *result;
84     for (;;) {
85         my_malloc_handler = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler;
86         if (0 == my_malloc_handler) { __THROW_BAD_ALLOC; }
87         (*my_malloc_handler)();
88         result = realloc(p, n);
89         if (result) return(result);
90     }
91 }
93 typedef __malloc_alloc_template<0> malloc_alloc; // inst直接被指定为0</span>
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  • 第一层配置器比较简单,直接调用相应的C函数
  • 并实现出类似C++ new-handler机制,来处理内存不足的情况



  1 // 多线程搞不懂,故去掉了线程相关代码,留待以后分析
  2 template <bool threads, int inst>
  3 class __default_alloc_template {
  5 private:
  6     // Really we should use static const int x = N
  7     // instead of enum { x = N }, but few compilers accept the former.
  8     // 唉,为了兼容性,考虑得太周到了
  9 # ifndef __SUNPRO_CC
 10     enum {__ALIGN = 8};
 11     enum {__MAX_BYTES = 128};
 12     enum {__NFREELISTS = __MAX_BYTES/__ALIGN};
 13 # endif
 14     // 内存对齐:将bytes上调至8的倍数
 15     static size_t ROUND_UP(size_t bytes) {
 16         return (((bytes) + __ALIGN-1) & ~(__ALIGN - 1));
 17     }
 18 __PRIVATE:
 19     // free_list的节点构造
 20     union obj {
 21         union obj * free_list_link;
 22         char client_data[1];    /* The client sees this. 这里没搞懂        */  
 23     };
 24 private:
 25 # ifdef __SUNPRO_CC
 26     static obj * __VOLATILE free_list[]; 
 27     // Specifying a size results in duplicate def for 4.1
 28 # else
 29     static obj * __VOLATILE free_list[__NFREELISTS]; // free_list数组,16个元素
 30 # endif
 31     // 根据bytes大小获取free_list的数组下标,从0开始
 32     static  size_t FREELIST_INDEX(size_t bytes) {
 33         return (((bytes) + __ALIGN-1)/__ALIGN - 1);
 34     }
 36     // Returns an object of size n, and optionally adds to size n free list.
 37     // 返回一个大小为n的对象,并可能加入大小为n的其它区块到free list中
 38     static void *refill(size_t n);
 40     // Allocates a chunk for nobjs of size "size".  nobjs may be reduced
 41     // if it is inconvenient to allocate the requested number.
 42     // 配置一块空间,可容纳nobjs个大小为"size"的区块
 43     // 如果不能配置nobjs个区块,nobjs的大小可能会减少(按引用传递的)
 44     static char *chunk_alloc(size_t size, int &nobjs);
 46     // 内存池状态
 47     static char *start_free;  // 内存池起始位置。只在chunk_alloc()中变化
 48     static char *end_free;    // 内存池结束位置。只在chunk_alloc()中变化
 49     static size_t heap_size;  // 从堆中申请的内存大小
 51 public:
 53     /* n must be > 0      */
 54     static void * allocate(size_t n)
 55     {
 56         obj * __VOLATILE * my_free_list;
 57         obj * __RESTRICT result;
 59         if (n > (size_t) __MAX_BYTES) {  
 60             return(malloc_alloc::allocate(n)); // n大于128byte,直接调用第一级配置器
 61         }
 62         my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(n); // 从16个free_list中获取合适的一个
 63         result = *my_free_list;
 64         if (result == 0) {
 65             void *r = refill(ROUND_UP(n)); // 没有可用的free_list,重新填充free_list
 66             return r;
 67         }
 68         // 调整free_list:将已使用的内存区块从free_list中移除
 69         *my_free_list = result -> free_list_link; 
 70         return (result);
 71     };
 73     /* p may not be 0 */
 74     static void deallocate(void *p, size_t n)
 75     {
 76         obj *q = (obj *)p;
 77         obj * __VOLATILE * my_free_list;
 79         if (n > (size_t) __MAX_BYTES) {
 80             malloc_alloc::deallocate(p, n); // n大于128byte,直接调用第一级配置器
 81             return;
 82         }
 83         my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(n); // 从16个free_list中获取合适的一个
 84         // 调整free_list: 将回收内存区块重新添加到free_list中
 85         q -> free_list_link = *my_free_list;
 86         *my_free_list = q;
 87     }
 89     static void * reallocate(void *p, size_t old_sz, size_t new_sz);
 91 } ;
 93 // static数据的定义与初值设定
 94 template <bool threads, int inst>
 95 char *__default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::start_free = 0;
 97 template <bool threads, int inst>
 98 char *__default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::end_free = 0;
100 template <bool threads, int inst>
101 size_t __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::heap_size = 0;
103 template <bool threads, int inst>
104 __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::obj * __VOLATILE
105     __default_alloc_template<threads, inst> ::free_list[
106 # ifdef __SUNPRO_CC
107         __NFREELISTS
108 # else
109         __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::__NFREELISTS
110 # endif
111     ] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, };
112 // The 16 zeros are necessary to make version 4.1 of the SunPro
113 // compiler happy.  Otherwise it appears to allocate too little
114 // space for the array.
118 /* We allocate memory in large chunks in order to avoid fragmenting     */
119 /* the malloc heap too much.                                            */
120 /* We assume that size is properly aligned.                             */
121 /* We hold the allocation lock.                                         */
122 // 为了避免堆中有过多的内存碎片,我们每次申请一大块内存空间
123 // 我们假定这个空间大小是内存对齐的
124 template <bool threads, int inst>
125 char*
126     __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::chunk_alloc(size_t size, int& nobjs)
127 {
128     char * result;
129     size_t total_bytes = size * nobjs;
130     size_t bytes_left = end_free - start_free;  // 内存池剩余空间大小
132     if (bytes_left >= total_bytes) {   // 内存池剩余空间完全满足需求量
133         result = start_free;
134         start_free += total_bytes;
135         return(result);
136     } else if (bytes_left >= size) {   // 内存池剩余空间满足至少一个区块
137         nobjs = bytes_left/size;       // 调整nobjs的值
138         total_bytes = size * nobjs;
139         result = start_free;
140         start_free += total_bytes;
141         return(result);
142     } else {                           // 内存池剩余空间连一个区块都满足不了
143         // 计算需从堆中申请的内存块大小
144         size_t bytes_to_get = 2 * total_bytes + ROUND_UP(heap_size >> 4);
146         // 先把内存池剩余空间分配给合适的free_list
147         if (bytes_left > 0) {  
148             obj * __VOLATILE * my_free_list =
149                 free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(bytes_left);
151             ((obj *)start_free) -> free_list_link = *my_free_list;
152             *my_free_list = (obj *)start_free;
153         }
155         start_free = (char *)malloc(bytes_to_get); // 从堆中申请内存,补充内存池
156         if (0 == start_free) {                     // 申请内存失败
157             int i;
158             obj * __VOLATILE * my_free_list, *p;
159             // Try to make do with what we have.  That can't
160             // hurt.  We do not try smaller requests, since that tends
161             // to result in disaster on multi-process machines.
162             // 先尝试检查我们手上(free_list)拥有的东西。这不会造成伤害。
163             // 我们不打算检查比size更小的区块,因为那在多进程机器上容易导致灾难。
164             for (i = size; i <= __MAX_BYTES; i += __ALIGN) {
165                 my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(i);
166                 p = *my_free_list;
167                 if (0 != p) {   // 存在未用区块
168                     // 释放该未用区块
169                     *my_free_list = p -> free_list_link; 
170                     start_free = (char *)p;
171                     end_free = start_free + i;
172                     return(chunk_alloc(size, nobjs)); // 递归调用自己,重新分配
173                     // Any leftover piece will eventually make it to the
174                     // right free list.
175                     // 任何内存池剩余空间终将被编入适当的free list
176                 }
177             }
179             // 55,山穷水尽了
180             end_free = 0;    
181             // 调用第一级配置器,看看内存不足处理函数能不能起作用
182             start_free = (char *)malloc_alloc::allocate(bytes_to_get);
183             // This should either throw an
184             // exception or remedy the situation.  Thus we assume it
185             // succeeded.
186             // 要么抛出异常,要么内存不足的情况得以改善,我们假定它成功了
187         }
188         heap_size += bytes_to_get;
189         end_free = start_free + bytes_to_get;
190         return(chunk_alloc(size, nobjs));  // 递归调用自己,重新分配
191     }
192 }
195 /* Returns an object of size n, and optionally adds to size n free list.*/
196 /* We assume that n is properly aligned.                                */
197 /* We hold the allocation lock.                                         */
198 // 返回一个大小为n的指针对象,并且有可能会为适当的free list增加节点
199 // 假定n已经适当调整到8的倍数了
200 template <bool threads, int inst>
201 void* __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::refill(size_t n)
202 {
203     int nobjs = 20;  // 缺省取得20个新节点
204     char * chunk = chunk_alloc(n, nobjs);
205     obj * __VOLATILE * my_free_list;
206     obj * result;
207     obj * current_obj, * next_obj;
208     int i;
210     if (1 == nobjs) 
211         return(chunk);  // 只获得一个节点,直接返回
212     // 否则准备调整free list,纳入新节点
213     my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(n); // 找到合适的free list
215     /* Build free list in chunk */
216     // 纳入新节点
217     result = (obj *)chunk;
218     *my_free_list = next_obj = (obj *)(chunk + n); 
219     for (i = 1; ; i++) {
220         current_obj = next_obj;
221         next_obj = (obj *)((char *)next_obj + n);
222         if (nobjs - 1 == i) {
223             current_obj -> free_list_link = 0;
224             break;
225         } else {
226             current_obj -> free_list_link = next_obj;
227         }
228     }
229     return(result);
230 }
232 template <bool threads, int inst>
233 void*
234     __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::reallocate(void *p,
235     size_t old_sz,
236     size_t new_sz)
237 {
238     void * result;
239     size_t copy_sz;
241     if (old_sz > (size_t) __MAX_BYTES && new_sz > (size_t) __MAX_BYTES) {
242         return(realloc(p, new_sz));  // 疑问:这里怎么不直接调用第一级配置器里面的realloc
243     }
244     if (ROUND_UP(old_sz) == ROUND_UP(new_sz)) return(p);
245     result = allocate(new_sz);
246     copy_sz = new_sz > old_sz? old_sz : new_sz;
247     memcpy(result, p, copy_sz);
248     deallocate(p, old_sz);
249     return(result);
250 }
252 typedef __default_alloc_template<__NODE_ALLOCATOR_THREADS, 0> alloc;
253 typedef __default_alloc_template<false, 0> single_client_alloc;
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  • 第二层配置器的核心就是内存池
  • SGI STL的内存池通过free_list数组来管理,数组中包含16个free list,每个free list节点大小依次从8、16、24递增到128byte
  • 分配内存时(假定分配大小在128byte内),首先根据分配大小找到合适的free list,如果该free list中没有可用的节点,则调用refill()函数从内存池中取空间给该free list用,然后返回第一个节点的内存空间,并调整该free list
  • refill()缺省取20个新节点(区块),通过调用chunk_alloc(),然后根据取得新节点的实际个数,调整相应的free list(大于1)
  • chunk_alloc()内部实现最为复杂,根据内存池剩余空间大小与需求量的关系,分为三种情况,具体看代码,不再赘述

posted @ 2014-08-28 15:14  coding_  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报