freeswitch 把SIP注册信息数据库从SQLITE 改为MYSQL的方法

实际线上应用中,在线注册人数超过4000 ,SQLITE就吃不消了,容易造成锁表,考虑转入MYSQL,查了下官网 超过转入了MYSQL。 参考地址

CentOS 5.2

Install unixODBC and the MySQL ODBC Connector

yum install unixODBC-devel mysql-connector-odbc
  • Make symlink from /usr/lib[64]/ to /usr/lib[64]/
  • Run odbcinst -j. This will show you list of config files.
  • Uncomment the MySQL sample driver confirguration in /etc/odbcinst.ini.
  • Add the following with the correct information into your odbc.ini file located at /etc/odbc.ini
Driver   = MySQL
SERVER   = localhost
PORT     = 3306
DATABASE = myDatabase
OPTION  = 67108864
Socket   = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

Note: If you are connecting your freeswitch server to a remote MySQL database, you can take out the last line from the above setting. Take off the "Socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" line.

Note: OPTION allows you to set client specific FLAGS, in the example 67108864 (FLAG_MULTI_STATEMENTS) is set - See [1] for all flags. The number represents the addition of all flag numbers that you want enabled.

Note: On CentOS is OPTION (without S), instead of OPTIONS.

For some tips on setting up your dsn up in unixODBC see Mod_spidermonkey_odbc#unixodbcc

  • Test your ODBC setup by running the utility isql
    • isql maxpowersoft_odbc myUser myPass

posted on 2013-12-14 14:57  cn三少<script></script>  阅读(5916)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
