Table of Contents
1 introduction
drag and lift force change periodically with time
- the contribution of the friction drag to the total drag forces is less than 2-3 %
- if the blockage ratio is less than 6%, then blockage effect is negiable
1.1 influence of Reynolds number
for flow around a circular cylinder
- Re < 40, steady symmetric
- Re > 40, unsteady, asymmetric, alternative vortex shedding
1.2 lift and drag coefficient
- Tv : vortex shedding period
- CD : drag coefficient
- CL : lift coefficient
\[ C_D = \frac{F_D}{\frac{1}{2} \rho D U^2} \]
\[ C_L = \frac{F_L}{\frac{1}{2} \rho D U^2} \]
2 numerical modelling of a cylinder
2.1 validation
- Parameters for validation: lift/drag coefficient, St number
3 ref
- flow around circular cylinders, a comprehensive guide through flow phenomena, experiments, applications, mathematical models, and computer
simulations M.M. Zdravkovich oxford Uni. press