batch mode of fluent on Windows 10

Running Fluent with batch mode (TUI) on windows 10

1 all codes in one journal file


;change Q (flow rate at outlet)
/define/boundary-conditions/mass-flow-outlet  outlet   yes yes no 0.04855 
/solve/iterate 2000
/file/write-case "q40.cas.gz" 
/file/write-data "q40.dat.gz" 
/define/boundary-conditions/mass-flow-outlet  outlet   yes yes no 0.04046 
/solve/iterate 4000
/file/write-case "q34.cas.gz" 
/file/write-data "q34.dat.gz" 
/define/boundary-conditions/mass-flow-outlet  outlet   yes yes no 0.060 
/solve/iterate 4000
/file/write-case "q50.cas.gz" 
/file/write-data "q50.dat.gz" 
/define/boundary-conditions/mass-flow-outlet  outlet   yes yes no 0.072
/solve/iterate 3000
/file/write-case "q60.cas.gz" 
/file/write-data "q60.dat.gz" 


2. multiple journal files

step 1:

add 'fluent' to system variable -- 添加‘fluent' 到系统环境变量

the fluent.exe is located in the "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v192\fluent\ntbin\win64\" folder.
Adding this to the path system variable,refer to:,see%20from%20the%20following%20window%2C%20...%20More%20items

1)  to launch Windows Search

>> WIN+S

2) Type

>> “environ..”

3) new variable


step 2:

To view the log in the console
steps on windows 10
1. open the command prompt
2. change to the working directory
> cd <dir>
>cd C:\batch_mode_fluent\2d_cylinder_uns
3. run the command
> batch.bat



posted @ 2021-09-27 11:03  kaiming_ai  阅读(231)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报