English 2 Chinese 中英对照

Cabinet | 计算域
PCB |电路板
Enclosures | 腔体
block | 块
fan | 轴流风扇
Blower | 离心风机
Resistance | 阻尼
Heatsink | 散热器
Package | 芯片封装
Grille| 二维散热孔,滤网
 Heat exchangers(换热器)
Periodic boundaries(周期性边界条件)

ERP = Enterprise resource planning

Oem = original equipments manufacturer
ODM = original Design Manufacturer
BG= business group, 事业群,包含BD;

来自 <https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/510246963.html>

Seminar = 研讨会

a person who is especially good at something
    • a computer/financial, etc. wizard

PDT= Product Development Team

 meridional plane 子午平面
Surfactant, 表面活性剂

Product Development Team

Freelance (adj)
    1. working for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company.
"a freelance journalist"

来自 <https://cn.bing.com/search?q=freelance&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=free+lance&sc=8-10&sk=&cvid=385761E45CBE4C4182F8F51D93AAC7C4>

阻抗(Z)= impedance (电学)

来自 <https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%98%BB%E6%8A%97/332224?fr=aladdin>

泊松比(固体力学) = 横向正应变/(轴向正应变)

来自 <https://www.made-in-hc.com/faq/poissons-ratio>

透平(turbine)= 涡轮, 是将流体介质中蕴有的能量转换成机械功的机器,

Octave band 倍频带; 八音带

PMC = Production material control

来自 <https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/152888464.html>

模态 mode

Trivial = not important or serious, e.g. a trivial detail

ingest somethingto take food, drugs, etc. into your body, usually by swallowing(= making them go down your throat)
    • Food is the major source of ingested bacteria.

来自 <https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/ingest?q=ingest>

动静叶栅 = rotor stator cascades

Prune = cut, trim

CMF 新材料新工艺及色彩
来自 <https://www.qufair.com/convention/31995.shtml>

PLM(Product Lifecycle Management,产品生命周期管理)

ID: industrial design, 工业设计

Specific Heat  比热

Polycarbonate - 聚碳酸酯(坚硬透明塑料,用于窗子和镜头等)

Fan  轴流风机
Blower 离心风机

Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT)

isotropic= 各向同性 ( same in different direction)
It is my pleasure

涵道比 (流量比) = bypass ratio


Homogeneous :: same in space (空间均匀)

SPL 声压级

Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SAS)

wake, 尾迹, 尾流
齐次方程(homogeneous equation

Acoustic Analogy 声类比
Blade passing frequency 叶片通过频率

NVH- Noise, Vibration, Harshness



Tonal noise 单音噪声
Broadband noise
Axial fan 轴流风扇
导流器 |stator
Convection 对流
Frontend 前端
Backend 后端
 isentropic flow 等熵流
Shroud = 导流器
Enthalpy =  热函(热力学单位);焓


posted @ 2022-01-19 09:39  kaiming_ai  阅读(280)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报