27、 [单选] 在为一个有预算限制的项目生成状态报告时,项目经理发现该项目比进度计划落后一周。若要将项目拉回正轨,项目经理应该怎么做?
While generating the status report for a budget-constrained project, the project manager identifies that the project is one week behind schedule. What should the project manager do to bring the project back on track?
While generating the status report for a budget-constrained project, the project manager identifies that the project is one week behind schedule. What should the project manager do to bring the project back on track?
- A:重新分配关键路径活动的团队成员 Reallocate team members on critical-path activities.
- B:向项目发起人要求额外的时间 Request additional time from the project sponsor.
- C:请求项目管理办公室(PMO)增加团队成员。 Ask the project management office (PMO) for additional team members.
- D:执行资源优化 Perform resource optimization.
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P215-进度压缩-赶工。通过增加资源来压缩进度工期。选项C,团队成员是由职能部门经理提供的。选项B要求增加额外的时间,不解决项目进度滞后的问题。 选项D:资源优化包含了资源平衡。资源平衡会使项目进度延长,不可选。
29、 [单选] 项目第一阶段符合进度计划,且接近完成。第二阶段取决于第一阶段的完成。技术团队发现一个缺陷,且项目经理确定必须修补这个缺陷才能继续项目。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Phase one of a project is on schedule and close to completion. Phase two is dependent upon phase one's completion. The technical team finds a defect and the project manager determines that the defect must be repaired before continuing the project. What should the project manager do first?
Phase one of a project is on schedule and close to completion. Phase two is dependent upon phase one's completion. The technical team finds a defect and the project manager determines that the defect must be repaired before continuing the project. What should the project manager do first?
- A:变更项目管理计划,在不影响进度计划的情况下包含缺陷修补工作 Update the project management plan to include the repair work without impacting the schedule.
- B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,供其审查和批准 Submit a change request to be reviewed and approved by the change control board (CCB)
- C:与项目团队开会,审查发现结果,并确定所需的下一步行动 Meet with the project team to review the findings and determine the next action required
- D:将修补工作添加进风险登记册,并重新计算成功概率 Add repair work to the risk register and recalculate probability of success
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
55、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,项目经理识别到多个风险。为减轻这些风险的影响,项目经理应该怎么做?
During project planning, a project manager identifies several risks. What should the project manager do to mitigate the impact of these risks?
During project planning, a project manager identifies several risks. What should the project manager do to mitigate the impact of these risks?
- A:将风险规避视为风险应对策略 Consider risk avoidance as A risk response strategy
- B:遵循先前项目的风险管理计划 Follow the risk management plan from previous projects
- C:执行储备分析 Conduct a reserve analysis
- D:执行决策树分析并让相关方参与应对措施选择过程 Perform a decision tree analysis and involve stakeholder in the response selection process
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK(6)P428-11.4风险定量分析。通过量化整体项目风险敞口,评估项目可能要面临的影响。根据评估结果制定应对策略。 选项A:是否采取规避的策略要根据风险评估的结果。 选项B:风险管理计划是定量分析的输入,但在这个过程最重要的任务是要对风险进行分析并进行决策,所以选D而不选B。 选项C:用于监督风险。
储备分析。见 节。在整个项目执行期间,可能发生某些单个项目风险,对预算和进度应急储备产生正面或负面的影响。储备分析是指在项目的任一时点比较剩余应急储备与剩余风险量,从而确定剩余储备是否仍然合理。可以用各种图形(如燃尽图)来显示应急储备的消耗情况。本题中储备分析不能减轻风险的影响。
决策树分析。用决策树在若干备选行动方案中选择一个最佳方案。在决策树中,用不同的分 支代表不同的决策或事件,即项目的备选路径。每个决策或事件都有相关的成本和单个项目 风险(包括威胁和机会)。决策树分支的终点表示沿特定路径发展的最后结果,可以是负面 或正面的结果。 在决策树分析中,通过计算每条分支的预期货币价值,就可以选出最优的路径。
58、 [单选] 供应商沟通说,某个项目事项的交付将延迟2周时间。项目经理应该怎么做?
A vendor communicates that the delivery of a project item will be delayed by two weeks.What should the project manager do?
A vendor communicates that the delivery of a project item will be delayed by two weeks.What should the project manager do?
- A:实施整体变更控制过程 Implement the Perform Integrated Change Control process.
- B:执行偏差分析 Conduct a variance analysis.
- C:审查合同中的违约赔偿条款 Review the contract clause for liquidated damages.
- D:确定一种执行进度压缩的方法 Identify a way to conduct schedule compression,
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制流程。要对供应商延迟交付的变更请求进行评估,考察其对项目基准的影响。 选项B:通常用于确定偏离基准的程度和原因。 选项C:情景没有标注是一种违约行为。 选项D:如果问题确实发生,需要对进度进行压缩时,可能会做出赶工或者快速跟进的决策,目前未经评估,问题也未发生,所以不选。
偏差分析。偏差分析审查目标绩效与实际绩效之间的差异(或偏差),可涉及持续时间估算、 成本估算、资源使用、资源费率、技术绩效和其他测量指标。 可以在每个知识领域,针对特定变量,开展偏差分析。在监控项目工作过程中,通过偏差分析 对成本、时间、技术和资源偏差进行综合分析,以了解项目的总体偏差情况。这样就便于采取 合适的预防或纠正措施。本题中偏差分析不解决问题,题干中已经说明偏差结果为延迟2周,所以下一步应该是走变更解决问题。
63、 [单选] 一个大型项目包含将由分包商执行的许多阶段。团队成员各自负责一个阶段。项目经理应该使用什么来执行质量管理计划?
A large project contains many phases that will be performed by subcontractors. Individual team members are each responsible for one phase. What should the project manager use to enforce the quality management plan?
A large project contains many phases that will be performed by subcontractors. Individual team members are each responsible for one phase. What should the project manager use to enforce the quality management plan?
- A:质量测量指标 Quality metrics
- B:质量审计 Quality audits
- C:根本原因分析 Root cause analysis
- D:因果分析 Cause-and-effect analysis
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P294-审计。审计是用于确定项目活动是否遵循了组织和项目的政策、过程与程序的一种结构化且独立的过程。 选项A:质量测量指标定义了如何衡量质量水平。 选项CD:通常用于针对具体问题的分析。
98、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个全球虚拟团队,在一次每周项目状态会议上,项目经理意识到来自不同地方的两名团队成员正在执行同一个任务,而不是按计划分别执行独立的任务。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a global virtual team.During a weekly project status meeting,the project manager realizes that two team members from different locations have been working on the same assignment,rather than separate assignments as planned What should the project manager do next?
A project manager is leading a global virtual team.During a weekly project status meeting,the project manager realizes that two team members from different locations have been working on the same assignment,rather than separate assignments as planned What should the project manager do next?
- A:依照人员分配工具重新培训整个团队并更新项目进度计划 Retrain the entire team on the staff assignment tool and update the project schedule
- B:修订风险登记册以显示这对项目管理计划的影响 Revise the risk register to show this impact on the project management plan
- C:通知项目相关方,这将影响项目进度 Notify project stakeholders that this will impact the project schedule
- D:通知项目发起人并更新资源管理计划 Inform the project sponsor and update the resource management plan
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7监督风险。风险发生,查阅风险登记册,看是否已记录,如果属于新风险,进行评估,根据结果制定应急计划。 选项ACD:依赖风险评估的结果,在选项B之后。
102、 [单选] 首席执行官宣布一个新项目,该项目具有成本和时间限制目标,商业论证尚未最终确定。根据经验,项目经理强烈感觉将不能实现这些目标。若要确保项目成功,项目经理应该怎么做?
A CEO announces a new project with cost and time constraint targets.The business case is not yet finalizeBased on experience,the project manager feels strongly that these targets will not be met. What should the project manager do to ensure the project's success?
A CEO announces a new project with cost and time constraint targets.The business case is not yet finalizeBased on experience,the project manager feels strongly that these targets will not be met. What should the project manager do to ensure the project's success?
- A:与项目团队协商承诺长时间工作,并快速跟进该项目 Negotiate with the project team to commit to working long hours,and fast track the project.
- B:与首席执行官会面,并强调可以实现的目标 Meet with the CEO,and highlight what is achievable.
- C:修改项目章程以适应首席执行官的期望 Revise the project charter to accommodate the CEO's expectations.
- D:将首席执行官的假设条件更新到假设日志中 Update the assumption log with the CEO's assumptions.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P80会议,制定项目章程工具与技术。与关键相关方举行会议的目的是识别项目目标、成功标准、主要可交付成果、高层级需求、总体里程碑和其他概述信息。新项目商业论证尚未最终确定说明属于制定项目章程阶段过程,要确保项目成功那就要就项目成功标准与关键相关方(首席执行官)举行会议讨论,最终形成一致意见。 选项A:尚未正式立项,项目团队成员还没有加入到团队。 选项CD:在与首席执行官共同明确项目范围后进行。 (题干中没有描述有分歧,只是感觉不能实现目标,不是对目标有不同意见。通过开会细化标准,看看有哪些制约因素,是否能实现等等)
116、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,项目团队发现一个供应商的可交付成果重复出现缺陷。项目经理应该怎么做?
During project execution, the project team finds repeated defects with a supplier's deliverables. What should the project manager do?
During project execution, the project team finds repeated defects with a supplier's deliverables. What should the project manager do?
- A:执行质量审计 Perform a quality audit.
- B:与该供应商的高级管理层讨论该问题 Discuss the problem with the supplier’s senior management.
- C:审查采购协议 Review the procurement agreement.
- D:与供应商一起创建变更请求 Create a change request with the supplier.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P498-数据分析-绩效审查。对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析,以审查合同工作的绩效。其中包括确定工作包提前或落后于进度计划、超出或低于预算,以及是否存在资源或质量问题。 注意情景是针对的甲乙双方之间履约的问题,所以不选A。 选项BD:后续如何处理该问题,需要根据评估的结果做决策。
129、 [单选] 项目经理负责管理一个项目,该项目旨在推出一项新服务,项目经理得知,技术部门对于使用已提供的培训来操作这项服务感到不自信。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a project to launch a new service. The project manager realizes that the technical department does not feel confident about operating the service the training they have been given.What should the project manager do firs
A project manager is working on a project to launch a new service. The project manager realizes that the technical department does not feel confident about operating the service the training they have been given.What should the project manager do firs
- A:完成一项变更控制要求并将该问题纳入经验教训中 Complete a change control requirement and include the lessons learned
- B:建议团队与指定的相关方一起审查验收标准 Advise the team to review the acceptance criteria with the assigned stakeholders
- C:将可交付成果转移给对操作这项服务更有信心的另一团队 Transfer the deliverables to another team who ice Is more confident in operating the service
- D:停止项目以确认操作员对接受的培训感到满意 Stop the project to verify that the operators fed comfortable with the training received
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
147、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个新项目制定项目进度计划,根据项目经理的经验,该项目需要两年才能完成。然而,公司总监要求该项目在18个月内完成。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager has prepared project schedule for a new project. According to the project manager’s experience, the project will take two years to complete. However, the company director requests that the project is to be completed in 18 months. What should the project manager do?
A project manager has prepared project schedule for a new project. According to the project manager’s experience, the project will take two years to complete. However, the company director requests that the project is to be completed in 18 months. What should the project manager do?
- A:根据总监的要求修订项目进度计划 Revise the project schedule based on the director's request.
- B:使用资源平衡,来平均项目团队成员的任务 Use resource leveling to even out project team member tasks.
- C:减少项目范围以满足修订的项目进度计划 Reduce the project scope to meet the revised project schedule.
- D:保持项目进度计划不变,但显示这种变更对其他制约因素的影响 Keep the project schedule unchanged, but show the impact this change would have on other constraints.
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
149、 [单选] 一个矩阵型组织的项目经理注意到一个资源正在进行大量的加班工作来完成项目任务。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager in a matrix organization notice that a resource is working a significant amount of overtime to complete project assignments. What should the project manager do next?
A project manager in a matrix organization notice that a resource is working a significant amount of overtime to complete project assignments. What should the project manager do next?
- A:将该问题上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
- B:将该信息更新到问题日志中 Update the issue long with this information.
- C:与资源经理讨论这种情况 Discuss the situation with the resource’s manager.
- D:将该信息更新到风险登记册中 Update the risk register with this information.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P358项目文件更新-问题日志。在本过程中出现的新问题应该记录到问题日志中。“资源大量加班”属于问题,需要先记录在问题日志并考虑如何解决。 选项A:排在选项D之后,如果风险的评估结果超过了项目经理的权力范围,需要上报组织。 选项C:排在选项B之后。 选项D:排在选项B之后,如果问题未来存在不确定性,要视为风险,记录到风险登记册。
152、 [单选] 在审查进度计划时,项目经理发现由于一个意外问题导致存在严重的范围蔓延。项目经理应该怎么做?
While reviewing the schedule, the project manager discovers is sigfiiflcant scope creep due to an unforeseen issue. What should the project manager do?
While reviewing the schedule, the project manager discovers is sigfiiflcant scope creep due to an unforeseen issue. What should the project manager do?
- A:停止与该问题相关的工作,并通知项目发起人 Stop the work related to the issue, and imform the project sponsor.
- B:更新风险登记册并通知发起人 Update the risk register, and notify the project spolsor.
- C:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,并更新项目基准 Submit a change request to the change control board(CCB), and update the project baseline.
- D:使用因果图执行根本原因分析,并更新风险管理计划 Perform a root cause analysis using a causc-and-effect diagram, and update the risk
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P170 -变更请求。分析项目绩效后,可能会就范围基准和进度基准,或项目管理计划的其他组成部分提出变更请求,变更请求需要经过实施整体变更控制过程的审查和处理。”范围蔓延”是未经控制的范围扩大,因此需要走变更流程进行范围控制。 选项A:是否停工要查看风险登记册上预设的应急计划。 选项B:是否通知发起人要看预设的应急计划和沟通管理计划。 选项D:风险管理计划是风险管理的策略,更新风险管理计划有误。
160、 [单选] 在项目的质量审查期间,团队讨论了对当前质量管理计划的必要变更,以满足相关方的期望,目前的计划包括产品的特定事项和特征,但缺少一个重要方面。若要完成质量管理计划,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project's quality review , the team discusses necessary changes to the current quality management plan to meet stakeholder expectations. The current plan includes product-specific items and characteristic, but is missing a vital aspect. What should the project manager do to complete the quality management plan?
During a project's quality review , the team discusses necessary changes to the current quality management plan to meet stakeholder expectations. The current plan includes product-specific items and characteristic, but is missing a vital aspect. What should the project manager do to complete the quality management plan?
- A:评估交付团队的绩效 Evaluate the delivery team's performance
- B:评估产品的性能 Assess the product's performance
- C:考虑产品等级 Consider the product grade
- D:分析提供给客户的价值 Analyze the value provided to the customer
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P286-质量管理计划。质量管理计划中阐述了项目采用的质量标准,质量标准与产品的特定事项、特征和产品等级相关。 选项A:属于资源管理领域 选项B:属于质量控制过程 选项D:制定项目章程
161、 [单选] 在规划中,项目团队识别到一个质量不合格风险,并为这个风险准备了一份行动计划。若要避免项目执行过程中的不合格,项目经理应进行下列哪一项?
During the planning process, a project team identifies a risk of quality nonconformance prepares an action plan for this risk. To avoid nonconformance during project execution, the project manager should do which of the following?
During the planning process, a project team identifies a risk of quality nonconformance prepares an action plan for this risk. To avoid nonconformance during project execution, the project manager should do which of the following?
- A:风险评估 Risk assessment
- B:风险减轻 Risk mitigation
- C:进行风险优先排序 Risk prioritization
- D:风险转移 Risk transference
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7监督风险。质量不合格的风险需要持续的跟踪和评估。 选项B:11.5规划风险应对 选项C:11.3风险定性分析 选项D:11.5规划风险应对
165、 [单选] 客户需要批准的产品指南,以便在新的站点实施已完成的项目解决方案。但是,客户却无法实施解决方案,因为可交付成果不能按照已批准需求的规范执行。 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Customer needs the approved product guidelines to implement a completed project solution at a new site. However, the customer cannot implement the solution because the deliverables fail to be executed in accordance with the specifications of the approved requirements. To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do in advance?
Customer needs the approved product guidelines to implement a completed project solution at a new site. However, the customer cannot implement the solution because the deliverables fail to be executed in accordance with the specifications of the approved requirements. To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do in advance?
- A:完成统计抽样分析 To complete the statistical sampling analysis
- B:应用质量检查 To use the quality check
- C:执行质量审计 To perform the quality audit
- D:核实变更 To verify changes
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK(6)P294- 质量审计。把题目翻译一下,就是客户需要产品的说明(guideline),且这个新需求经过了变更批准。结果发现说明书与产品对不上。有可能是当时的变更过程有问题,通过审计来审计当时的变更过程。 其他选项:A,一个可交付成果不需要抽样。B,过程有问题,检查不出来,检查是针对可交付成果的。D,事后核实变更,事先安排审计
167、 [单选] 在批准一位团队成员的紧急请假请求之前,项目经理需要确保计划的项目活动不会被延迟。项目经理首先应该审查哪份文件?
Before approving a team member's request for an urgent leave, a project manager needs to ensure that scheduled activities will not be delaye What should the project manager first review?
Before approving a team member's request for an urgent leave, a project manager needs to ensure that scheduled activities will not be delaye What should the project manager first review?
- A:责任分配矩阵(RAM) Responsibility assignment matrix(RAM)
- B:资源日历 Resource calendars
- C:资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure(RBS)
- D:项目进度计划 Project schedule plan
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P222-6.6控制进度。资源日历发生变化,要结合进度基准评估团队成员请假的影响。当然,评估不局限于进度基准。 选项ABC:注意,情景中强调了“确保计划的项目活动不会延迟”,所以要首先审查项目进度计划。
168、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,由于行业趋势下滑和产品价格下降,客户重新协商定价,这导致项目预算减少,项目经理确定必须大大改造类似项目中遵循的业务流程才能使项目取得成功。项目经理应该做些什么来确定改进的领域?
During project execution,the client renegotiates pricing due to a downward industry trend and falling prices for their product,this results in a decrease in the project's budget, the project manager determines that business processes followed in similar projects must be dramatically improved for the success of this one.What should the project manager do to identify areas for improvement?
During project execution,the client renegotiates pricing due to a downward industry trend and falling prices for their product,this results in a decrease in the project's budget, the project manager determines that business processes followed in similar projects must be dramatically improved for the success of this one.What should the project manager do to identify areas for improvement?
- A:检查风险报告 Examine the risk report
- B:审查经验教训 Review the lessons learned
- C:使用精益六西格玛方法 Use the lean six sigma method
- D:执行成本效益分析 Perform a cost-benefit analysis
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P296-质量改进方法-六西格玛。精益六西格玛是最常用于分析和评估改进机会的质量改进工具。它要解决的问题不仅是控制一个过程的产品一次通过率,还要优化整个生产流程,简化某些动作,缩短生产提前期 。项目经理要改造类似项目中遵循的业务流程才能使项目取得成功,可使用精益六西格玛方法。 选项A:属于风险管理的行目档案。 选项B:通常用于借鉴,情景聚焦在“如何确定”。 选项D:成本效益分析针对投入成本和质量水平之间的关系。
179、 [单选] 项目经理为一个为期12周的项目安排一次启动大会。两名相关方表示他们无法参加会议。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager schedules a kick-off meeting for a 12-week project. Two stakeholders indicate they are unable to attend the meeting. What should the project manager do?
A project manager schedules a kick-off meeting for a 12-week project. Two stakeholders indicate they are unable to attend the meeting. What should the project manager do?
- A:将会议重新安排在每个人都有空的时间 Reschedule the meeting for a time when everyone is available.
- B:在开始启动大会之前分别与两名相关方开会,以收集他们的意见和承诺 Meet separately with the two stakeholders prior to the kick-off meeting to capture their comments and commitment.
- C:按计划继续开会,并将会议记录发送给两位缺席的相关方 Continue with the meeting as planned and send the meeting minutes to the two absent stakeholders.
- D:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人,已获得缺席相关方的承诺 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor that obtains confirmations from the absent stakeholdrs.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P86-会议。项目开工会议的目标在“传达项目目标、获得团队对项目的承诺,以及阐明每个相关方的角色和职责”。 选项AC:需要获得相关方的承诺,并不仅仅是开个会的问题。 选项D:相关方缺席,承诺从何而来?
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