HRESULT CVideoSource::RecoderAVIFrames(char* szFile)
//IBaseFilter *pMux;
IFileSinkFilter *pSink;
IConfigAviMux * pConfigAviMux;
if(OpenFile(szFile, &os, OF_EXIST) == HFILE_ERROR)
// bring up dialog, and set new file size
/*CFile f;
bool bFile = f.Open(szFile,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite);
if (!bFile)
MessageBox(AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, TEXT("很抱歉,不能创建文件,请检查该文件夹是否有权限的严格控制"),
hr = m_pBuilder->AllocCapFile(LPCOLESTR(szFile),(DWORDLONG)100* 1024 * 1024);
if (hr != NOERROR)
MessageBox(AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, TEXT("很抱歉,磁盘空间不够,请调整磁盘空间"),
return FALSE;
//hr = m_pBuilder->SetOutputFileName(&MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi,(LPCOLESTR)szFile, &m_pMux, NULL);
//hr = m_pBuilder->SetOutputFileName(&MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi,(LPCOLESTR)szFile, &m_pMux, &pSink);
hr = m_pBuilder->SetOutputFileName(&MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi,(LPCOLESTR)szFile, &m_pVideoRender, &pSink);
if(hr != NOERROR)
ErrMsg(TEXT("Cannot set output file"));
// Now tell the AVIMUX to write out AVI files that old apps can read properly.
// If we don't, most apps won't be able to tell where the keyframes are,
// slowing down editing considerably
// Doing this will cause one seek (over the area the index will go) when
// you capture past 1 Gig, but that's no big deal.
// NOTE: This is on by default, so it's not necessary to turn it on
// Also, set the proper MASTER STREAM
hr = m_pVideoRender->QueryInterface(IID_IConfigAviMux, (void **)&pConfigAviMux);
if (hr == NOERROR && pConfigAviMux)
hr = pConfigAviMux->SetOutputCompatibilityIndex(TRUE);
// Render the video capture and preview pins - even if the capture filter only
// has a capture pin (and no preview pin) this should work... because the
// capture graph builder will use a smart tee filter to provide both capture
// and preview. We don't have to worry. It will just work.
// NOTE that we try to render the interleaved pin before the video pin, because
// if BOTH exist, it's a DV filter and the only way to get the audio is to use
// the interleaved pin. Using the Video pin on a DV filter is only useful if
// you don't want the audio.
hr = gcap.pConfigAviMux->SetMasterStream(gcap.iMasterStream);
if(hr != NOERROR)
ErrMsg(TEXT("SetMasterStream failed!"));
hr = m_pBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,&MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,m_pVideoCap, NULL, m_pVideoRender);
//hr = m_pBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,&MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,m_pVideoCap, NULL, m_pMux);
if(hr != NOERROR)
hr = m_pBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, m_pVideoCap, NULL, m_pVideoRender);
//hr = m_pBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, m_pVideoCap, NULL, m_pMux);
if(hr != NOERROR)
ErrMsg(TEXT("Cannot render video capture stream"));
// tell the file writer to use the new filename
//m_pFileSink->SetFileName(T2W(szFile), NULL);
return hr;