【翻译】Chrome Developer Tools: 脚本面板
说明:本文对Chrome Developer Tools系列翻译文章的二篇
Chrome Developer Tools: Scripts Panel
Chrome Developer Tools: 脚本面板
The Scripts panel lets you debug your JavaScript code.
The Scripts panel provides a graphical interface to the V8 debugger. Follow the steps below to explore the Scripts panel:
- Open Google Closure hovercard demo page.
- 打开 Google Closure hovercard demo page
- Open the Developer Tools window as described in the How to Access the Developer Tools section of this tutorial.
- 按照 How to Access the Developer Tools 节的描述打开开发工具窗口
- If it is not already selected, select Scripts.
- 如果没有选择脚本面板,选择 Scripts
The Scripts panel lets you see all the scripts that are part of the inspected page. Standard controls to pause, resume, and step through code are provided below the panel selection icons. A button to force a pause at exceptions is located at the bottom of the window. Scripts are now (Canary) visible in separate tabs and by pressing the script navigator opens showing all the loaded scripts.
You can set one or more breakpoints in one or more scripts. Click the line gutter to set a breakpoint for that line of code, select another script and set another breakpoint.
All the breakpoints you have set appear under Breakpoints in the right-hand sidebar. Clicking on the entry jumps to the highlighted line in the source file. Once you have a breakpoint set, right click on the blue tag breakpoint indicator to set a conditional statement for that breakpoint. Type an expression and the breakpoint will only pause from then on only if the condition is true. Delete a breakpoint by clicking the blue tag breakpoint indicator. The tag cycles through its three states of active, inactive, and removed.
Click the Pause button then move your mouse over the Google Closure hovercard demo page.
点击暂停按纽,移动你的鼠标到Google Closure hovercard demo page。
There are several keyboard shortcuts available in the Scripts panel:
- Continue: F8 or Command-/ (forward slash) on Mac or Control-/ (forward slash) on other platforms.
- Step over: F10 or Command-' (apostrophe) on Mac or Control-' (apostrophe) on other platforms.
- Step into: F11 or Command-; (semi-colon) on Mac or Control-; (semi-colon); on other platforms.
- Step out: Shift-F11 or Shift-Command-; (semi-colon) on Mac or Shift-Control-; (semi-colon) on other platforms.
- Next call frame: Control-. (period) on all platforms.
- Previous call frame: Control-, (comma) on all platforms.