
实现案例是学习设计模式的好办法,GOF一书中给了一个例子,就是“图形用户界面”设计的问题,一个图形用户界面工具箱允许你对任意一个用户界面组件添加一些特性,例如边框,或是一些行为,例如窗口滚动。 可以使用继承实现,但方法太过死板,因为通过继承实现的边框,它的选择是静态的,用户不能控制对组件加边框的方式和时机。记住:继承是强关联关系。较为灵活的办法是将组件放到一个对象中,由这个对象为组件添加边框。而这个嵌入的对象就是装饰。类图如下图:



 1 abstract class VisualComponent{
 2     public VisualComponent(){};
 3     abstract void Draw();
 4     abstract void Resize();
 5 }
 6 abstract class Decorator extends VisualComponent{
 7     private VisualComponent v;
 8     public Decorator(VisualComponent v){this.v=v;};
 9     void Draw(){v.Draw();};
10     void Resize(){v.Resize();};
11 }
12 class TextView extends VisualComponent{
13     public TextView(){};
14     public void Draw(){
15         System.out.println("Draw a TextView");
16     }
17     public void Resize(){
18         System.out.println("Reset the text's size");
19     }
20 }
21 class BorderDecorator extends Decorator{
22     private int width;
23     public BorderDecorator(VisualComponent v,int width){
24         super(v);
25         this.width=width;
26     }
27     private void DrawBorder(int width){
28         System.out.println("Decorate it with a line whose width is "+width);
29     }
30     public void Draw(){
31         super.Draw();
32         DrawBorder(width);
33     }
34 }
36 public class Test{
38     public static void main(String[] args){
40         new BorderDecorator(new TextView(),10).Draw();
41     }
42 }
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1 new Decorator1(
2             new Decorator2(
3                 new Decorator3(
4                     new ConcreteComponent()
5                     )
6                 )
7             );
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posted on 2017-08-13 23:06  Judy518  阅读(129)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报