iphone os 3.0 ,1000个API太夸张了.


  10:10AM 1000 new APIs.
  10:09AM "Let me tell you what we're doing for developers. Our goal was to make devs successful, we gave them the best tools ever. It blew us away what they did. We've spent the last year working hard to make the SDK even better."

   不知道这个定义是什么.是大的应用方向 还是函数。。

   1. Multi-threaded tabs on Safari - when returning to previous tab the page should not reload
   2. Background apps - VERY VERY necessary

   这些本来是symbian , windows mobile 早已实现的功能。而iphone美名之个性化而舍弃的东西.  以前这么认为:) 也许过个把月 就有天翻地覆的变化了

posted @ 2009-03-18 01:15  小糊涂的超级blog  阅读(229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报