Delphi XE4 Upate1 更新升级记录.
一直没时间,这两天折腾了一下 升级了. 其实也可能修了老bug 引入新bug. 呵呵.
看看Emb 都修了什么吧. 我干脆是重新安装的. 虽然官方也有一个单独的update.exe. 从这些bug列表里我选了一些和Firemonkey有关的.
其实这些bug是某个条件下才会触发的. 所以即使我们不升级, 也不见得会遇到. 但是如果遇到了,也是正常. 多测试才是根本.
所以没时间的话,也不用太着急. 没准下周 update2 又出来了.
上一次自己折腾了 admob 花了大概3-4天自己晚上的时间. 已有的第三方的售价是49$ 还带源码. 自己也在反思,到底应不应该自己折腾这些..
下面继续要折腾 in-app purchase 呢 还是用第三方的那个呢? 实际上即使用了 也避免不了有bug什么的. 就提到了在使用in-app 内购插件时遇到了bug,
而真有bug的话就很麻烦. ios 审核周期真是让人头疼.
Delphi XE4 的亮点是快速开发. 组件市场支持. 未解决的IOS平台本身的机制的支持,不够灵活, 未支持的部分只能自己想办法了. 甚至不如FreePascal 那种直接使用Framework编译的方式.
116174 |
[Windows] TComboBox dropdown items displayed behind of form when TopMost Property is True |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
115717 |
[MacOS] TReflectionEffect doesn't work properly on OS X |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Effects |
115695 |
[iOS] Only one of many TTextLayer3D components is rendered in iOS device or simulator |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Layers |
115685 |
[iOS/MacOS] TText3D animation produces massive memory leak in iOS device, iOS Simulator and Mac OS X |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Animations |
115666 |
FullScreen mode crash in OSX Lion |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime |
115617 |
[Win/MacOS] AutoCapture property and OnMouseDown/OnMouseMove events don't work for TPanel at all and for TPath on Mac |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
115570 |
Events set to style items get sent to the wrong components |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime |
115553 |
[MacOS] [Regression in XE4] Printer.Canvas.Font.Size wrong in FireMonkey |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime |
115560 |
TGrid displays mistake on TScaleLayout when form first go to max screen |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
115473 |
TButton StaysPressed property does not work in iOS |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
113591 |
The MP3 file does not play on a TMediaPlayer component an result in an infinte loop Access Violation window |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
115442 |
TComboBox OnClosePopup is not fired |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
115411 |
[Regression in XE4] FireMonkey HD graphics flicker and cause graphics card failure. |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime |
115309 |
TMemo.SelStart does not work well |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
115270 |
ShowMessage hangs when TAniIndicator component is enabed |
FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components |
115240 |
A caret can crash an application because of a dangling pointer |
FireMonkey |
115232 |
[Regression in XE4] When minimize form to tray, it stays in app bar, but appears in left down corner of desktop |
FireMonkey |
114180 |
TCalendarEdit contains wrong century after assignment date |
FireMonkey |