unity4.6 failed to update unity web player
unity4.6 failed to update unity web player
新升级的 4.6.2P2 版本修复了IOS很多的bug.
“failed to update unity web player”失败的问题:
我们使用浏览器加载unity3d文件,不同的网络可能会产生failed to update unity web player的错误,详细信息为:
A newer version of Unity Web Player is required, but the auto-update download failed. Was trying to download http://webplayer.unity3d.com//autodownload_webplugin-3.x/UnityPlayer3.x.x-x86_64.bundle.zip
干脆手动修改导出来的 .unity3d文件 里面的版本号好了. 比如
UnityWeb3.x.x4.6.2p2 改成 4.5.2p2 然后保存. 一刷新好了 哈哈.
Never giveup. Thanks the world.