[LeetCode] 785. Is Graph Bipartite?

There is an undirected graph with n nodes, where each node is numbered between 0 and n - 1. You are given a 2D array graph, where graph[u] is an array of nodes that node u is adjacent to. More formally, for each v in graph[u], there is an undirected edge between node u and node v. The graph has the following properties:

  • There are no self-edges (graph[u] does not contain u).
  • There are no parallel edges (graph[u] does not contain duplicate values).
  • If v is in graph[u], then u is in graph[v] (the graph is undirected).
  • The graph may not be connected, meaning there may be two nodes u and v such that there is no path between them.

A graph is bipartite if the nodes can be partitioned into two independent sets A and B such that every edge in the graph connects a node in set A and a node in set B.

Return true if and only if it is bipartite.

Example 1:

Input: graph = [[1,2,3],[0,2],[0,1,3],[0,2]]
Output: false
Explanation: There is no way to partition the nodes into two independent sets such that every edge connects a node in one and a node in the other.

Example 2:

Input: graph = [[1,3],[0,2],[1,3],[0,2]]
Output: true
Explanation: We can partition the nodes into two sets: {0, 2} and {1, 3}.


  • graph.length == n
  • 1 <= n <= 100
  • 0 <= graph[u].length < n
  • 0 <= graph[u][i] <= n - 1
  • graph[u] does not contain u.
  • All the values of graph[u] are unique.
  • If graph[u] contains v, then graph[v] contains u.


存在一个 无向图 ,图中有 n 个节点。其中每个节点都有一个介于 0 到 n - 1 之间的唯一编号。给你一个二维数组 graph ,其中 graph[u] 是一个节点数组,由节点 u 的邻接节点组成。形式上,对于 graph[u] 中的每个 v ,都存在一条位于节点 u 和节点 v 之间的无向边。该无向图同时具有以下属性:
不存在自环(graph[u] 不包含 u)。
不存在平行边(graph[u] 不包含重复值)。
如果 v 在 graph[u] 内,那么 u 也应该在 graph[v] 内(该图是无向图)
这个图可能不是连通图,也就是说两个节点 u 和 v 之间可能不存在一条连通彼此的路径。
二分图 定义:如果能将一个图的节点集合分割成两个独立的子集 A 和 B ,并使图中的每一条边的两个节点一个来自 A 集合,一个来自 B 集合,就将这个图称为 二分图 。

如果图是二分图,返回 true ;否则,返回 false 。



时间O(V + E)



 1 class Solution {
 2     public boolean isBipartite(int[][] graph) {
 3         // BFS
 4         // 0(not meet), 1(black), 2(white)
 5         int[] visited = new int[graph.length];
 6         for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
 7             if (graph[i].length != 0 && visited[i] == 0) {
 8                 visited[i] = 1;
 9                 Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
10                 queue.offer(i);
11                 while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
12                     int cur = queue.poll();
13                     for (int c : graph[cur]) {
14                         if (visited[c] == 0) {
15                             visited[c] = (visited[cur] == 1) ? 2 : 1;
16                             queue.offer(c);
17                         } else {
18                             if (visited[c] == visited[cur]) {
19                                 return false;
20                             }
21                         }
22                     }
23                 }
24             }
25         }
26         return true;
27     }
28 }



 1 /**
 2  * @param {number[][]} graph
 3  * @return {boolean}
 4  */
 5 var isBipartite = function (graph) {
 6     let visited = new Array(graph.length).fill(0);
 7     for (let i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
 8         if (graph[i].length && visited[i] == 0) {
 9             visited[i] = 1;
10             let queue = [];
11             queue.push(i);
12             while (queue.length) {
13                 let cur = queue.shift();
14                 for (let next of graph[cur]) {
15                     if (visited[next] == 0) {
16                         visited[next] = visited[cur] == 1 ? 2 : 1;
17                         queue.push(next);
18                     } else {
19                         if (visited[cur] === visited[next]) {
20                             return false;
21                         }
22                     }
23                 }
24             }
25         }
26     }
27     return true;
28 };



时间O(V + E)



 1 class Solution {
 2     public boolean isBipartite(int[][] graph) {
 3         int[] visited = new int[graph.length];
 4         for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
 5             // 当前点没有被访问过且染色失败,返回false
 6             if (visited[i] == 0 && !dfs(graph, visited, 1, i)) {
 7                 return false;
 8             }
 9         }
10         return true;
11     }
13     /**
14      * @param graph   图
15      * @param node    当前处理的顶点
16      * @param color   当前顶点即将被染的颜色
17      * @param visited 记录顶点是否被访问过
18      * @return 成功染色,返回true,失败染色返回false
19      */
20     private boolean dfs(int[][] graph, int[] visited, int color, int node) {
21         if (visited[node] != 0) {
22             return visited[node] == color;
23         } else {
24             visited[node] = color;
25             for (int nei : graph[node]) {
26                 if (!dfs(graph, visited, -color, nei)) {
27                     return false;
28                 }
29             }
30         }
31         return true;
32     }
33 }



785. Is Graph Bipartite

886. Possible Bipartition

LeetCode 题目总结

posted @ 2020-07-16 02:03  CNoodle  阅读(242)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报