summary table– new setup and contributions on VIV of a cylinder near a plane



Table of Contents

1 TODO summary table– new setup, results, and limits

Authors, year Methods flow regime new in setup new in results limits DOF
Guofei Num. 3D LES subcritidal 3D LES     1
Munir, 2018, OE Num. 2D, RANS subcritical cosine wave wave (kc) effects   2
* Barbosa, 2017, JFS Exp. subcritical more gap ratio, extend wake oscilator model detailed g/d on A*, f*; extend wake oscilator model including wall effect no mechanism explanation, flow field parameters, TI, vorticity, streamline contour 2
*Hsieh, 2016 Exp. subcritical high resolution PIV, Accurate measurements at the viscous sublayer  vorticity evolution in one period, shear stress along streamwise only G/D=0.8  
*Wang, 2013, JFS Exp. subcritical high resolution PIV, m*=1 (floating) St vs e/D, non-linearity (multi-harmonics) in drag coefficient (Fig.6), no lower branch data due to exp. limit; 2. virticity contour, no upstream BL, only wake flow pattern 3. only 2 velocities at different G/D 1
*Yang,2009 Exp. subcritical early Exp. viv near plane results of A* near a plane no mechamism explanation for amp. and fre. resonse under different G/D  
Sumer et al. 1994   subcritical        
chen 2019 JFS Num. laminar   effects of BL on the VIV, impacts of G/D, and δ/D only initial and lower branches  
Chern, 2018, JoM Num. laminar direct-forcing IB method effect of e/d on lock-in region, skin friction on the plane no physics explain  
chung, 2016 Num. laminar moving wall, examine G/D effects only, excluding effects of the BL by moving the plane boundary G/D ↑, A* ↓, lock-in region ↑,Urmax  


what did munir did? how? results? limits?

  • table is inspired by 8.3.2 sumer, 1997
  • ν of water: 1.002e-3
  • govening/influencing parameters
  • flow regime is based on table 1-1, zdravkovich, 1997
  • degree of freedom

ref: table 1-1, zdravkovich, 1997

table 10.1 sumer,1997{B}

  • where, B means book

Barbosa 2017 vs yang, 2009 what is new in barbosa's research?

  • add more gap-ratio cases
  • extend wake oscilator model including plane boundary effect

Created: 2020-04-04 Sat 17:00


posted @ 2019-08-16 20:12  kaiming_ai  阅读(186)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报