vim - buffer
1. buffer switching
2. vim default to delete a buffer, it causes closing the window also.
:bdelete - close buffer and all windows currently showing the buffer
3. buffer deleting
To unload a file from the buffer and keep the window/split intact:
To delete a file from the buffer and keep the window/split intact:
To wipe a file from the buffer and keep the window/split intact:
Moving through buffers
To move backwards through recently accessed buffers:
and to move forwards:
To move to an alternate buffer and keep the cursor in the same column, use:
Can also override Ctrl-^ (Vim's default for swapping between alternate buffers) via g:BufKillOverrideCtrlCaret in your /.vimrc file.
Can overide the default mappings within your /.vimrc file like so:
map <C-c> :BD<cr>
resulting in being able to delete a file from the buffer via vim-bufkill with CTRL + c