using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication13 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Test<string,int> t = new Test<string,int>("Age",16); t.Run(); t.SetT1Value = "Height"; t.SetT2Value = 1000; t.Run(); Console.ReadKey(); } } class Test<T1,T2> { private T1 _t1; private T2 _t2; public Test(T1 v1,T2 v2) { _t1 = v1; _t2 = v2; } public T1 SetT1Value { set { _t1 = value; } } public T2 SetT2Value { set { _t2 = value; } } public void Run() { Console.WriteLine("The type of T1 is {0},the value is {1}",_t1.GetType().ToString(),_t1); Console.WriteLine("The type of T2 is{0},the value is {1}", _t2.GetType().ToString(), _t2); } } }
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