Build ios app with Delphi Xe4. Lazy Social Talker ready for sale.

 Yes, it is build with Delphi XE4. try it. now.  

What is  Lazy Social  Talker?

Lazy Social Talker is an social utility app, it can save you time.


One time edit, post two social platform.

With it, you can write once time, and post to tweet and  facebook  at the same time.

Random Joke mode.

It  has a fast joke tweet feature, with insert joke button, you can get random joke immediately. without any input.  it is for some guys just want to tweet but not know what should be tweeted .


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posted @ 2013-08-30 12:03  小糊涂的超级blog  阅读(424)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报