post processing in viv
post-processing in VIV
Table of Contents
1 delete duplicate rows in fluent output file
data: time history of force, displacement package: excel
- selete all, select tab
- Data/revove duplicates default columns, and press ok
2 image and video
2.1 crop images
start point: 5D, 4D upstream
mogrify -crop 388x148+380+622 *.jpg
mogrify -crop 388x168+380+622 *.jpg
2.2 image2video
clc clear step=63; for i=3:step h=figure(1); % ÏÂÃæÒ»ÐÐÌ滻ΪÏëÒªÏÔÊŸµÄÄÚÈÝ % set(0,'defaultfigurecolor','w') f_name=strcat('AnimationFrame',num2str(i,'%.6d'),'.jpg') aa=imread([f_name]); cc=imcrop(aa,[20 20 2000 800]); imshow(cc) % imshow([f_name]); % imshow([num2str(i),'.jpg']); frame = getframe(h); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); % Write to the GIF File? if i==1 imwrite(imind,cm,['Frame','.gif'],'gif', 'Loopcount',inf,'DelayTime',0.1); elseif i==step imwrite(imind,cm,['Frame','.gif'],'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',0.1); else imwrite(imind,cm,['Frame','.gif'],'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',0.1); end end
2.3 combine videos
3 vorticity contour
3.1 Goal:
get vorticity contour at every time step
3.2 Steps
- load one case and data file
- display vorticity contour with code
a) Select "command editor" and paste the following code
b) change expression if needed
# Session file started: 2019/11/12 15:12:02 # CFX-15.0 build 2013.10.10-08.49-130242 # To avoid unnecessary file pre-processing and modifications, include # COMMAND FILE at the top of your session file. # If it is not included, the file is assumed to be older and will be # modified for backward compatibility. COMMAND FILE: CFX Post Version = 15.0 END VIEW:View 1 Camera Mode = User Specified CAMERA: Option = Pivot Point and Quaternion Pivot Point = 2, 0.6, 0.3 Scale = 0.749315 Pan = 0, 0 Rotation Quaternion = 0, 0, 0, 1 END END > update LIBRARY: CEL: EXPRESSIONS: revortex = Velocity.Curl Z*0.1/1.1686 END END END EXPRESSION EVALUATOR: Evaluated Expression = revortex END > forceupdate EXPRESSION EVALUATOR USER SCALAR VARIABLE:divortex Boundary Values = Conservative Calculate Global Range = Off Expression = revortex Recipe = Expression Variable to Copy = Pressure Variable to Gradient = Pressure END PLANE:Plane 1 Apply Instancing Transform = On Apply Texture = Off Blend Texture = On Bound Radius = 0.5 [m] Colour = 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 Colour Map = Default Colour Map Colour Mode = Constant Colour Scale = Linear Colour Variable = Pressure Colour Variable Boundary Values = Conservative Culling Mode = No Culling Direction 1 Bound = 1.0 [m] Direction 1 Orientation = 0 [degree] Direction 1 Points = 10 Direction 2 Bound = 1.0 [m] Direction 2 Points = 10 Domain List = /DOMAIN GROUP:All Domains Draw Faces = On Draw Lines = Off Instancing Transform = /DEFAULT INSTANCE TRANSFORM:Default Transform Invert Plane Bound = Off Lighting = On Line Colour = 0, 0, 0 Line Colour Mode = Default Line Width = 1 Max = 0.0 [Pa] Min = 0.0 [Pa] Normal = 1 , 0 , 0 Option = XY Plane Plane Bound = None Plane Type = Slice Point = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] Point 1 = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] Point 2 = 1 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] Point 3 = 0 [m], 1 [m], 0 [m] Range = Global Render Edge Angle = 0 [degree] Specular Lighting = On Surface Drawing = Smooth Shading Texture Angle = 0 Texture Direction = 0 , 1 , 0 Texture File = Texture Material = Metal Texture Position = 0 , 0 Texture Scale = 1 Texture Type = Predefined Tile Texture = Off Transform Texture = Off Transparency = 0.0 X = 0.0 [m] Y = 0.0 [m] Z = 0.3 [m] OBJECT VIEW TRANSFORM: Apply Reflection = Off Apply Rotation = Off Apply Scale = Off Apply Translation = Off Principal Axis = Z Reflection Plane Option = XY Plane Rotation Angle = 0.0 [degree] Rotation Axis From = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] Rotation Axis To = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] Rotation Axis Type = Principal Axis Scale Vector = 1 , 1 , 1 Translation Vector = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] X = 0.0 [m] Y = 0.0 [m] Z = 0.0 [m] END END # Sending visibility action from ViewUtilities >show /PLANE:Plane 1, view=/VIEW:View 1 CONTOUR:Contour 1 Apply Instancing Transform = On Clip Contour = Off Colour Map = Default Colour Map Colour Scale = Linear Colour Variable = divortex Colour Variable Boundary Values = Conservative Constant Contour Colour = Off Contour Range = User Specified Culling Mode = No Culling Domain List = /DOMAIN GROUP:All Domains Draw Contours = On Font = Sans Serif Fringe Fill = On Instancing Transform = /DEFAULT INSTANCE TRANSFORM:Default Transform Lighting = On Line Colour = 0, 0, 0 Line Colour Mode = Default Line Width = 1 Location List = /PLANE:Plane 1 Max = 2 [s^-1] Min = -2 [s^-1] Number of Contours = 100 Show Numbers = Off Specular Lighting = On Surface Drawing = Smooth Shading Text Colour = 0, 0, 0 Text Colour Mode = Default Text Height = 0.024 Transparency = 0.0 Value List = 0 [s^-1],1 [s^-1] OBJECT VIEW TRANSFORM: Apply Reflection = Off Apply Rotation = Off Apply Scale = Off Apply Translation = Off Principal Axis = Z Reflection Plane Option = XY Plane Rotation Angle = 0.0 [degree] Rotation Axis From = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] Rotation Axis To = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] Rotation Axis Type = Principal Axis Scale Vector = 1 , 1 , 1 Translation Vector = 0 [m], 0 [m], 0 [m] X = 0.0 [m] Y = 0.0 [m] Z = 0.0 [m] END END # Sending visibility action from ViewUtilities >show /CONTOUR:Contour 1, view=/VIEW:View 1 # Sending visibility action from ViewUtilities >hide /DEFAULT LEGEND:Default Legend View 1, view=/VIEW:View 1 # Session file stopped: 2019/11/12 15:16:00
- add time value
- animation
timestep selector >> animation>> animation options
4 time histories of displacement, lift and drag
FFT– find the frequency
package: matlab
%% inputs: time, displacement, lift and drag coefficents % author: guofei, kaiming ai % output: normalised displacement vs time clear; clc; %% read data data=xlsread('gap0.005ur7.xlsx'); A1=data(800:4233,1); % time on one cycle A2=data(800:4233,2); % displacement A3=data(800:4233,3); % lift A4=data(800:4233,4); % drag % plot(A1,A2) %% plot data figure(1); U=1.1686; %free stream velocity fig_hei=0.28; fig_wei=0.9; lef_cor_x=0.08; lef_cor_y=0.1; % sub-figure1: drag history subplot(3,1,1,'position', [lef_cor_x lef_cor_y+fig_hei+fig_hei fig_wei fig_hei]) plot(A1*U/0.1,A4,'b-'); ylabel('\itC_{D}','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); set(gca,'fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman') axis([20,400,-inf,inf]) set(gca,'xticklabel',[]) box off ax2 = axes('Position',get(gca,'Position'),... 'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'XColor','k','YColor','k'); set(ax2,'YTick', []); set(ax2,'XTick', []); box on %sub-figure2: Cl, lift coefficient history subplot(3,1,2,'position', [lef_cor_x lef_cor_y+fig_hei fig_wei fig_hei]) plot(A1*U/0.1,A3,'r-'); ylabel('\itC_{l}','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); set(gca,'fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman') axis([20,400,-inf,inf]) set(gca,'xticklabel',[]) box off ax2 = axes('Position',get(gca,'Position'),... 'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'XColor','k','YColor','k'); set(ax2,'YTick', []); set(ax2,'XTick', []); box on %subplot 3: A/D, normalised displacement history subplot(3,1,3,'position', [lef_cor_x lef_cor_y fig_wei fig_hei]) plot(A1*U/0.1,A2/0.1,'r-'); ylabel('\itA/D','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); xlabel('\ittU/D','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); set(gca,'fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman') axis([20,400,-inf,inf]) box off ax2 = axes('Position',get(gca,'Position'),... 'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'XColor','k','YColor','k'); set(ax2,'YTick', []); set(ax2,'XTick', []); box on %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FFT Data_FFT=[A2,A3,A4]; S=[Data_FFT(:,1)-mean(Data_FFT(:,1)),Data_FFT(:,2)-mean(Data_FFT(:,2)),Data_FFT(:,3)-mean(Data_FFT(:,3))]; Fs=200;% sample freq N=9000;% number of sample t=[0:1/Fs:N/Fs]; Y=fft(S,N); Ayy=(abs(Y)); %Ayy=Ayy/(N/2); Ayy_1=Ayy(:,1); Ayy_2=Ayy(:,2); Ayy_3=Ayy(:,3); F=([1:N]-1)*Fs/N; %%%%%%%%%% % plot 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%% figure(2); %FFT of cd subplot(3,1,1,'position', [lef_cor_x lef_cor_y+fig_hei+fig_hei fig_wei fig_hei]) plot(F(1:N/2),Ayy_3(1:N/2),'b-','linewidth',2); ylabel('\itAmplitude','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); set(gca,'fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman') axis([0,10,0,inf]) set(gca,'xticklabel',[]) box off ax2 = axes('Position',get(gca,'Position'),... 'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'XColor','k','YColor','k'); set(ax2,'YTick', []); set(ax2,'XTick', []); box on %FFT of cl subplot(3,1,2,'position', [lef_cor_x lef_cor_y+fig_hei fig_wei fig_hei]) plot(F(1:N/2),Ayy_2(1:N/2),'b-','linewidth',2); ylabel('\itAmplitude','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); set(gca,'fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman') axis([0,10,0,3e3]) set(gca,'xticklabel',[]) box off ax2 = axes('Position',get(gca,'Position'),... 'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'XColor','k','YColor','k'); set(ax2,'YTick', []); set(ax2,'XTick', []); box on % subplot 3 : dis subplot(3,1,3,'position', [lef_cor_x lef_cor_y fig_wei fig_hei]) plot(F(1:N/2),Ayy_1(1:N/2),'b-','linewidth',2); xlabel('\itf','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); ylabel('\itAmplitude','fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman'); set(gca,'fontsize',20,'fontname','Times New Roman') axis([0,10,0,100]) box off ax2 = axes('Position',get(gca,'Position'),... 'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'XColor','k','YColor','k'); set(ax2,'YTick', []); set(ax2,'XTick', []); box on %% mean value of Cd mean_Cd = mean(A4) %% rms_Cd rms_Cd = rms(A4) %% rms_cl rms_Cl = rms(A3) %% displacement A2_mean = A2(A2>0.06); s = sum(A2_mean); l = length(find(A2>0.06)); dis_ave = s/l; %% RMS of displacement, max displacement Rms = rms(A2); dis = Rms*(2)^0.5 max_dis = max (A2) K = F'; C = data(:,1)*U/0.1;