[LeetCode] 1386. Cinema Seat Allocation

A cinema has n rows of seats, numbered from 1 to n and there are ten seats in each row, labelled from 1 to 10 as shown in the figure above.

Given the array reservedSeats containing the numbers of seats already reserved, for example, reservedSeats[i] = [3,8] means the seat located in row 3 and labelled with 8 is already reserved.

Return the maximum number of four-person groups you can assign on the cinema seats. A four-person group occupies four adjacent seats in one single row. Seats across an aisle (such as [3,3] and [3,4]) are not considered to be adjacent, but there is an exceptional case on which an aisle split a four-person group, in that case, the aisle split a four-person group in the middle, which means to have two people on each side.

Example 1:

Input: n = 3, reservedSeats = [[1,2],[1,3],[1,8],[2,6],[3,1],[3,10]]
Output: 4
Explanation: The figure above shows the optimal allocation for four groups, where seats mark with blue are already reserved and contiguous seats mark with orange are for one group.

Example 2:

Input: n = 2, reservedSeats = [[2,1],[1,8],[2,6]]
Output: 2

Example 3:

Input: n = 4, reservedSeats = [[4,3],[1,4],[4,6],[1,7]]
Output: 4


  • 1 <= n <= 10^9
  • 1 <= reservedSeats.length <= min(10*n, 10^4)
  • reservedSeats[i].length == 2
  • 1 <= reservedSeats[i][0] <= n
  • 1 <= reservedSeats[i][1] <= 10
  • All reservedSeats[i] are distinct.


如上图所示,电影院的观影厅中有 n 行座位,行编号从 1 到 n ,且每一行内总共有 10 个座位,列编号从 1 到 10 。

给你数组 reservedSeats ,包含所有已经被预约了的座位。比如说,researvedSeats[i]=[3,8] ,它表示第 3 行第 8 个座位被预约了。

请你返回 最多能安排多少个 4 人家庭 。4 人家庭要占据 同一行内连续 的 4 个座位。隔着过道的座位(比方说 [3,3] 和 [3,4])不是连续的座位,但是如果你可以将 4 人家庭拆成过道两边各坐 2 人,这样子是允许的。


思路是贪心 + 位运算。这里贪心的原则是对于每一行row,我们优先查看是否能满足两个家庭,如果实在不满足,我们再看是否能满足一个家庭。具体的做法是,我们创建一个hashmap<Integer, Integer>,key代表当前扫描的行row,value代表这一行已经被reserve的座位。当在同一行中有多行被reserve的时候,我们通过把1左移col个位置来记录,比如当前行的第一个位子和第二个位子被reserve了,我们就把1左移一位的结果和把1左移两位的结果做OR操作。


举个例子,以下的二进制表示座位号1到10的时候是从右往左看的,但是因为表示二进制的时候第一位只能从0开始,所以我们计算座位号的时候,实际是从0到9计算的。如果reserve记录的结果和如下的数字(对应digit上都是1)做AND == 0的话,说明相同位置上的digit都是0,因为0 & 1 == 0。

60的二进制表示是 0000111100 - 2345这几个位子是空的

960的二进制表示是 1111000000 - 6789这几个位子是空的

240的二进制表示是 0011110000 - 4567这几个位子是空的





 1 class Solution {
 2     public int maxNumberOfFamilies(int n, int[][] reservedSeats) {
 3         HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
 4         for (int[] seat : reservedSeats) {
 5             int row = seat[0];
 6             int col = seat[1];
 7             // create a bit vector of reserved seats
 8             map.put(row, map.getOrDefault(row, 0) | (1 << col));
 9         }
10         int max = 0;
11         for (int row : map.keySet()) {
12             int reserved = map.get(row);
13             int cnt = 0;
14             if ((reserved & 60) == 0) {
15                 cnt += 1; // check if seats 2,3,4,5 are available
16             }
17             if ((reserved & 960) == 0) {
18                 cnt += 1; // check if seats 6,7,8,9 are available
19             }
20             if ((reserved & 240) == 0 && cnt == 0) {
21                 cnt = 1; // check if seats 4,5,6,7 are available
22             }
23             max += cnt;
24         }
25         // map.size()是已经有预约的rows
26         // n - map.size()是没有任何预约的rows
27         return max + 2 * (n - map.size());
28     }
29 }


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posted @ 2021-01-24 17:20  CNoodle  阅读(654)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报