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大量的,很多的:a giant chunk of,numerous,plenty of,abundant,sufficient,outsize,massive




notice == attention


as the name suggests 顾名思义
needless to say 更不用说
may/might as well 不妨
example: If that is the case, we may as well try. 如果真是那样的话,我们不妨试试.
as it stands 按实际情况来说
The answer, as it stands, is wrong. 说实话,答案错了
to some extent 从某种角度说
A own mush to B A大部分来自于B,得益于B
insofar as 在.....范围内
I will help you insofar as I can 我尽可能帮你

in all likelihood 很有可能

our insatiable appetite for knowledge 无止境的求知欲

in view of 考虑到

in terms of 根据,按照,用....的话,在....方面

in retrospect 回想起来,事后看来

be considered to do/be regarded as/be perceived as/deemed/be thought 被认为(每次写作文的时候只晓得considered和regarded~ 这样就不用愁了~)

be inclined to == be willing to

contributed to the success == accomplish success

derive from 得到,获得

by virtue of 靠,凭借

in hopes of/that 希望…………

small wonder that 不足为奇

in vain 白费力气

out of reach 遥不可及

at every turn 到处都是 == every where

get one's figures burned 某人吃亏

generatelittle/muchnoticefrom xx 很少/非常吸引xx的关注

stopgap measure 权宜之计

makeshift 临时的,权宜的

standoff 僵局;弥补;和局,平局

usher 引入,引导

usher in 开辟,宣告xx的来临

This has ushered in a period of 这引起了一段时间的xxxx

The new government ushered in a period of prosperity.

in anticipation 预料到


Others report physical and sexual violence, as well as arbitrary detention by armed groups acting with impunity.

provide the sense of oneness so critical for social solidarity

Rather, each step upward on the ladder of economic development merely stimulates new economic desires that lead the chase ever onward.

posted @ 2011-10-15 11:03  __ay  阅读(189)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报