OCP11g+12c考试资料群:1015267481 验证码:ocp

【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-第3题

choose two

The CUSTOMERS table has a CUST_CREDT_LIMIT column of date type number.

Which two queries execute successtully?

A) SELECT TO_CHAR(NVL(cust_credit_limit * .15,'Not Available')) FROM customers;

B) SELECT NVL2(cust_credit_limit * .15,'Not AvailabIe') FROM customers;

C) SELECT NVL(cust_credit_limit * .15, 'Not Available') FROM customers;

D) SLECT NVL(TO_CHAR(cust_credit_limit * .15),'Not available') from customers;

E) SELECT NVL2(cust_credit_limit,TO_CHAR(cust_credit_limit * .15),'NOT Available') FROM customers;



(解析:注意 nvl 返回的数据类型要与原来列的数据类型一致。此题库以前出现过。)

posted @ 2019-10-15 09:33  cnblogs_5359  阅读(292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报