[LeetCode] 435. Non-overlapping Intervals
Given an array of intervals intervals
where intervals[i] = [starti, endi]
, return the minimum number of intervals you need to remove to make the rest of the intervals non-overlapping.
Example 1:
Input: intervals = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[1,3]] Output: 1 Explanation: [1,3] can be removed and the rest of the intervals are non-overlapping.
Example 2:
Input: intervals = [[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]] Output: 2 Explanation: You need to remove two [1,2] to make the rest of the intervals non-overlapping.
Example 3:
Input: intervals = [[1,2],[2,3]] Output: 0 Explanation: You don't need to remove any of the intervals since they're already non-overlapping.
1 <= intervals.length <= 105
intervals[i].length == 2
-5 * 104 <= starti < endi <= 5 * 104
给定一个区间的集合 intervals ,其中 intervals[i] = [starti, endi] 。返回 需要移除区间的最小数量,使剩余区间互不重叠 。
思路还是扫描线。既然是找是否有重叠,那么可以根据每个 interval 的结束时间对 input 进行排序。排序之后遍历 intervals,记录不重叠的 interval 一共有几个(记为count),然后用 intervals 的总长度 L - count 得到最后要的结果。跑个例子,
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
之后从第二个 interval 开始遍历,如果当前 interval 的 start 大于等于前一个 interval 的 end,说明两者没有 overlap,则 count++,说明这两个 interval 都需要保留。按照这个逻辑,算出最后互不重叠的 intervals 有多少,再用 总数 - count 就得到需要去除的 interval 的数量了。
1 /** 2 * @param {number[][]} intervals 3 * @return {number} 4 */ 5 var eraseOverlapIntervals = function(intervals) { 6 // corner case 7 if (intervals.length === 0) { 8 return 0; 9 } 10 11 // normal case 12 intervals = intervals.sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]); 13 let end = intervals[0][1]; 14 let count = 1; 15 for (let i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) { 16 if (intervals[i][0] >= end) { 17 end = intervals[i][1]; 18 count++; 19 } 20 } 21 return intervals.length - count; 22 };
1 class Solution { 2 public int eraseOverlapIntervals(int[][] intervals) { 3 // corner case 4 if (intervals.length == 0) { 5 return 0; 6 } 7 8 // normal case 9 Arrays.sort(intervals, (a, b) -> a[1] - b[1]); 10 int end = intervals[0][1]; 11 int count = 1; 12 for (int i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) { 13 if (intervals[i][0] >= end) { 14 end = intervals[i][1]; 15 count++; 16 } 17 } 18 return intervals.length - count; 19 } 20 }