Hello, Geoff Ernest (此人在7月10日的新闻中出现过) with the national weather.

The cloud building over the southeast is ahead of a weak frontage triggering the odd shower about exposed parts of the South Australian coast and the other offshore storm. Low cloud extending along parts of the southwest WA coast in onshore winds are causing too much rain, and it’s (去掉the) mostly dry elsewhere.

To the states now, that’s fine and dry in Queensland with only a few light showers over the far northern Cape York Peninsular and Torres Strait islands. A fine and sunny start of the weekend for New South Wales as well with just a few light winds in the northeast

It will be cloudy right across Victoria with isolated showers developing in the west and central areas later in the day. There’s the chance of afternoon showers on the northeast ranges and more snow for Alpine regions.

Tasmania is in for a cloudy day as well with isolated showers about the north increasing to rain over the west coast, it will be fine elsewhere.

There will be showers right across South Australia’s southern agricultural areas. The far southern coasts and ranges can expect fogs as well.

Showers in WA scattered in the lower west and southwest districts.

And there will be a mostly fine and sunny day in the Territory.

Now look ahead in the major centers, fine in Brisbane and sunny in Sydney, Melbourne can expect a shower too, with possible showers in Adelaide and Perth.

Alpine regions在VICTORIA省,是澳洲滑雪胜地之一

Territory在这里是North Territory(澳洲的一个省)的简称,要大写T。

  • New Words
  • Pronunciation
  • Simple Meaning
  • trigger
  • If something triggers an event or situation, it causes it to begin to happen or exist.
  • about
  • If you put something about a person or thing, you put it around them.
  • offshore
  • Offshore means situated or happening in the sea, near to the coast.
  • onshore
  • Onshore means happening on or near land, rather than at sea.
  • Brisbane
  • 布里斯班市