
   1:  unit CHMain;
   3:  interface
   5:  uses
   6:    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
   7:    Dialogs, StdCtrls, ShellAPI, Generics.Collections, Menus, ExtCtrls, ImgList, Imm; {引用泛型单元}
   9:  const
  10:    cControlR : array[1..26, 1..3] of Char =
  11:      ( ('y','f','w'),
  12:        ('u','e','r'),
  13:        ('i','r','w'),
  14:        ('o','e','w'),
  15:        ('p','q','w'),
  16:        ('h','e','f'),
  17:        ('j','d','f'),
  18:        ('k','f','s'),
  19:        ('l','d','s'),
  20:        ('z','a','s'),
  21:        ('n','b','v'),
  22:        ('x','b','c'),
  23:        ('m','c','v'),
  25:        ('y','w','f'),
  26:        ('u','r','e'),
  27:        ('i','w','r'),
  28:        ('o','w','e'),
  29:        ('p','w','q'),
  30:        ('h','f','e'),
  31:        ('j','f','d'),
  32:        ('k','s','f'),
  33:        ('l','s','d'),
  34:        ('z','s','a'),
  35:        ('n','v','b'),
  36:        ('x','c','b'),
  37:        ('m','v','c'));
  39:    cControlL : array[1..26, 1..3] of Char =
  40:      ( ('q','o','p'),
  41:        ('w','i','o'),
  42:        ('e','o','u'),
  43:        ('r','i','u'),
  44:        ('t','j','o'),
  45:        ('a','l','z'),
  46:        ('s','k','l'),
  47:        ('d','j','l'),
  48:        ('f','j','k'),
  49:        ('g','i','j'),
  50:        ('c','m','x'),
  51:        ('v','m','n'),
  52:        ('b','n','x'),
  54:        ('q','p','o'),
  55:        ('w','o','i'),
  56:        ('e','u','o'),
  57:        ('r','u','i'),
  58:        ('t','o','j'),
  59:        ('a','z','l'),
  60:        ('s','l','k'),
  61:        ('d','l','j'),
  62:        ('f','k','j'),
  63:        ('g','j','i'),
  64:        ('c','x','m'),
  65:        ('v','n','m'),
  66:        ('b','x','n')
  67:      );
  68:    ConstIID = 100;
  69:    WMMouseMsg = WM_USER + 1;
  71:  type
  73:    TZoomAction = (zaMinimize, zaMaximize);
  75:    KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT = record
  76:      vkCode: DWORD;
  77:      ScanCode: DWORD;
  78:      Flags: DWORD;
  79:      Time: DWORD;
  80:      dwExtraInfo: DWORD;
  81:    end;
  83:  type
  84:    TfmMain = class(TForm)
  85:      btnRun: TButton;
  86:      pmMenu: TPopupMenu;
  87:      N1: TMenuItem;
  88:      N2: TMenuItem;
  89:      N3: TMenuItem;
  90:      N4: TMenuItem;
  91:      N5: TMenuItem;
  92:      N6: TMenuItem;
  93:      N7: TMenuItem;
  94:      icoB: TTrayIcon;
  95:      icoR: TTrayIcon;
  96:      procedure btnRunClick(Sender: TObject);
  97:      procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  98:      procedure N5Click(Sender: TObject);
  99:      procedure N1Click(Sender: TObject);
 100:      procedure N4Click(Sender: TObject);
 101:      procedure N3Click(Sender: TObject);
 102:      procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
 103:      procedure pmMenuPopup(Sender: TObject);
 104:      procedure N2Click(Sender: TObject);
 105:    private
 106:      { Private declarations }
 107:      procedure WMSysCommand(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SYSCOMMAND;
 108:      procedure MouseMessage(var Msg: TMessage); message wmMouseMsg;
 109:      procedure HotyKey(var msg:TMessage);message WM_HOTKEY;
 110:      procedure ShowMenu;
 111:    public
 112:      { Public declarations }
 113:    end;
 115:  var
 116:    fmMain: TfmMain;
 117:    Hook: HHOOK;
 118:    iFr, iTo, cFrCharR, cToCharR, cFrCharL, cToCharL: TList<Integer>;
 119:    hSemaphore: THandle; {信号对象的句柄}
 120:    UpiFr: TRTLCriticalSection; //临界区
 121:    vaSysNtida :TnotifyIconDataA;
 124:  implementation
 125:  var
 126:      HotKey_AltQ1, HotKey_ShiftZ, HotKey_AltQ, Hotkey_CtrlAltM, Hotkey_CtrlAltN, HotKey_ShiftX: Integer ; //快捷键
 128:  {$R *.dfm}
 130:  function HookProc(nCode: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
 131:  const
 132:    _KeyPressMask=$80000000;//键盘掩码常量
 133:  var
 135:    iIsZM: Boolean;
 136:    hIMCa : HIMC;
 137:    fdwConversion, fdwSentence: DWord;
 138:    str: TScreen;
 139:    rPos: TPoint;
 140:  begin
 141:    If nCode < 0 Then //根据SDK说明,若iCode小于0,调用CallNextHookEx并返回
 142:    begin
 143:      Result:=CallNextHookEx(hook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
 144:      Exit;
 145:    end;
 147:    iIsZM := False;
 148:    if nCode = HC_ACTION then
 149:    begin
 150:      p:= PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(Lparam);
 151:      if p^.dwExtraInfo=1 then
 152:      begin
 153:        Result:= CallNextHookEx(hook,nCode,WParam,LParam);
 154:        Exit;
 155:      end;
 156:      if False
 157:        or (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >=0)
 158:        or ( (p^.vkCode=191) or (p^.vkCode=220) )   //(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >=0) or
 159:      then
 160:      case WParam of
 162:        begin
 163:          p:= PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(Lparam);
 164:          if False
 165:            or ((p^.vkCode>=65) and (p^.vkCode<=90))
 166:            or ((p^.vkCode>=97) and (p^.vkCode<=122))
 167:          then
 168:          begin
 169:            iIsZM := True;
 170:            if iFr.IndexOf(p^.vkCode)>=0 then
 171:            else
 172:              iFr.Add(p^.vkCode);
 173:            keybd_event(0, 0, 0, 0);
 174:            keybd_event(0, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
 175:          end
 176:          else
 177:          if True
 178:            and (p^.vkCode=32)
 179:            and (iFr.Count> 0) then
 180:          begin
 181:            iIsZM := True;
 182:            while iFr.Count> 0 do
 183:            begin
 184:              iTo.Add(iFr.Items[0]);
 185:              iFr.Delete(0);
 186:            end;
 187:            iTo.Add(32);
 188:            keybd_event(0, 0, 0, 0);
 189:            keybd_event(0, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
 190:            ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore, 1, nil);
 191:          end
 192:          else
 193:          if (p^.vkCode=191) then
 194:          begin
 195:            str := TScreen.Create(nil);
 196:            GetCurSorPos(rPos);
 197:            hIMCa := ImmGetContext(WindowFromPoint(rPos));
 198:            //
 199:            ImmGetConversionStatus(hIMCa, fdwConversion, fdwSentence);
 200:            if True
 201:              and (Trim(str.DefaultIme)<> '')
 202:              and ((fdwConversion and IME_CMODE_SYMBOL)> 0)
 203:              and (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) <0)
 204:              and (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) >=0)
 205:            then
 206:            begin
 207:              keybd_event(Ord(Char(191)), 0, 0, 1);
 208:              keybd_event(Ord(Char(191)), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 1);
 209:              Exit;
 210:            end
 211:            else
 212:            if True
 213:              and ((fdwConversion and IME_CMODE_SYMBOL)> 0)
 214:              and (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >=0)
 215:              and (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) =0)
 216:            then
 217:            begin
 218:              iIsZM := True;
 219:              SendMessage(WindowFromPoint(rPos), WM_IME_CHAR, 0, 0);
 220:              SendMessage(WindowFromPoint(rPos), WM_IME_CHAR, word('/'), 0);
 221:              SendMessage(WindowFromPoint(rPos), WM_IME_CHAR, 32, 0);
 222:              keybd_event(0, 0, 0, 0);
 223:              keybd_event(0, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
 224:            end
 225:            else
 226:            begin
 227:              //
 228:            end;
 229:          end
 230:          else
 231:          if (p^.vkCode=220) then
 232:          begin
 233:            str := TScreen.Create(nil);
 234:            GetCurSorPos(rPos);
 235:            hIMCa := ImmGetContext(WindowFromPoint(rPos));
 236:            //
 237:            ImmGetConversionStatus(hIMCa, fdwConversion, fdwSentence);
 238:            if True
 239:              and (Trim(str.DefaultIme)<> '')
 240:              and ((fdwConversion and IME_CMODE_SYMBOL)> 0)
 241:              and (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) <0)
 242:              and (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) >=0)
 243:            then
 244:            begin
 245:              keybd_event(Ord(Char(220)), 0, 0, 1);
 246:              keybd_event(Ord(Char(220)), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 1);
 247:              Exit;
 248:            end
 249:            else
 250:            if True
 251:              and ((fdwConversion and IME_CMODE_SYMBOL)> 0)
 252:              and (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >=0)
 253:              and (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) =0)
 254:            then
 255:            begin
 256:              iIsZM := True;
 257:              SendMessage(WindowFromPoint(rPos), WM_IME_CHAR, 0, 0);
 258:              SendMessage(WindowFromPoint(rPos), WM_IME_CHAR, word('\'), 0);
 259:              SendMessage(WindowFromPoint(rPos), WM_IME_CHAR, 32, 0);
 260:              keybd_event(0, 0, 0, 0);
 261:              keybd_event(0, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
 262:            end
 263:            else
 264:            begin
 265:              //
 266:            end;
 267:          end;
 268:        end;
 270:        WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP:
 271:        begin
 272:          p := PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(Lparam);
 273:          if False
 274:            or ((p^.vkCode>=65) and (p^.vkCode<=90))
 275:            or ((p^.vkCode>=97) and (p^.vkCode<=122))
 276:          then
 277:          begin
 278:            iIsZM := True;
 279:            if iFr.IndexOf(p^.vkCode)>=0 then
 280:            begin
 281:              iTo.Add(p^.vkCode);
 282:              iFr.Delete(iFr.IndexOf(p^.vkCode));
 283:              if (ifr.Count=0) and (iTo.Count>0) then
 284:                ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore, 1, nil);
 285:            end;
 286:          end
 287:          else
 288:          begin
 289:            //..
 290:          end;
 291:        end;
 292:      end;
 293:    end;
 295:    if iIsZM = True then
 296:      Result:= 1
 297:    else
 298:      Result:= CallNextHookEx(hook, nCode, WParam, LParam);
 299:  end;
 301:  function LoadListThread(p: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall;
 302:  var
 303:    i1, i2, ia, itmp: Integer;
 304:    procedure VisualChar(iChar: Integer);
 305:    begin
 306:      keybd_event(Ord(Char(iChar)), 0, 0, 1);
 307:      keybd_event(Ord(Char(iChar)), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 1);
 308:    end;
 309:  begin
 310:    while True do
 311:    begin
 312:      if WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore, INFINITE) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
 313:      begin
 314:        i2 := 0;
 315:        while i2< iTo.Count do
 316:        begin
 317:          for i1 := i2+ 1 to iTo.Count - 1 do
 318:          begin
 319:            ia := cFrCharR.IndexOf(iTo[i2]* 256+ iTo[i1]);
 320:            if ia>=0 then
 321:            begin
 322:              VisualChar(cToCharR[ia]);
 323:              iTo.Delete(i2);
 324:              iTo.Delete(i1- 1);
 325:              Break;
 326:            end;
 327:          end;
 329:          itmp := 0;
 330:          for i1 := i2+ 1 to iTo.Count - 1 do
 331:          begin
 332:            ia := cFrCharL.IndexOf(iTo[i2]* 256+ iTo[i1]);
 333:            if ia>=0 then
 334:            begin
 335:              itmp := iTo[i2 +1];
 336:              iTo[i2 +1] := iTo[i1];
 337:              iTo[i1] := itmp;
 338:              i2 := i2+ 2;
 339:              Break;
 340:            end;
 341:          end;
 342:          i2 := i2+ 1;
 343:        end;
 345:        i1 := 0;
 346:        i2 := iTo.Count-1;
 347:        while True do
 348:        begin
 349:          if i1> i2 then
 350:            Break;
 351:          if i2>i1 then
 352:          begin
 353:            ia := cFrCharL.IndexOf(iTo[i1]* 256+ iTo[i1+1]);
 354:            if ia>=0 then
 355:            begin
 356:              i1 := i1+ 2;
 357:              Continue;
 358:            end;
 359:          end;
 360:          if cToCharL.IndexOf(iTo[i1])>=0 then
 361:          begin
 362:            VisualChar(iTo[i1]);
 363:            iTo.Delete(i1);
 364:            i2 := i2-1;
 365:          end
 366:          else
 367:            i1 := i1+ 1;
 368:        end;
 370:        i1 := 0;
 371:        i2 := iTo.Count-1;
 372:        while True do
 373:        begin
 374:          if i1> i2 then
 375:            Break;
 376:          if i2>i1 then
 377:          begin
 378:            ia := cFrCharL.IndexOf(iTo[i1]* 256+ iTo[i1+1]);
 379:            if ia>=0 then
 380:            begin
 381:              VisualChar(cToCharL[ia]);
 382:              i1 := i1+ 2;
 383:              Continue;
 384:            end;
 385:          end;
 386:          VisualChar(iTo[i1]);
 387:          i1 := i1+ 1;
 388:        end;
 389:      end;
 391:      while iTo.Count>0 do
 392:      begin
 393:        iTo.Clear;
 394:      end;
 395:    end;
 396:  end;
 398:  function SetHook: Boolean; stdcall;
 399:  begin
 400:   if hook  <> 0 then
 401:    begin
 402:      Result:= False;
 403:      Exit;
 404:    end;
 405:    hook:= SetWindowsHookEx(13, @HookProc, HINSTANCE, 0);
 406:    Result:= hook  <> 0;
 407:  end;
 409:  function DelHook: Boolean; stdcall;
 410:  begin
 411:    if hook  <> 0 then
 412:    begin
 413:      UnhookWindowshookEx(hook);
 414:      hook:= 0;
 415:    end;
 416:    Result:= hook = 0;
 417:  end;
 419:  procedure SetHotKey(Handle: HWnd);
 420:  begin
 421:    Hotkey_CtrlAltM :=GlobalAddAtom('Hotkey_CtrlAltM');
 422:    RegisterHotKey(handle, Hotkey_CtrlAltM, MOD_ALT or MOD_CONTROL,$4D);//Ctrl+Alt+M
 424:    Hotkey_CtrlAltM :=GlobalAddAtom('Hotkey_CtrlAltN');
 425:    RegisterHotKey(handle, Hotkey_CtrlAltM, MOD_ALT or MOD_CONTROL,$4E);//Ctrl+Alt+N
 427:    HotKey_AltQ1 :=GlobalAddAtom('HotKey_AltQ1');
 428:    RegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_AltQ1, MOD_ALT ,$71);//Alt+A
 430:    HotKey_ShiftZ :=GlobalAddAtom('HotKey_ShiftZ');
 431:    RegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_ShiftZ, MOD_SHIFT ,$5A);//Shift+z
 433:    HotKey_ShiftX :=GlobalAddAtom('HotKey_ShiftX');
 434:    RegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_ShiftZ, MOD_SHIFT ,$58);//Shift+X
 436:    HotKey_AltQ :=GlobalAddAtom('HotKey_AltQ');
 437:    RegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_AltQ, MOD_ALT ,$51);//Alt+Q
 438:  end;
 440:  procedure DelHotKey(Handle: HWnd);
 441:  begin
 442:    UnRegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_AltQ1);
 443:    UnRegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_ShiftZ);
 444:    UnRegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_ShiftX);
 445:    UnRegisterHotKey(handle, HotKey_AltQ);
 446:    UnRegisterHotKey(handle, Hotkey_CtrlAltM);
 447:  end;
 449:  procedure ZoomEffect(Handle: HWnd; theOperation: TZoomAction);
 450:  var
 451:    rcStart: TRect;
 452:    rcEnd: TRect;
 453:    rcTray: TRect;
 454:    hwndTray : hWnd;
 455:    hwndChild: hWnd;
 456:  begin
 457:    Exit;
 458:    { Find the system tray area bounding rectangle }
 459:    hwndTray := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil);
 460:    hwndChild := FindWindowEx(hwndTray, 0, 'TrayNotifyWnd', nil);
 461:    GetWindowRect(hwndChild, rcTray);
 462:    { Check for minimize/maximize and swap start/end}
 463:    if theOperation = zaMinimize then
 464:    begin
 465:      GetWindowRect(Handle, rcStart);
 466:      rcEnd := rcTray;
 467:    end
 468:    else
 469:    begin
 470:      GetWindowRect(Handle, rcEnd);
 471:      rcStart := rcTray;
 472:    end;
 473:    DrawAnimatedRects(Handle, IDANI_CAPTION, rcStart, rcEnd)
 474:  end;
 476:  procedure SetSysNtida(Handle: HWnd; iType: Integer=-1);
 477:  var
 478:    aa: Ticon;
 479:  begin
 480:    vaSysNtida.cbSize := SizeOf(tnotifyicondataa);
 481:    vaSysNtida.Wnd := Handle;
 482:    vaSysNtida.uID := ConstIID;
 483:    vaSysNtida.uFlags := NIF_ICON + NIF_TIP + NIF_MESSAGE;
 484:    vaSysNtida.uCallbackMessage := WMMouseMsg;
 485:    vaSysNtida.hIcon := Application.Icon.handle;
 486:    if hook= 0 then
 487:      vaSysNtida.hIcon := fmMain.icoB.Icon.Handle
 488:    else
 489:      vaSysNtida.hIcon := fmMain.icoR.Icon.Handle;
 490:    vaSysNtida.szTip := 'ComboKeys';
 491:    if vaSysNtida.uVersion=1 then
 492:      Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_MODIFY, @vaSysNtida)
 493:    else
 494:      Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_ADD, @vaSysNtida);
 495:    vaSysNtida.uVersion := 1;
 496:    if iType=0 then
 497:    begin
 498:      ShowWindow(Handle, SW_HIDE);
 499:      ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
 500:      ZoomEffect(Handle, zaMinimize);
 501:    end
 502:    else
 503:    if iType=1 then
 504:    begin
 505:      ShowWindow(Handle, SW_SHOW);
 506:    end
 507:    else
 508:    if iType=-2 then
 509:    begin
 510:      vaSysNtida.uFlags := NIF_ICON + NIF_TIP + NIF_MESSAGE;
 511:      Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_DELETE, @vaSysNtida);
 512:    end;
 513:  end;
 515:  procedure TfmMain.btnRunClick(Sender: TObject);
 516:  begin
 517:    if hook  = 0 then
 518:      SetHook
 519:    else
 520:      DelHook;
 521:    pmMenuPopup(nil);
 522:  end;
 526:  procedure TfmMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
 527:  begin
 528:    DelHotKey(Self.Handle);
 529:    SetSysNtida(Self.Handle, -2);
 530:  end;
 532:  procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 533:  var
 534:    ID: DWORD;
 535:    i: Integer;
 536:  begin
 537:    SetSysNtida(Handle);
 538:    iFr := TList<Integer>.Create;
 539:    iTo := TList<Integer>.Create;
 541:    cFrCharR := TList<Integer>.Create;
 542:    cToCharR := TList<Integer>.Create;
 543:    cFrCharL := TList<Integer>.Create;
 544:    cToCharL := TList<Integer>.Create;
 545:    SetHotKey(Self.Handle);
 546:    for I := Low(cControlR) to High(cControlR) do
 547:    begin
 548:      cFrCharR.Add((Ord(cControlR[i][2])-32)*256+Ord(cControlR[i][3])-32);
 549:      cToCharR.Add(Ord(cControlR[i][1])-32);
 550:    end;
 551:    for I := Low(cControlL) to High(cControlL) do
 552:    begin
 553:      cFrCharL.Add((Ord(cControlL[i][2])-32)*256+Ord(cControlL[i][3])-32);
 554:      cToCharL.Add(Ord(cControlL[i][1])-32);
 555:    end;
 556:    CloseHandle(hSemaphore);
 557:    hSemaphore := CreateSemaphore(nil, 0, 1, nil);
 558:    CreateThread(nil, 0, @LoadListThread, nil, 0, ID);
 559:  end;
 561:  procedure TfmMain.ShowMenu;
 562:  var
 563:    P: TPoint;
 564:  begin
 565:    GetCursorPos(P);
 566:    pmMenu.Popup(P.X, P.Y);
 567:  end;
 569:  procedure TfmMain.MouseMessage(var Msg: TMessage);
 570:  begin
 571:    if (msg.LParam = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) then
 572:      SetSysNtida(Handle, 1)
 573:    else
 574:    if (msg.LParam = WM_RBUTTONUP) then
 575:    begin
 576:      ShowMenu;
 577:    end;
 578:  end;
 580:  procedure TfmMain.N1Click(Sender: TObject);
 581:  begin
 582:    btnRun.Click;
 583:  end;
 585:  procedure TfmMain.N2Click(Sender: TObject);
 586:  begin
 587:    btnRun.Click;
 588:  end;
 590:  procedure TfmMain.N3Click(Sender: TObject);
 591:  begin
 592:    if IsWindowVisible(self.Handle) then
 593:      SendMessage(Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_ICON,0)
 594:    else
 595:      SendMessage(Handle, wmMouseMsg, 0, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK);
 596:  end;
 598:  procedure TfmMain.N4Click(Sender: TObject);
 599:  begin
 600:    if IsWindowVisible(self.Handle) then
 601:      SendMessage(Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_ICON,0)
 602:    else
 603:      SendMessage(Handle, wmMouseMsg, 0, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK);
 604:  end;
 606:  procedure TfmMain.N5Click(Sender: TObject);
 607:  begin
 608:    Close;
 609:  end;
 611:  procedure TfmMain.pmMenuPopup(Sender: TObject);
 612:  begin
 613:    N4.Enabled := IsWindowVisible(self.Handle);
 614:    N3.Enabled := not IsWindowVisible(self.Handle);
 616:    N1.Enabled := hook= 0;
 617:    N2.Enabled := hook<> 0;
 618:    if N1.Enabled then
 619:      btnRun.Caption := 'Run'
 620:    else
 621:      btnRun.Caption := 'Break';
 622:    SetSysNtida(Handle, 1);
 623:  end;
 625:  procedure TfmMain.WMSysCommand(var Message: TMessage);
 626:  begin
 627:    if Message.WParam = SC_ICON then
 628:      SetSysNtida(Handle, 0)
 629:    else
 630:      DefWindowProc(Self.Handle, Message.Msg, Message.WParam, Message.LParam);
 631:  end;
 633:  procedure TfmMain.HotyKey(var msg: TMessage);
 634:  begin
 635:    if False
 636:      or ((msg.LParamHi=$5A) and (msg.LParamLo=MOD_SHIFT))
 637:      or ((msg.LParamHi=$71) and (msg.LParamLo=MOD_ALT))
 638:      or ((msg.LParamHi=$71) and (msg.LParamLo=MOD_ALT)) then
 639:    begin
 640:      if IsWindowVisible(self.Handle) then
 641:        SendMessage(Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_ICON,0)
 642:      else
 643:        SendMessage(Handle, wmMouseMsg, 0, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK);
 644:    end
 645:    else
 646:    if False
 647:     or ((msg.LParamHi=$58) and (msg.LParamLo=MOD_SHIFT)) then
 648:    begin
 649:      //SetSysNtida(Handle, 0);
 650:      ShowMenu;
 651:    end
 652:    else
 653:    if (msg.LParamHi=$4D) and (msg.LParamLo=MOD_ALT or MOD_CONTROL) then   //MOD_ALT or MOD_CONTROL, $53)
 654:    begin
 655:        ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('msnmsgr'), nil, nil ,SW_SHOWNORMAL);//记事本
 656:    end
 657:    else
 658:    if (msg.LParamHi=$4E) and (msg.LParamLo=MOD_ALT or MOD_CONTROL) then   //MOD_ALT or MOD_CONTROL, $53)
 659:    begin
 660:        ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('Notepad'), nil, nil ,SW_SHOWNORMAL);//记事本
 661:    end;
 662:  end ;
 664:  end.

posted on 2012-03-19 02:24  向北™  阅读(593)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
