sectional data interpolation in Tecplot
$!Varset |NumLoop|=360 $!Loop |NumLoop| $!Varset |num|=(|Loop|*1+0) $!RotateData ZoneList = [4] Angle = |num| XVar = 1 YVar = 2 ZVar = 3 NormalX = 1 NormalY = 0 NormalZ = 0 $!LinearInterpolate SourceZones = [1] DestinationZone = 4 VarList = [4-9] LinearInterPConst = 0 LinearInterpMode = DontChange $!WriteDataSet "C:\Users\kaiming\Documents\ZJU\output_|num|.dat" IncludeText = No IncludeGeom = No IncludeDataShareLinkage = Yes ZoneList = [4] Binary = No UsePointFormat = Yes Precision = 9 TecplotVersionToWrite = TecplotCurrent $!EndLoop
rotate sectional plane 1 degree and then interpolate data on the sectional plane
- loop over output file