转: 页游开发中的 Python 组件与模式Presentation Transcript1. 页游开发中的 Python 组件与模式 赖勇浩( http://laiyonghao.com ) 2012-10-21 上海2. 去年我来过……3. 回顾……• 幻灯: http://www.slideshare.net/laiyonghao/py thon-webgame-10452102• 录像(上海 45 分钟版): http://e.gensee.com/v_3df867_14• 录像(广州 91 分钟版): http://v.youku.com/v_playlist/f16785412 o 阅读全文
Creating a Game with CocosBuilderThis tutorial aims to show how you can useCocosBuildertogether withcocos2d-iphoneto create character animations, game maps and interfaces. CocosBuilder has been used by Zynga to produce games such asDream PetHouseandZynga Slots. Currently, a number of games using Coc 阅读全文
The second and most universal way is to launch it from themm.cfgfileTheMiner.swf must be trusted1: Add TheMiner.swf to yourFlash Global Security Settings2: Add TheMiner.swf as PreloadSWF in mm.cfgThe mm.cfg file is always located in your%homedrive%/%homepath%If it's not there, you can just creat 阅读全文
Manual Installation ProcessDownload the template file fromHEREand extract it.Open the fileCCAppWiz.win32.vszNow check for Param="ABSOLUTE_PATH , edit this path according to your cocos2d-x folder (mine is located at D:\DEVELOPMENT\cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.0\cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.0\template\msvc\C 阅读全文
Asyphre 4.0 . customize bitmap with asvf file. compiled done! check the video! 阅读全文
asphyre是支持 FireMonkey的. 利用Firemonkey的跨平台接口.实现 win,mac,ios.其它方案估计就得靠 FPC 了. 好处是多了输出Andriod的可能.zengl, allegro hge 貌似都还没有支持xe4 ios的. 也就是说选择不多.开源这块 也没有太多参考. 所以delphi来写游戏, 还真是纠结的事.我又想起ccgamebox了. 先试一下. asphyre . 毕竟可以直接编译. 不用折腾其他环境. FPC 应该安装也不太麻烦其实.这样用delphi 就剩下一个代码编辑的功能了.. 还有多大意义呢.. 不过也没有所见即所得的游戏开发工具 除了u 阅读全文
FireMonkey Premium Style Pack 2 for RAD Studio XE4http://cc.embarcadero.com/item/29483http://www.embarcadero.com/images/firemonkey/1212_FireMonkey_poster_AW_OL.pdf 阅读全文
首先澄清一个问题, 很多同学其实是误会了, 以为只要搞定了Delphi 就能很快写快餐程序了. ios 本身的知识还是需要一些的, 并没有什么捷径可以走. 但如果一个团队有分工协作的话, DelphiXe4 也可以考虑作为一种技术方向. 用对了地方, 就可以发挥Delphi的长项了. 数据库程序和应用应该是不成问题的. 数据处理什么的. 毕竟有很多高质量的组件. 只要是平台无关的, 都会很容易在多个平台上得到支持. Mac上应用市场还是挺大的. 得找对了方向. 或者说需求.虽然对Andriod的支持目前还没有, Free Pasacal 的方案已经有了. 鉴于我还没有实际折腾过 Andriod 阅读全文
安装了 Delphi Xe4 之后打开这个地址就是完整的官方的文档了. 虽然不是立刻能解决你的问题. 但也是必须要看一遍的. 最基础的都在这里了.ms-help://embarcadero.rs_xe4/rad/IOS_Tutorials'3A_Delphi_iOS_Application_Development.htmliOS Topics Preparing Your Development Environment:Working with a Mac and a PCInstalling Xcode on a MacInstalling the Xcode Command Lin 阅读全文
Recently, i am working on r&d of some keypoint of some app idea. if all thing ok, i will continue to develop the app and submit to appstore.i have resolved: Use native webbrowser post customized data to some url. social connect test.use common ui.but. how can i customized the ui? like three20 . 阅读全文