oracle rownum order by 爬坑

系统中同时使用mysql和oracle数据库,需要保证两边的兼容性。今天测试的同学发现一个oracle版本的bug,经过排查发现是rownum和order by引起的。


select ACT_NAME_                               "actName",
               TO_CHAR(END_TIME_, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "endTime"
        from act_hi_actinst
        where ACT_TYPE_ = 'userTask'
          and PROC_INST_ID_ in
              (select t.PROC_INST_ID_
               from (select *
                     from act_hi_procinst
                     where BUSINESS_KEY_ = concat('mkt_cam_audit', #{campaignId})
                       and ROWNUM = 1
                     order by START_TIME_ desc
                    ) t)
        order by  (case when "endTime" is  null then 1 when "endTime" is not null then 0 end), "endTime"


where BUSINESS_KEY_ = concat('mkt_cam_audit', #{campaignId})
                       and ROWNUM = 1



oracle中rownum和order by同时使用时,需要将order by放在里层,而rownum=1放在外层,也就是先排序号,再取第一条数据,这和mysql是不一样的,mysql则没有这么麻烦。


    select ACT_NAME_                               "actName",
           TO_CHAR(END_TIME_, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "endTime"
    from act_hi_actinst
    where ACT_TYPE_ = 'userTask'
      and PROC_INST_ID_ in
          (select *
           from (select t.PROC_INST_ID_ from (
                                   select *
                                   from act_hi_procinst
                                   where BUSINESS_KEY_ = concat('mkt_cam_audit', #{campaignId})
                                   order by START_TIME_ desc
                               ) t
                                   ) where ROWNUM = 1)
    order by  (case when "endTime" is  null then 1 when "endTime" is not null then 0 end), "endTime"

All efforts, only for myself, no longer for others
posted @ 2019-10-28 22:19  SEC.VIP_网络安全服务  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报