KBEngine warring项目源码阅读(二) 登录和baseapp的负载均衡
1 void login() 2 { 3 Common.DEBUG_MSG("login is Click, name=" + username.input.text + ", password=" + password.input.text + "!"); 4 5 log_label.obj.text = "请求连接服务器..."; 6 log_label.obj.color = UnityEngine.Color.green; 7 if(username.input.text == "" || username.input.text.Length > 30) 8 { 9 log_label.obj.text = "用户名或者邮箱地址不合法。"; 10 log_label.obj.color = UnityEngine.Color.red; 11 Common.WARNING_MSG("ui::login: invalid username!"); 12 return; 13 } 14 15 if(password.input.text.Length < 6 || password.input.text.Length > 16) 16 { 17 log_label.obj.text = "密码不合法, 长度应该在6-16位之间。"; 18 log_label.obj.color = UnityEngine.Color.red; 19 Common.WARNING_MSG("ui::login: invalid reg_password!"); 20 return; 21 } 22 23 KBEngine.Event.fireIn("login", username.input.text, password.input.text, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("kbengine_unity_warring")); 24 log_label.obj.text = "连接成功,等待处理请稍后..."; 25 }
/* 登录到服务端(loginapp), 登录成功后还必须登录到网关(baseapp)登录流程才算完毕 */ public void login_loginapp(bool noconnect) { if(noconnect) { reset(); _networkInterface.connectTo(_args.ip, _args.port, onConnectTo_loginapp_callback, null); } else { Dbg.DEBUG_MSG("KBEngine::login_loginapp(): send login! username=" + username); Bundle bundle = Bundle.createObject(); bundle.newMessage(Message.messages["Loginapp_login"]); bundle.writeInt8((sbyte)_args.clientType); bundle.writeBlob(KBEngineApp.app._clientdatas); bundle.writeString(username); bundle.writeString(password); bundle.send(_networkInterface); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Loginapp::login(Network::Channel* pChannel, MemoryStream& s) { AUTO_SCOPED_PROFILE("login"); COMPONENT_CLIENT_TYPE ctype; CLIENT_CTYPE tctype = UNKNOWN_CLIENT_COMPONENT_TYPE; std::string loginName; std::string password; std::string datas; // 前端类别 s >> tctype; ctype = static_cast<COMPONENT_CLIENT_TYPE>(tctype); // 附带数据 s.readBlob(datas); // 帐号登录名 s >> loginName; // 密码 s >> password; loginName = KBEngine::strutil::kbe_trim(loginName); if(loginName.size() == 0) { INFO_MSG("Loginapp::login: loginName is NULL.\n"); _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_NAME, datas, true); s.done(); return; } if(loginName.size() > ACCOUNT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) { INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: loginName is too long, size={}, limit={}.\n", loginName.size(), ACCOUNT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)); _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_NAME, datas, true); s.done(); return; } if(password.size() > ACCOUNT_PASSWD_MAX_LENGTH) { INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: password is too long, size={}, limit={}.\n", password.size(), ACCOUNT_PASSWD_MAX_LENGTH)); _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_PASSWORD, datas, true); s.done(); return; } if(datas.size() > ACCOUNT_DATA_MAX_LENGTH) { INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: bindatas is too long, size={}, limit={}.\n", datas.size(), ACCOUNT_DATA_MAX_LENGTH)); _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_OP_FAILED, datas, true); s.done(); return; } // 首先必须baseappmgr和dbmgr都已经准备完毕了。 Components::ComponentInfos* baseappmgrinfos = Components::getSingleton().getBaseappmgr(); if(baseappmgrinfos == NULL || baseappmgrinfos->pChannel == NULL || baseappmgrinfos->cid == 0) { datas = ""; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY, datas, true); s.done(); return; } Components::ComponentInfos* dbmgrinfos = Components::getSingleton().getDbmgr(); if(dbmgrinfos == NULL || dbmgrinfos->pChannel == NULL || dbmgrinfos->cid == 0) { datas = ""; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY, datas, true); s.done(); return; } if(!g_kbeSrvConfig.getDBMgr().allowEmptyDigest) { std::string clientDigest; if(s.length() > 0) s >> clientDigest; if(clientDigest.size() > 0) { if(clientDigest != digest_) { INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: loginName({}), digest not match. curr({}) != dbmgr({})\n", loginName, clientDigest, digest_)); datas = ""; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_ENTITYDEFS_NOT_MATCH, datas, true); return; } } else { //WARNING_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: loginName={} no check entitydefs!\n", loginName)); } } s.done(); if(shuttingdown_ != SHUTDOWN_STATE_STOP) { INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: shutting down, {} login failed!\n", loginName)); datas = ""; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_IN_SHUTTINGDOWN, datas, true); return; } if(initProgress_ < 1.f) { datas = fmt::format("initProgress: {}", initProgress_); _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_STARTING, datas, true); return; } // 把请求交由脚本处理 SCOPED_PROFILE(SCRIPTCALL_PROFILE); PyObject* pyResult = PyObject_CallMethod(getEntryScript().get(), const_cast<char*>("onReuqestLogin"), const_cast<char*>("ssby#"), loginName.c_str(), password.c_str(), tctype, datas.c_str(), datas.length()); if(pyResult != NULL) { bool login_check = true; if(PySequence_Check(pyResult) && PySequence_Size(pyResult) == 5) { char* sname; char* spassword; char *extraDatas; Py_ssize_t extraDatas_size = 0; SERVER_ERROR_CODE error; if(PyArg_ParseTuple(pyResult, "H|s|s|b|y#", &error, &sname, &spassword, &tctype, &extraDatas, &extraDatas_size) == -1) { ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: {}.onReuqestLogin, Return value error! loginName={}\n", g_kbeSrvConfig.getLoginApp().entryScriptFile, loginName)); login_check = false; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_OP_FAILED, datas, true); } if(login_check) { loginName = sname; password = spassword; if (extraDatas && extraDatas_size > 0) datas.assign(extraDatas, extraDatas_size); else SCRIPT_ERROR_CHECK(); } if(error != SERVER_SUCCESS) { login_check = false; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, error, datas, true); } if(loginName.size() == 0) { INFO_MSG("Loginapp::login: loginName is NULL.\n"); _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_NAME, datas, true); s.done(); return; } } else { ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: {}.onReuqestLogin, Return value error, must be errorcode or tuple! loginName={}\n", g_kbeSrvConfig.getLoginApp().entryScriptFile, loginName)); login_check = false; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_OP_FAILED, datas, true); } Py_DECREF(pyResult); if(!login_check) return; } else { SCRIPT_ERROR_CHECK(); _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_OP_FAILED, datas, true); } PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos* ptinfos = pendingLoginMgr_.find(loginName); if(ptinfos != NULL) { datas = ""; _loginFailed(pChannel, loginName, SERVER_ERR_BUSY, datas, true); return; } ptinfos = new PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos; ptinfos->ctype = ctype; ptinfos->datas = datas; ptinfos->accountName = loginName; ptinfos->password = password; ptinfos->addr = pChannel->addr(); pendingLoginMgr_.add(ptinfos); if(ctype < UNKNOWN_CLIENT_COMPONENT_TYPE || ctype >= CLIENT_TYPE_END) ctype = UNKNOWN_CLIENT_COMPONENT_TYPE; INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::login: new client[{0}], loginName={1}, datas={2}.\n", COMPONENT_CLIENT_NAME[ctype], loginName, datas)); pChannel->extra(loginName); // 向dbmgr查询用户合法性 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); (*pBundle).newMessage(DbmgrInterface::onAccountLogin); (*pBundle) << loginName << password; (*pBundle).appendBlob(datas); dbmgrinfos->pChannel->send(pBundle); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Dbmgr::onAccountLogin(Network::Channel* pChannel, KBEngine::MemoryStream& s) { std::string loginName, password, datas; s >> loginName >> password; s.readBlob(datas); if(loginName.size() == 0) { ERROR_MSG("Dbmgr::onAccountLogin: loginName is empty.\n"); return; } pInterfacesAccountHandler_->loginAccount(pChannel, loginName, password, datas); }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 bool InterfacesHandler_Dbmgr::loginAccount(Network::Channel* pChannel, std::string& loginName, 3 std::string& password, std::string& datas) 4 { 5 std::string dbInterfaceName = Dbmgr::getSingleton().selectAccountDBInterfaceName(loginName); 6 7 thread::ThreadPool* pThreadPool = DBUtil::pThreadPool(dbInterfaceName); 8 if (!pThreadPool) 9 { 10 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("InterfacesHandler_Dbmgr::loginAccount: not found dbInterface({})!\n", 11 dbInterfaceName)); 12 13 return false; 14 } 15 16 pThreadPool->addTask(new DBTaskAccountLogin(pChannel->addr(), 17 loginName, loginName, password, SERVER_SUCCESS, datas, datas, true)); 18 19 return true; 20 }
1 bool DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process() 2 { 3 // 如果Interfaces已经判断不成功就没必要继续下去 4 if(retcode_ != SERVER_SUCCESS) 5 { 6 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process(): interfaces is failed!\n")); 7 return false; 8 } 9 10 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_OP_FAILED; 11 12 if(accountName_.size() == 0) 13 { 14 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process(): accountName is NULL!\n")); 15 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_NAME; 16 return false; 17 } 18 19 ScriptDefModule* pModule = EntityDef::findScriptModule(DBUtil::accountScriptName()); 20 21 if(pModule == NULL) 22 { 23 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process(): not found account script[{}], login[{}] failed!\n", 24 DBUtil::accountScriptName(), accountName_)); 25 26 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY; 27 return false; 28 } 29 30 EntityTables& entityTables = EntityTables::findByInterfaceName(pdbi_->name()); 31 KBEEntityLogTable* pELTable = static_cast<KBEEntityLogTable*> 32 (entityTables.findKBETable("kbe_entitylog")); 33 34 KBE_ASSERT(pELTable); 35 36 KBEAccountTable* pTable = static_cast<KBEAccountTable*>(entityTables.findKBETable("kbe_accountinfos")); 37 KBE_ASSERT(pTable); 38 39 ACCOUNT_INFOS info; 40 info.dbid = 0; 41 info.flags = 0; 42 info.deadline = 0; 43 44 if(!pTable->queryAccount(pdbi_, accountName_, info)) 45 { 46 flags_ = info.flags; 47 deadline_ = info.deadline; 48 49 if(ACCOUNT_TYPE(g_kbeSrvConfig.getLoginApp().account_type) != ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL) 50 { 51 if (email_isvalid(accountName_.c_str())) 52 { 53 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process(): account[{}] is email, autocreate failed!\n", 54 accountName_)); 55 56 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_CANNOT_USE_MAIL; 57 return false; 58 } 59 } 60 61 if (g_kbeSrvConfig.getDBMgr().notFoundAccountAutoCreate || 62 (Network::Address::NONE != g_kbeSrvConfig.interfacesAddr() && !needCheckPassword_/*第三方处理成功则自动创建账号*/)) 63 { 64 if(!DBTaskCreateAccount::writeAccount(pdbi_, accountName_, password_, postdatas_, info) || info.dbid == 0 || info.flags != ACCOUNT_FLAG_NORMAL) 65 { 66 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process(): writeAccount[{}] is error!\n", 67 accountName_)); 68 69 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_DB; 70 return false; 71 } 72 73 INFO_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process(): not found account[{}], autocreate successfully!\n", 74 accountName_)); 75 76 info.password = KBE_MD5::getDigest(password_.data(), (int)password_.length()); 77 } 78 else 79 { 80 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::db_thread_process(): not found account[{}], login failed!\n", 81 accountName_)); 82 83 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_NOT_FOUND_ACCOUNT; 84 return false; 85 } 86 } 87 88 if(info.dbid == 0) 89 return false; 90 91 if(info.flags != ACCOUNT_FLAG_NORMAL) 92 { 93 flags_ = info.flags; 94 return false; 95 } 96 97 if (needCheckPassword_ || Network::Address::NONE == g_kbeSrvConfig.interfacesAddr()) 98 { 99 if (kbe_stricmp(info.password.c_str(), KBE_MD5::getDigest(password_.data(), (int)password_.length()).c_str()) != 0) 100 { 101 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_PASSWORD; 102 return false; 103 } 104 } 105 106 pTable->updateCount(pdbi_, accountName_, info.dbid); 107 108 retcode_ = SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_IS_ONLINE; 109 KBEEntityLogTable::EntityLog entitylog; 110 bool success = !pELTable->queryEntity(pdbi_, info.dbid, entitylog, pModule->getUType()); 111 112 // 如果有在线纪录 113 if(!success) 114 { 115 componentID_ = entitylog.componentID; 116 entityID_ = entitylog.entityID; 117 } 118 else 119 { 120 retcode_ = SERVER_SUCCESS; 121 } 122 123 dbid_ = info.dbid; 124 flags_ = info.flags; 125 deadline_ = info.deadline; 126 return false; 127 } 128 129 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 thread::TPTask::TPTaskState DBTaskAccountLogin::presentMainThread() 131 { 132 DEBUG_MSG(fmt::format("Dbmgr::onAccountLogin:loginName={0}, accountName={1}, success={2}, componentID={3}, dbid={4}, flags={5}, deadline={6}.\n", 133 loginName_, 134 accountName_, 135 retcode_, 136 componentID_, 137 dbid_, 138 flags_, 139 deadline_ 140 )); 141 142 // 一个用户登录, 构造一个数据库查询指令并加入到执行队列, 执行完毕将结果返回给loginapp 143 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 144 (*pBundle).newMessage(LoginappInterface::onLoginAccountQueryResultFromDbmgr); 145 146 (*pBundle) << retcode_; 147 (*pBundle) << loginName_; 148 (*pBundle) << accountName_; 149 (*pBundle) << password_; 150 (*pBundle) << componentID_; // 如果大于0则表示账号还存活在某个baseapp上 151 (*pBundle) << entityID_; 152 (*pBundle) << dbid_; 153 (*pBundle) << flags_; 154 (*pBundle) << deadline_; 155 (*pBundle).appendBlob(getdatas_); 156 157 if(!this->send(pBundle)) 158 { 159 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskAccountLogin::presentMainThread: channel({}) not found.\n", addr_.c_str())); 160 Network::Bundle::reclaimPoolObject(pBundle); 161 } 162 163 return DBTask::presentMainThread(); 164 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 bool KBEAccountTableMysql::queryAccount(DBInterface * pdbi, const std::string& name, ACCOUNT_INFOS& info) 3 { 4 std::string sqlstr = "select entityDBID, password, flags, deadline from kbe_accountinfos where accountName=\""; 5 6 char* tbuf = new char[name.size() * 2 + 1]; 7 8 mysql_real_escape_string(static_cast<DBInterfaceMysql*>(pdbi)->mysql(), 9 tbuf, name.c_str(), name.size()); 10 11 sqlstr += tbuf; 12 sqlstr += "\" or email=\""; 13 sqlstr += tbuf; 14 sqlstr += "\" LIMIT 1"; 15 SAFE_RELEASE_ARRAY(tbuf); 16 17 // 如果查询失败则返回存在, 避免可能产生的错误 18 if(!pdbi->query(sqlstr.c_str(), sqlstr.size(), false)) 19 return true; 20 21 info.dbid = 0; 22 MYSQL_RES * pResult = mysql_store_result(static_cast<DBInterfaceMysql*>(pdbi)->mysql()); 23 if(pResult) 24 { 25 MYSQL_ROW arow = mysql_fetch_row(pResult); 26 if(arow != NULL) 27 { 28 KBEngine::StringConv::str2value(info.dbid, arow[0]); 29 info.name = name; 30 info.password = arow[1]; 31 32 KBEngine::StringConv::str2value(info.flags, arow[2]); 33 KBEngine::StringConv::str2value(info.deadline, arow[3]); 34 } 35 36 mysql_free_result(pResult); 37 } 38 39 return info.dbid > 0; 40 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Loginapp::onLoginAccountQueryResultFromDbmgr(Network::Channel* pChannel, MemoryStream& s) 3 { 4 if(pChannel->isExternal()) 5 return; 6 7 std::string loginName, accountName, password, datas; 8 SERVER_ERROR_CODE retcode = SERVER_SUCCESS; 9 COMPONENT_ID componentID; 10 ENTITY_ID entityID; 11 DBID dbid; 12 uint32 flags; 13 uint64 deadline; 14 15 s >> retcode; 16 17 // 登录名既登录时客户端输入的名称, 账号名则是dbmgr查询得到的名称 18 // 这个机制用于一个账号多名称系统或者多个第三方账号系统登入服务器 19 // accountName为本游戏服务器账号所绑定的终身名称 20 // 客户端得到baseapp地址的同时也会返回这个账号名称 21 // 客户端登陆baseapp应该使用这个账号名称登陆 22 s >> loginName; 23 s >> accountName; 24 25 s >> password; 26 s >> componentID; 27 s >> entityID; 28 s >> dbid; 29 s >> flags; 30 s >> deadline; 31 32 s.readBlob(datas); 33 34 //DEBUG_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::onLoginAccountQueryResultFromDbmgr: loginName={}.\n", 35 // loginName)); 36 37 if((flags & ACCOUNT_FLAG_LOCK) > 0) 38 { 39 _loginFailed(NULL, loginName, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_LOCK, datas); 40 return; 41 } 42 43 if((flags & ACCOUNT_FLAG_NOT_ACTIVATED) > 0) 44 { 45 _loginFailed(NULL, loginName, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATED, datas); 46 return; 47 } 48 49 if(deadline > 0 && ::time(NULL) - deadline <= 0) 50 { 51 _loginFailed(NULL, loginName, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_DEADLINE, datas); 52 return; 53 } 54 55 PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos* infos = pendingLoginMgr_.find(loginName); 56 if(infos == NULL) 57 { 58 _loginFailed(NULL, loginName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_OVERLOAD, datas); 59 return; 60 } 61 62 // 把请求交由脚本处理 63 SCOPED_PROFILE(SCRIPTCALL_PROFILE); 64 PyObject* pyResult = PyObject_CallMethod(getEntryScript().get(), 65 const_cast<char*>("onLoginCallbackFromDB"), 66 const_cast<char*>("ssHy#"), 67 loginName.c_str(), 68 accountName.c_str(), 69 retcode, 70 datas.c_str(), datas.length()); 71 72 if(pyResult != NULL) 73 { 74 Py_DECREF(pyResult); 75 } 76 else 77 { 78 SCRIPT_ERROR_CHECK(); 79 } 80 81 infos->datas = datas; 82 83 Network::Channel* pClientChannel = this->networkInterface().findChannel(infos->addr); 84 if(pClientChannel) 85 pClientChannel->extra(""); 86 87 if(retcode != SERVER_SUCCESS && entityID == 0 && componentID == 0) 88 { 89 _loginFailed(NULL, loginName, retcode, datas); 90 return; 91 } 92 93 // 获得baseappmgr地址。 94 Components::COMPONENTS& cts = Components::getSingleton().getComponents(BASEAPPMGR_TYPE); 95 Components::ComponentInfos* baseappmgrinfos = NULL; 96 if(cts.size() > 0) 97 baseappmgrinfos = &(*cts.begin()); 98 99 if(baseappmgrinfos == NULL || baseappmgrinfos->pChannel == NULL || baseappmgrinfos->cid == 0) 100 { 101 _loginFailed(NULL, loginName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY, datas); 102 return; 103 } 104 105 // 如果大于0则说明当前账号仍然存活于某个baseapp上 106 if(componentID > 0) 107 { 108 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 109 (*pBundle).newMessage(BaseappmgrInterface::registerPendingAccountToBaseappAddr); 110 (*pBundle) << componentID << loginName << accountName << password << entityID << dbid << flags << deadline << infos->ctype; 111 (*pBundle).appendBlob(infos->datas); 112 baseappmgrinfos->pChannel->send(pBundle); 113 return; 114 } 115 else 116 { 117 // 注册到baseapp并且获取baseapp的地址 118 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 119 (*pBundle).newMessage(BaseappmgrInterface::registerPendingAccountToBaseapp); 120 121 (*pBundle) << loginName; 122 (*pBundle) << accountName; 123 (*pBundle) << password; 124 (*pBundle) << dbid; 125 (*pBundle) << flags; 126 (*pBundle) << deadline; 127 (*pBundle) << infos->ctype; 128 (*pBundle).appendBlob(infos->datas); 129 baseappmgrinfos->pChannel->send(pBundle); 130 } 131 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Baseappmgr::registerPendingAccountToBaseapp(Network::Channel* pChannel, MemoryStream& s) 3 { 4 std::string loginName; 5 std::string accountName; 6 std::string password; 7 std::string datas; 8 DBID entityDBID; 9 uint32 flags; 10 uint64 deadline; 11 COMPONENT_TYPE componentType; 12 13 s >> loginName >> accountName >> password >> entityDBID >> flags >> deadline >> componentType; 14 s.readBlob(datas); 15 16 Components::ComponentInfos* cinfos = Components::getSingleton().findComponent(pChannel); 17 if(cinfos == NULL || cinfos->pChannel == NULL) 18 { 19 ERROR_MSG("Baseappmgr::registerPendingAccountToBaseapp: not found loginapp!\n"); 20 return; 21 } 22 23 pending_logins_[loginName] = cinfos->cid; 24 25 updateBestBaseapp(); 26 27 if (bestBaseappID_ == 0 && numLoadBalancingApp() == 0) 28 { 29 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Baseappmgr::registerPendingAccountToBaseapp: Unable to allocate baseapp for load balancing! baseappSize={}, accountName={}.\n", 30 baseapps_.size(), loginName)); 31 } 32 33 ENTITY_ID eid = 0; 34 cinfos = Components::getSingleton().findComponent(BASEAPP_TYPE, bestBaseappID_); 35 36 if (cinfos == NULL || cinfos->pChannel == NULL || cinfos->state != COMPONENT_STATE_RUN) 37 { 38 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 39 ForwardItem* pFI = new AppForwardItem(); 40 41 pFI->pBundle = pBundle; 42 (*pBundle).newMessage(BaseappInterface::registerPendingLogin); 43 (*pBundle) << loginName << accountName << password << eid << entityDBID << flags << deadline << componentType; 44 pBundle->appendBlob(datas); 45 46 int runstate = -1; 47 if (cinfos) 48 runstate = (int)cinfos->state; 49 50 WARNING_MSG(fmt::format("Baseappmgr::registerPendingAccountToBaseapp: not found baseapp({}, runstate={}, pChannel={}), message is buffered.\n", 51 bestBaseappID_, runstate, (cinfos && cinfos->pChannel ? cinfos->pChannel->c_str() : "NULL"))); 52 53 pFI->pHandler = NULL; 54 forward_anywhere_baseapp_messagebuffer_.push(pFI); 55 return; 56 } 57 58 std::map< COMPONENT_ID, Baseapp >::iterator baseapps_iter = baseapps_.find(bestBaseappID_); 59 60 DEBUG_MSG(fmt::format("Baseappmgr::registerPendingAccountToBaseapp:{}. allocBaseapp={}, numEntities={}.\n", 61 accountName, bestBaseappID_, (bestBaseappID_ > 0 ? baseapps_iter->second.numEntities() : 0))); 62 63 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 64 (*pBundle).newMessage(BaseappInterface::registerPendingLogin); 65 (*pBundle) << loginName << accountName << password << eid << entityDBID << flags << deadline << componentType; 66 pBundle->appendBlob(datas); 67 cinfos->pChannel->send(pBundle); 68 69 // 预先将实体数量增加 70 if (baseapps_iter != baseapps_.end()) 71 { 72 baseapps_iter->second.incNumProxices(); 73 } 74 }
在函数updateBestBaseapp();中选取了bestBaseappID_ ,然后通过BaseappInterface::registerPendingLogin将对应的数据发给了对应的BaseApp,我们先看下这个选取过程是如何进行的。
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Baseappmgr::updateBestBaseapp() 3 { 4 bestBaseappID_ = findFreeBaseapp(); 5 } 6 7 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 COMPONENT_ID Baseappmgr::findFreeBaseapp() 9 { 10 std::map< COMPONENT_ID, Baseapp >::iterator iter = baseapps_.begin(); 11 COMPONENT_ID cid = 0; 12 13 float minload = 1.f; 14 ENTITY_ID numEntities = 0x7fffffff; 15 16 for(; iter != baseapps_.end(); ++iter) 17 { 18 if ((iter->second.flags() & APP_FLAGS_NOT_PARTCIPATING_LOAD_BALANCING) > 0) 19 continue; 20 21 // 首先进程必须活着且初始化完毕 22 if(!iter->second.isDestroyed() && iter->second.initProgress() > 1.f) 23 { 24 // 如果没有任何实体则无条件分配 25 if(iter->second.numEntities() == 0) 26 return iter->first; 27 28 // 比较并记录负载最小的进程最终被分配 29 if(minload > iter->second.load() || 30 (minload == iter->second.load() && numEntities > iter->second.numEntities())) 31 { 32 cid = iter->first; 33 34 numEntities = iter->second.numEntities(); 35 minload = iter->second.load(); 36 } 37 } 38 } 39 40 return cid; 41 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Baseapp::registerPendingLogin(Network::Channel* pChannel, KBEngine::MemoryStream& s) 3 { 4 if(pChannel->isExternal()) 5 { 6 s.done(); 7 return; 8 } 9 10 std::string loginName; 11 std::string accountName; 12 std::string password; 13 std::string datas; 14 ENTITY_ID entityID; 15 DBID entityDBID; 16 uint32 flags; 17 uint64 deadline; 18 COMPONENT_TYPE componentType; 19 20 s >> loginName >> accountName >> password >> entityID >> entityDBID >> flags >> deadline >> componentType; 21 s.readBlob(datas); 22 23 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 24 (*pBundle).newMessage(BaseappmgrInterface::onPendingAccountGetBaseappAddr); 25 26 (*pBundle) << loginName; 27 (*pBundle) << accountName; 28 29 if(strlen((const char*)&g_kbeSrvConfig.getBaseApp().externalAddress) > 0) 30 { 31 (*pBundle) << g_kbeSrvConfig.getBaseApp().externalAddress; 32 } 33 else 34 { 35 (*pBundle) << inet_ntoa((struct in_addr&)networkInterface().extaddr().ip); 36 } 37 38 (*pBundle) << this->networkInterface().extaddr().port; 39 pChannel->send(pBundle); 40 41 PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos* ptinfos = new PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos; 42 ptinfos->accountName = accountName; 43 ptinfos->password = password; 44 ptinfos->entityID = entityID; 45 ptinfos->entityDBID = entityDBID; 46 ptinfos->flags = flags; 47 ptinfos->deadline = deadline; 48 ptinfos->ctype = (COMPONENT_CLIENT_TYPE)componentType; 49 ptinfos->datas = datas; 50 pendingLoginMgr_.add(ptinfos); 51 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Baseappmgr::onPendingAccountGetBaseappAddr(Network::Channel* pChannel, 3 std::string& loginName, std::string& accountName, std::string& addr, uint16 port) 4 { 5 sendAllocatedBaseappAddr(pChannel, loginName, accountName, addr, port); 6 } 7 8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 void Baseappmgr::sendAllocatedBaseappAddr(Network::Channel* pChannel, 10 std::string& loginName, std::string& accountName, const std::string& addr, uint16 port) 11 { 12 KBEUnordered_map< std::string, COMPONENT_ID >::iterator iter = pending_logins_.find(loginName); 13 if(iter == pending_logins_.end()) 14 { 15 ERROR_MSG("Baseappmgr::sendAllocatedBaseappAddr: not found loginapp, pending_logins is error!\n"); 16 return; 17 } 18 19 Components::ComponentInfos* cinfos = Components::getSingleton().findComponent(iter->second); 20 if(cinfos == NULL || cinfos->pChannel == NULL) 21 { 22 ERROR_MSG("Baseappmgr::sendAllocatedBaseappAddr: not found loginapp!\n"); 23 return; 24 } 25 26 Network::Bundle* pBundleToLoginapp = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 27 (*pBundleToLoginapp).newMessage(LoginappInterface::onLoginAccountQueryBaseappAddrFromBaseappmgr); 28 29 LoginappInterface::onLoginAccountQueryBaseappAddrFromBaseappmgrArgs4::staticAddToBundle((*pBundleToLoginapp), loginName, 30 accountName, addr, port); 31 32 cinfos->pChannel->send(pBundleToLoginapp); 33 pending_logins_.erase(iter); 34 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Loginapp::onLoginAccountQueryBaseappAddrFromBaseappmgr(Network::Channel* pChannel, std::string& loginName, 3 std::string& accountName, std::string& addr, uint16 port) 4 { 5 if(pChannel->isExternal()) 6 return; 7 8 if(addr.size() == 0) 9 { 10 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::onLoginAccountQueryBaseappAddrFromBaseappmgr:accountName={}, not found baseapp, Please check the baseappmgr errorlog!\n", 11 loginName)); 12 13 std::string datas; 14 _loginFailed(NULL, loginName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY, datas); 15 } 16 17 Network::Address address(addr, ntohs(port)); 18 19 DEBUG_MSG(fmt::format("Loginapp::onLoginAccountQueryBaseappAddrFromBaseappmgr:accountName={0}, addr={1}.\n", 20 loginName, address.c_str())); 21 22 // 这里可以不做删除, 仍然使其保留一段时间避免同一时刻同时登录造成意外影响 23 PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos* infos = pendingLoginMgr_.remove(loginName); 24 if(infos == NULL) 25 return; 26 27 infos->lastProcessTime = timestamp(); 28 Network::Channel* pClientChannel = this->networkInterface().findChannel(infos->addr); 29 30 if(pClientChannel == NULL) 31 { 32 SAFE_RELEASE(infos); 33 return; 34 } 35 36 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 37 (*pBundle).newMessage(ClientInterface::onLoginSuccessfully); 38 uint16 fport = ntohs(port); 39 (*pBundle) << accountName; 40 (*pBundle) << addr; 41 (*pBundle) << fport; 42 (*pBundle).appendBlob(infos->datas); 43 pClientChannel->send(pBundle); 44 45 SAFE_RELEASE(infos); 46 }
/* 登录loginapp成功了 */ public void Client_onLoginSuccessfully(MemoryStream stream) { var accountName = stream.readString(); username = accountName; baseappIP = stream.readString(); baseappPort = stream.readUint16(); Dbg.DEBUG_MSG("KBEngine::Client_onLoginSuccessfully: accountName(" + accountName + "), addr(" + baseappIP + ":" + baseappPort + "), datas(" + _serverdatas.Length + ")!"); _serverdatas = stream.readBlob(); Person p= (Person)BytesToObject (_serverdatas); Dbg.DEBUG_MSG("KBEngine::Client_onLoginSuccessfully: p.Age(" + p.Age + "), p.Name(" + p.Name +")!"); login_baseapp(true); }
/* 登录到服务端,登录到网关(baseapp) */ public void login_baseapp(bool noconnect) { if(noconnect) { Event.fireOut("onLoginBaseapp", new object[]{}); _networkInterface.reset(); _networkInterface = new NetworkInterface(); _networkInterface.connectTo(baseappIP, baseappPort, onConnectTo_baseapp_callback, null); } else { Bundle bundle = Bundle.createObject(); bundle.newMessage(Message.messages["Baseapp_loginBaseapp"]); bundle.writeString(username); bundle.writeString(password); bundle.send(_networkInterface); } }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Baseapp::loginBaseapp(Network::Channel* pChannel, 3 std::string& accountName, 4 std::string& password) 5 { 6 accountName = KBEngine::strutil::kbe_trim(accountName); 7 if(accountName.size() > ACCOUNT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) 8 { 9 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: accountName too big, size={}, limit={}.\n", 10 accountName.size(), ACCOUNT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)); 11 12 return; 13 } 14 15 if(password.size() > ACCOUNT_PASSWD_MAX_LENGTH) 16 { 17 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: password too big, size={}, limit={}.\n", 18 password.size(), ACCOUNT_PASSWD_MAX_LENGTH)); 19 20 return; 21 } 22 23 INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: new user[{0}], channel[{1}].\n", 24 accountName, pChannel->c_str())); 25 26 Components::ComponentInfos* dbmgrinfos = Components::getSingleton().getDbmgr(); 27 if(dbmgrinfos == NULL || dbmgrinfos->pChannel == NULL || dbmgrinfos->cid == 0) 28 { 29 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY); 30 return; 31 } 32 33 PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos* ptinfos = pendingLoginMgr_.find(accountName); 34 if(ptinfos == NULL) 35 { 36 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_LOGIN); 37 return; 38 } 39 else if (!ptinfos->addr.isNone() && ptinfos->addr != pChannel->addr()) 40 { 41 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_LOGIN); 42 return; 43 } 44 45 if(ptinfos->password != password) 46 { 47 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_PASSWORD); 48 return; 49 } 50 51 if((ptinfos->flags & ACCOUNT_FLAG_LOCK) > 0) 52 { 53 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_LOCK); 54 return; 55 } 56 57 if((ptinfos->flags & ACCOUNT_FLAG_NOT_ACTIVATED) > 0) 58 { 59 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATED); 60 return; 61 } 62 63 if(ptinfos->deadline > 0 && ::time(NULL) - ptinfos->deadline <= 0) 64 { 65 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_DEADLINE); 66 return; 67 } 68 69 if(idClient_.size() == 0) 70 { 71 ERROR_MSG("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: idClient size is 0.\n"); 72 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY); 73 return; 74 } 75 76 // 如果entityID大于0则说明此entity是存活状态登录 77 if(ptinfos->entityID > 0) 78 { 79 INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: user[{}] has entity({}).\n", 80 accountName.c_str(), ptinfos->entityID)); 81 82 Proxy* base = static_cast<Proxy*>(findEntity(ptinfos->entityID)); 83 if(base == NULL || base->isDestroyed()) 84 { 85 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_BUSY); 86 return; 87 } 88 89 pendingLoginMgr_.removeNextTick(accountName); 90 91 // 防止在onLogOnAttempt中销毁了 92 Py_INCREF(base); 93 94 // 通知脚本异常登录请求有脚本决定是否允许这个通道强制登录 95 int32 ret = base->onLogOnAttempt(pChannel->addr().ipAsString(), 96 ntohs(pChannel->addr().port), password.c_str()); 97 98 if (base->isDestroyed()) 99 { 100 Py_DECREF(base); 101 102 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_OP_FAILED); 103 return; 104 } 105 106 switch(ret) 107 { 108 case LOG_ON_ACCEPT: 109 if(base->clientMailbox() != NULL) 110 { 111 // 通告在别处登录 112 Network::Channel* pOldClientChannel = base->clientMailbox()->getChannel(); 113 if(pOldClientChannel != NULL) 114 { 115 INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: script LOG_ON_ACCEPT. oldClientChannel={}\n", 116 pOldClientChannel->c_str())); 117 118 kickChannel(pOldClientChannel, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ANOTHER); 119 } 120 else 121 { 122 INFO_MSG("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: script LOG_ON_ACCEPT.\n"); 123 } 124 125 base->clientMailbox()->addr(pChannel->addr()); 126 base->addr(pChannel->addr()); 127 base->setClientType(ptinfos->ctype); 128 base->setClientDatas(ptinfos->datas); 129 createClientProxies(base, true); 130 base->onGetWitness(); 131 } 132 else 133 { 134 // 创建entity的客户端mailbox 135 EntityMailbox* entityClientMailbox = new EntityMailbox(base->pScriptModule(), 136 &pChannel->addr(), 0, base->id(), MAILBOX_TYPE_CLIENT); 137 138 base->clientMailbox(entityClientMailbox); 139 base->addr(pChannel->addr()); 140 base->setClientType(ptinfos->ctype); 141 base->setClientDatas(ptinfos->datas); 142 143 // 将通道代理的关系与该entity绑定, 在后面通信中可提供身份合法性识别 144 entityClientMailbox->getChannel()->proxyID(base->id()); 145 createClientProxies(base, true); 146 base->onGetWitness(); 147 } 148 break; 149 case LOG_ON_WAIT_FOR_DESTROY: 150 default: 151 INFO_MSG("Baseapp::loginBaseapp: script LOG_ON_REJECT.\n"); 152 loginBaseappFailed(pChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_ACCOUNT_IS_ONLINE); 153 Py_DECREF(base); 154 return; 155 }; 156 157 Py_DECREF(base); 158 } 159 else 160 { 161 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 162 (*pBundle).newMessage(DbmgrInterface::queryAccount); 163 164 ENTITY_ID entityID = idClient_.alloc(); 165 KBE_ASSERT(entityID > 0); 166 167 DbmgrInterface::queryAccountArgs7::staticAddToBundle((*pBundle), accountName, password, g_componentID, 168 entityID, ptinfos->entityDBID, pChannel->addr().ip, pChannel->addr().port); 169 170 dbmgrinfos->pChannel->send(pBundle); 171 } 172 173 // 记录客户端地址 174 ptinfos->addr = pChannel->addr(); 175 }
1 void Dbmgr::queryAccount(Network::Channel* pChannel, 2 std::string& accountName, 3 std::string& password, 4 COMPONENT_ID componentID, 5 ENTITY_ID entityID, 6 DBID entityDBID, 7 uint32 ip, 8 uint16 port) 9 { 10 if(accountName.size() == 0) 11 { 12 ERROR_MSG("Dbmgr::queryAccount: accountName is empty.\n"); 13 return; 14 } 15 16 Buffered_DBTasks* pBuffered_DBTasks = 17 findBufferedDBTask(Dbmgr::getSingleton().selectAccountDBInterfaceName(accountName)); 18 19 if (!pBuffered_DBTasks) 20 { 21 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Dbmgr::queryAccount: not found dbInterface({})!\n", 22 Dbmgr::getSingleton().selectAccountDBInterfaceName(accountName))); 23 return; 24 } 25 26 pBuffered_DBTasks->addTask(new DBTaskQueryAccount(pChannel->addr(), accountName, password, 27 componentID, entityID, entityDBID, ip, port)); 28 29 numQueryEntity_++; 30 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 bool DBTaskQueryAccount::db_thread_process() 3 { 4 if(accountName_.size() == 0) 5 { 6 error_ = "accountName_ is NULL"; 7 return false; 8 } 9 10 EntityTables& entityTables = EntityTables::findByInterfaceName(pdbi_->name()); 11 KBEAccountTable* pTable = static_cast<KBEAccountTable*>(entityTables.findKBETable("kbe_accountinfos")); 12 KBE_ASSERT(pTable); 13 14 ACCOUNT_INFOS info; 15 info.name = ""; 16 info.password = ""; 17 info.dbid = dbid_; 18 19 if(dbid_ == 0) 20 { 21 if(!pTable->queryAccount(pdbi_, accountName_, info)) 22 { 23 error_ = "pTable->queryAccount() is failed!"; 24 25 if(pdbi_->getlasterror() > 0) 26 { 27 error_ += pdbi_->getstrerror(); 28 } 29 30 return false; 31 } 32 33 if(info.dbid == 0) 34 { 35 error_ = "dbid is 0"; 36 return false; 37 } 38 39 if(info.dbid == 0 || info.flags != ACCOUNT_FLAG_NORMAL) 40 { 41 error_ = "flags != ACCOUNT_FLAG_NORMAL"; 42 flags_ = info.flags; 43 return false; 44 } 45 46 if (kbe_stricmp(info.password.c_str(), KBE_MD5::getDigest(password_.data(), (int)password_.length()).c_str()) != 0) 47 { 48 error_ = "password is error"; 49 return false; 50 } 51 } 52 53 ScriptDefModule* pModule = EntityDef::findScriptModule(DBUtil::accountScriptName()); 54 success_ = entityTables.queryEntity(pdbi_, info.dbid, &s_, pModule); 55 56 if(!success_ && pdbi_->getlasterror() > 0) 57 { 58 error_ += "queryEntity: "; 59 error_ += pdbi_->getstrerror(); 60 } 61 62 dbid_ = info.dbid; 63 64 if(!success_) 65 return false; 66 67 success_ = false; 68 69 // 先写log, 如果写失败则可能这个entity已经在线 70 KBEEntityLogTable* pELTable = static_cast<KBEEntityLogTable*> 71 (entityTables.findKBETable("kbe_entitylog")); 72 KBE_ASSERT(pELTable); 73 74 success_ = pELTable->logEntity(pdbi_, inet_ntoa((struct in_addr&)ip_), port_, dbid_, 75 componentID_, entityID_, pModule->getUType()); 76 77 if(!success_ && pdbi_->getlasterror() > 0) 78 { 79 error_ += "logEntity: "; 80 error_ += pdbi_->getstrerror(); 81 } 82 83 flags_ = info.flags; 84 deadline_ = info.deadline; 85 86 return false; 87 } 88 89 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 thread::TPTask::TPTaskState DBTaskQueryAccount::presentMainThread() 91 { 92 DEBUG_MSG(fmt::format("Dbmgr::queryAccount: {}, success={}, flags={}, deadline={}.\n", 93 accountName_.c_str(), success_, flags_, deadline_)); 94 95 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 96 (*pBundle).newMessage(BaseappInterface::onQueryAccountCBFromDbmgr); 97 (*pBundle) << pdbi_->dbIndex(); 98 (*pBundle) << accountName_; 99 (*pBundle) << password_; 100 (*pBundle) << dbid_; 101 (*pBundle) << success_; 102 (*pBundle) << entityID_; 103 (*pBundle) << flags_; 104 (*pBundle) << deadline_; 105 106 if(success_) 107 { 108 pBundle->append(s_); 109 } 110 else 111 { 112 (*pBundle) << error_; 113 } 114 115 if(!this->send(pBundle)) 116 { 117 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("DBTaskQueryAccount::presentMainThread: channel({}) not found.\n", addr_.c_str())); 118 Network::Bundle::reclaimPoolObject(pBundle); 119 } 120 121 return EntityDBTask::presentMainThread(); 122 }
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 void Baseapp::onQueryAccountCBFromDbmgr(Network::Channel* pChannel, KBEngine::MemoryStream& s) 3 { 4 if(pChannel->isExternal()) 5 return; 6 7 std::string accountName; 8 std::string password; 9 bool success = false; 10 DBID dbid; 11 ENTITY_ID entityID; 12 uint32 flags; 13 uint64 deadline; 14 uint16 dbInterfaceIndex; 15 16 s >> dbInterfaceIndex >> accountName >> password >> dbid >> success >> entityID >> flags >> deadline; 17 18 PendingLoginMgr::PLInfos* ptinfos = pendingLoginMgr_.remove(accountName); 19 if(ptinfos == NULL) 20 { 21 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::onQueryAccountCBFromDbmgr: PendingLoginMgr not found({})\n", 22 accountName.c_str())); 23 24 s.done(); 25 return; 26 } 27 28 Proxy* base = static_cast<Proxy*>(createEntity(g_serverConfig.getDBMgr().dbAccountEntityScriptType, 29 NULL, false, entityID)); 30 31 Network::Channel* pClientChannel = this->networkInterface().findChannel(ptinfos->addr); 32 33 if(!base) 34 { 35 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::onQueryAccountCBFromDbmgr: create {} is failed! error(base == NULL)\n", 36 accountName.c_str())); 37 38 s.done(); 39 40 loginBaseappFailed(pClientChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY); 41 return; 42 } 43 44 if(!success) 45 { 46 std::string error; 47 s >> error; 48 ERROR_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::onQueryAccountCBFromDbmgr: query {} is failed! error({})\n", 49 accountName.c_str(), error)); 50 51 s.done(); 52 53 loginBaseappFailed(pClientChannel, accountName, SERVER_ERR_SRV_NO_READY); 54 55 this->destroyEntity(base->id(), true); 56 return; 57 } 58 59 KBE_ASSERT(base != NULL); 60 base->hasDB(true); 61 base->dbid(dbInterfaceIndex, dbid); 62 base->setClientType(ptinfos->ctype); 63 base->setClientDatas(ptinfos->datas); 64 65 PyObject* pyDict = createCellDataDictFromPersistentStream(s, g_serverConfig.getDBMgr().dbAccountEntityScriptType); 66 67 PyObject* py__ACCOUNT_NAME__ = PyUnicode_FromString(accountName.c_str()); 68 PyDict_SetItemString(pyDict, "__ACCOUNT_NAME__", py__ACCOUNT_NAME__); 69 Py_DECREF(py__ACCOUNT_NAME__); 70 71 PyObject* py__ACCOUNT_PASSWD__ = PyUnicode_FromString(KBE_MD5::getDigest(password.data(), (int)password.length()).c_str()); 72 PyDict_SetItemString(pyDict, "__ACCOUNT_PASSWORD__", py__ACCOUNT_PASSWD__); 73 Py_DECREF(py__ACCOUNT_PASSWD__); 74 75 Py_INCREF(base); 76 base->initializeEntity(pyDict); 77 Py_DECREF(pyDict); 78 79 if(pClientChannel != NULL) 80 { 81 // 创建entity的客户端mailbox 82 EntityMailbox* entityClientMailbox = new EntityMailbox(base->pScriptModule(), 83 &pClientChannel->addr(), 0, base->id(), MAILBOX_TYPE_CLIENT); 84 85 base->clientMailbox(entityClientMailbox); 86 base->addr(pClientChannel->addr()); 87 88 createClientProxies(base); 89 90 /* 91 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 92 (*pBundle).newMessage(DbmgrInterface::onAccountOnline); 93 94 DbmgrInterface::onAccountOnlineArgs3::staticAddToBundle((*pBundle), accountName, 95 componentID_, base->id()); 96 97 pChannel->send(pBundle); 98 */ 99 } 100 101 INFO_MSG(fmt::format("Baseapp::onQueryAccountCBFromDbmgr: user={}, uuid={}, entityID={}, flags={}, deadline={}.\n", 102 accountName, base->rndUUID(), base->id(), flags, deadline)); 103 104 SAFE_RELEASE(ptinfos); 105 Py_DECREF(base); 106 }
Proxy* base = static_cast<Proxy*>(createEntity(g_serverConfig.getDBMgr().dbAccountEntityScriptType,
NULL, false, entityID));
1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 bool Baseapp::createClientProxies(Proxy* base, bool reload) 3 { 4 Py_INCREF(base); 5 6 // 将通道代理的关系与该entity绑定, 在后面通信中可提供身份合法性识别 7 Network::Channel* pChannel = base->clientMailbox()->getChannel(); 8 pChannel->proxyID(base->id()); 9 base->addr(pChannel->addr()); 10 11 // 重新生成一个ID 12 if(reload) 13 base->rndUUID(genUUID64()); 14 15 // 一些数据必须在实体创建后立即访问 16 base->initClientBasePropertys(); 17 18 // 让客户端知道已经创建了proxices, 并初始化一部分属性 19 Network::Bundle* pBundle = Network::Bundle::createPoolObject(); 20 (*pBundle).newMessage(ClientInterface::onCreatedProxies); 21 (*pBundle) << base->rndUUID(); 22 (*pBundle) << base->id(); 23 (*pBundle) << base->ob_type->tp_name; 24 //base->clientMailbox()->postMail((*pBundle)); 25 base->sendToClient(ClientInterface::onCreatedProxies, pBundle); 26 27 // 本应该由客户端告知已经创建好entity后调用这个接口。 28 //if(!reload) 29 base->onEntitiesEnabled(); 30 Py_DECREF(base); 31 return true; 32 }
/* 服务端通知创建一个角色 */ public void Client_onCreatedProxies(UInt64 rndUUID, Int32 eid, string entityType) { Dbg.DEBUG_MSG("KBEngine::Client_onCreatedProxies: eid(" + eid + "), entityType(" + entityType + ")!"); entity_uuid = rndUUID; entity_id = eid; entity_type = entityType; if(!this.entities.ContainsKey(eid)) { ScriptModule module = null; if(!EntityDef.moduledefs.TryGetValue(entityType, out module)) { Dbg.ERROR_MSG("KBEngine::Client_onCreatedProxies: not found module(" + entityType + ")!"); return; } Type runclass = module.script; if(runclass == null) return; Entity entity = (Entity)Activator.CreateInstance(runclass); entity.id = eid; entity.className = entityType; entity.baseMailbox = new Mailbox(); entity.baseMailbox.id = eid; entity.baseMailbox.className = entityType; entity.baseMailbox.type = Mailbox.MAILBOX_TYPE.MAILBOX_TYPE_BASE; entities[eid] = entity; MemoryStream entityMessage = null; _bufferedCreateEntityMessage.TryGetValue(eid, out entityMessage); if(entityMessage != null) { Client_onUpdatePropertys(entityMessage); _bufferedCreateEntityMessage.Remove(eid); entityMessage.reclaimObject(); } entity.__init__(); entity.inited = true; if(_args.isOnInitCallPropertysSetMethods) entity.callPropertysSetMethods(); } else { MemoryStream entityMessage = null; _bufferedCreateEntityMessage.TryGetValue(eid, out entityMessage); if(entityMessage != null) { Client_onUpdatePropertys(entityMessage); _bufferedCreateEntityMessage.Remove(eid); entityMessage.reclaimObject(); } } }
public override void __init__() { Event.fireOut("onLoginSuccessfully", new object[]{KBEngineApp.app.entity_uuid, id, this}); baseCall("reqAvatarList", new object[0]); }
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