

1.1 DWM1000 Functional Description

The module contains an on-board 38.4 MHz reference crystal. The crystal has been trimmed in production to
reduce the initial frequency error to approximately 2 ppm, using the DW1000 IC’s internal on-chip crystal trimming
circuit, see section 2.1.1.



Always-On (AON) memory can be used to retain DWM1000 configuration data during the lowest power operational
states when the on-chip voltage regulators are disabled. This data is uploaded and downloaded automatically. Use
of DWM1000 AON memory is configurable.



The on-chip voltage and temperature monitors allow the host to read the voltage on the VDDAON pin



1.4 General Purpose Input Output (GPIO)


On reset, all GPIO pins default to input. GPIO inputs, when appropriately configured, are capable of generating
interrupts to the host processor via the IRQ signal.




1.7 Interrupts and Device Status DWM1000 has a number of interrupt events that can be configured to drive the IRQ output pin. The default IRQ pin polarity is active high.




2.1.2 Transmitter Calibration
In order to maximise range, DWM1000 transmit power spectral density (PSD) should be set to the maximum
allowable for the geographic region in which it will be used. For most regions this is -41.3 dBm/MHz.



2.1.3 Antenna Delay Calibration


In order to measure range accurately, precise calculation of timestamps is required. To do this the antenna delay
must be known. The DWM1000 allows this delay to be calibrated and provides the facility to compensate for
delays introduced by PCB, external components, antenna and internal DWM1000 delays.




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