[LeetCode] 1031. Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays
Given an integer array nums and two integers firstLen and secondLen, return the maximum sum of elements in two non-overlapping subarrays with lengths firstLen and secondLen.
The array with length firstLen could occur before or after the array with length secondLen, but they have to be non-overlapping.
A subarray is a contiguous part of an array.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [0,6,5,2,2,5,1,9,4], firstLen = 1, secondLen = 2
Output: 20
Explanation: One choice of subarrays is [9] with length 1, and [6,5] with length 2.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [3,8,1,3,2,1,8,9,0], firstLen = 3, secondLen = 2
Output: 29
Explanation: One choice of subarrays is [3,8,1] with length 3, and [8,9] with length 2.
Example 3:
Input: nums = [2,1,5,6,0,9,5,0,3,8], firstLen = 4, secondLen = 3
Output: 31
Explanation: One choice of subarrays is [5,6,0,9] with length 4, and [0,3,8] with length 3.
1 <= firstLen, secondLen <= 1000
2 <= firstLen + secondLen <= 1000
firstLen + secondLen <= nums.length <= 1000
0 <= nums[i] <= 1000
给你一个整数数组 nums 和两个整数 firstLen 和 secondLen,请你找出并返回两个非重叠 子数组 中元素的最大和,长度分别为 firstLen 和 secondLen 。长度为 firstLen 的子数组可以出现在长为 secondLen 的子数组之前或之后,但二者必须是不重叠的。
子数组是数组的一个 连续 部分。
。注意这道题因为涉及到两个长度不同的子数组 A 和 B,长度分别为 firstLen 和 secondLen,所以需要考虑 A+B
和 B+A
具体做法是首先我们把整个数组的前缀和计算好,用一个数组 presum 存储,这样当我们需要得到一段子数组的和的时候,我们就可以用 O(1) 的时间拿到。接着我们遍历原数组,在遍历过程中,我们用一个变量 i 表示当前遍历到哪个下标,两个子数组 A 和 B 都在下标 i 的左侧。所以当我们在某个下标 i 的时候,子数组 A 的值 = presum[i - secondLen] - presum[i - secondLen - firstLen],子数组 B 的值 = presum[i] - presum[i - secondLen]。找到两者的最大值再相加,就是最后的结果。下面这个图可以帮助理解。
class Solution {
public int maxSumTwoNoOverlap(int[] nums, int firstLen, int secondLen) {
int n = nums.length;
int[] presum = new int[n + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
presum[i + 1] = presum[i] + nums[i];
int max1 = getMax(presum, firstLen, secondLen);
int max2 = getMax(presum, secondLen, firstLen);
return Math.max(max1, max2);
private int getMax(int[] presum, int firstLen, int secondLen) {
// 找到firstLen的最大值
int maxFirst = 0;
int max = 0;
for (int i = firstLen + secondLen; i < presum.length; i++) {
maxFirst = Math.max(maxFirst, presum[i - secondLen] - presum[i - secondLen - firstLen]);
// 找到整体的最大值
max = Math.max(max, maxFirst + presum[i] - presum[i - secondLen]);
return max;