UVA10929 - You can say 11


Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu

Introduction to the problem Your job is, given a positive number N, determine if it is a multiple of eleven.
Description of the input The input is a file such that each line contains a positive number. A line containing the number 0 is the end of the input. The given numbers can contain up to 1000 digits.
Description of the output The output of the program shall indicate, for each input number, if it is a multiple of eleven or not.
Sample input: 112233 30800 2937 323455693 5038297 112234 0
Sample output 112233 is a multiple of 11. 30800 is a multiple of 11. 2937 is a multiple of 11. 323455693 is a multiple of 11. 5038297 is a multiple of 11. 112234 is not a multiple of 11.




吐槽: 由于所给的时间比较宽松(3000ms),这题就这么被我水过了,但最终judge用时1106 ms,其他人都是30+ms 囧RZ。


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 char s[1005];
 4 bool caculat()
 5 {
 6     int n,m;
 7     while((n=strlen(s))>2)
 8     {
 9         int temp=0,m=--n;
10         if(s[0]!='0')
11         {
12             if(s[1]>'0')
13             {
14                 s[0]--;
15                 s[1]--;
16             }
17             else if(s[0]>'1')
18             {
19                 s[0]-=2;
20                 s[1]='9';
21             }
22             else if(s[2]>='1')
23             {
24                 s[0]='0';
25                 s[1]='9';
26                 s[2]--;
27             }
28             else
29             {
30                 s[0]='0';
31                 s[1]='8';
32                 s[2]='9';
33             }
34         }
35         while(s[0]=='0')
36         {
37             for(int j=0; j<m; j++)s[j]=s[j+1];
38             s[m]='\0';
39         }
40        //printf("%s\n",s);
41     }
44     if(s[0]==s[1])return true;
45     else return false;
46 }
47 int main()
48 {
49     char temp[1005];
50     //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
51     while(scanf("%s",s)&&strcmp(s,"0"))
52     {
53         strcpy(temp,s);
54         if(caculat())printf("%s is a multiple of 11.\n",temp);
55         else printf("%s is not a multiple of 11.\n",temp);
56     }
57 }
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正解思路:大数求模的方法,不断对最高位加上原来的数乘10取模11保存(如:121->1%11=1,(1*10+2)%11=1,(1* 10+1)%11=0),若最终结果为0则为11的倍数。



 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 int main()
 4 {
 5     char s[1005];
 6     int n;
 7     //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
 8     while(scanf("%s",s)&&strcmp(s,"0"))
 9     {
10         int m=0,i=0;
11         while(s[i]!='\0')
12         {
13             m=(10*m+(s[i++]-'0'))%11;
14         }
15         if(!m)printf("%s is a multiple of 11.\n",s);
16         else printf("%s is not a multiple of 11.\n",s);
18     }
19 }
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posted @ 2013-08-08 21:58  code_farmer_cyk  阅读(346)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报