【翻译】Chrome Developer Tools: 资源面板
说明:本文对Chrome Developer Tools系列翻译文章的第四篇
Chrome Developer Tools: Resources Panel
Chrome Developer Tools: 资源面板
The Resources panel lets you inspect resources that are loaded in the inspected page. It lets you interact with HTML 5 Database, Local Storage, Cookies, AppCache, etc.
Follow the steps below to explore the Resources panel:
- Open the Google Closure Hovercard demo page.
- 打开 Google Closure Hovercard demo page
- Open the Developer Tools window as described in the How to Access the Developer Tools section of this tutorial.
- 像在 How to Access the Developer Tools 这节描述的那样,打开开发者工具窗口
- If it is not already selected, select Resources. The page's components are shown in the sidebar.
- 如果没有选择资源面板,选择 Resources ,页面的成员在左边栏显示
Frame resources
Click the hovercard.html resource in the sidebar.
This lets you see the resource loaded for the page.
You can directly access individual resources from within the Developer Tools. Drag-and-drop demo.css from the sidebar into a Chrome window.
你能在Developer Tools直接访问个别的资源。从侧边栏拖放demo.css到Chrome窗口。
HTML5 Databases
Using Google Chrome, open the Webkit demo of HTML storage.
用 Google Chrome,打开 Webkit demo of HTML storage
Click the triangle to the left of the NoteTest database to show the tables in the database.
To see the table's contents, click the table in the sidebar. You can also run a SQL query at the chevron prompt in the main window. Type select * from WebKitStickyNotes. The input in this console has auto-completion and tab-completion for common SQL words and phrases along with table names for the database.
在侧边栏单击表,看到表格的内容。你也能在主窗口的尖括号提示符后运行SQL查询。输入select * from WebKitStickyNotes,在控制台的输入能够自动完成和tab自动完成通用的SQL关键字,并且对这个数据库分析表名。
Return to the Webkit demo page and type some text in the sticky note - you can also add another note if you like. Return to the Developer Tools window and double click theWebKitStickyNotes table in the sidebar.
返回Webkit 演示页面,然后在粘上的笔记本里输入一些文字,你能增加别的你喜欢的笔记。返回开发工具窗口然后在侧边栏双击WebKitStickyNotes
Select the webkit.org cookie in the sidebar.
在侧边栏选择webkit.org cookie