06 2009 档案
摘要:freeimage - freebitmap convert from HBitmap, with alpha data.Load and bind 32Bit Bitmapas texture Success.guichan-gamebox implement.bmpFontCreate,opengles的窗口与window 窗口的高度不同 后者还包括30像素的标题... more ui el...
摘要:对于 guichan 的扩展. 要实现 graphics, input, image,imageloader 以及 imagefont 几个类的接口. 其他部分是平台无关的定义。而hge 事实上也是分隔开定义的, 仔细看的话是 hge,hge_impl graphics system 还有一层是 core, helper 这种设计的模式叫做 Adapter Pattern, adapter模...
摘要:#define RGB(r, g, b) [UIColor colorWithRed:r/256.0 green:g/256.0 blue:b/256.0 alpha:1]#define RGBA(r, g, b, a) [UIColor colorWithRed:r/256.0 green:g/256.0 blue:b/256.0 alpha:a]// Code without the ma...
摘要:1. Speed - It has new built-in processor and is 2 times faster than previous generation iPhone. It consumes less resources and has improved battery life.2. Camera - It comes loaded with 3 MegaPixel ca...
摘要:Yep, just announced earlier today at WWDC.http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/06/08iphone.htmlFrom the release:"iPhone 3G S offers incredible speed and performance, on average up to twice as fast as ...