OCP11g+12c考试资料群:1015267481 验证码:ocp

【OCP题库】最新CUUG OCP 12c 071考试题库(67题)

67、(25-8)choose the best answer:

View the Exhibit and examine the structure of CUSTOMERS table.

Evaluate the following query:

SQL>SELECT cust_id, cust_city

FROM customers

WHERE cust_first_name NOT LIKE 'A_%g_%' AND

cust_credit_limit BETWEEN 5000 AND 15000 AND

cust_credit_limit NOT IN (7000, 11000) AND

cust_city NOT BETWEEN 'A' AND 'B';

Which statement is true regarding the above query?

A) It executes successfully.

B) It produces an error because the condition on the CUST_FIRST_NAME column is not valid.

C) It produces an error because conditions on the GUST_CREDIT_LIMIT column are not valid.

D) It produces an error because the condition on the CUST_CITY column is not valid.



(解析:考语法,验证 not like 、between and、not in、not between and 的混合使用)

posted @ 2019-03-07 11:27  cnblogs_5359  阅读(283)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报