用asp.net mvc与ExtJs关键字Google了一把, 几乎没有看到相关的具体开发文章。由于PoloSoft网站用了asp.net mvc pv3开发,后台管理我采用了asp.net mvc pv3+extjs2.0来实现,在这里我把它提炼出来,供需要的朋友参考!
2、本系列文章不在讲述asp.net mvc与ExtJs相关的基础知识,如要了解基本知识的请参考我以前的文章。
2 * Ext JS Library 2.0
3 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC.
4 * licensing@extjs.com
5 *
6 * http://extjs.com/license
7 */
10 Ext.QuickTips.init();
11 var myUrl='http://localhost/PoloSoft/';
12 // create the Data Store
13 var ds = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({
14 // load using script tags for cross domain, if the data in on the same domain as
15 // this page, an HttpProxy would be better
16 proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
17 url: myUrl+'Admin/CmsDataSource'
18 }),
20 // create reader that reads the project records
21 reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader(
22 {
23 totalProperty: "results", // The property which contains the total dataset size (optional)
24 root: "rows", // The property which contains an Array of row objects
25 id: "id" // The property within each row object that provides an ID for the record (optional)
26 },[
27 {name:'ID', type:'int'},
28 {name:'CATALOG_NAME', type:'string'},
29 {name:'TITLE', type:'string'},
30 {name:'AUTHOR', type:'string'},
31 {name:'CREATE_TIME', type:'string'},
32 {name:'NEWS_FROM', type:'string'}
33 ]),
34 groupField:'CATALOG_NAME',
36 // turn on remote sorting
37 remoteSort: false
38 });
39 ds.setDefaultSort('CREATE_TIME', 'desc');
41 // formate ms json date formate
42 function renderDate(value, p, record){
43 var jsondate = record.data.CREATE_TIME;
44// var s = ""; // 声明变量
45 jsondate = eval("new " + jsondate.substr(1,jsondate.length-2)); // 创建 Date 对象
46// s += jsondate.getYear()+ "-"; // 获取年份
47// s += (jsondate.getMonth() + 1) + "-"; // 获取月份
48// s += jsondate.getDate() ; // 获取日
49// return(s);
50 return jsondate.toLocaleDateString();
51 }
53 // the column model has information about grid columns
54 // dataIndex maps the column to the specific data field in
55 // the data store
56 var nm = new Ext.grid.RowNumberer();
57 var sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(); // add checkbox column
58 var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([nm,sm,
59 {id:'ID',header:"编号",dataIndex: 'ID', width: 40, align:'center'},
60 {header:"所属板块",dataIndex: 'CATALOG_NAME', width: 70,align:'center' },
61 {header:"标题",dataIndex: 'TITLE', width:200, align:'left'},
62 {header:"作者",dataIndex: 'AUTHOR', width:50, align:'center'},
63 {header:"来源", dataIndex: 'NEWS_FROM',width: 50, align:'center'},
64 {header:"发布时间", dataIndex: 'CREATE_TIME', renderer: renderDate,width: 50, align:'center'}
65 ]);
67 //hide column
68 cm.setHidden(2, !cm.isHidden(2)); //隐藏编号列
70 // by default columns are sortable
71 // cm.defaultSortable = true;
72 var gdCMS = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
73 el:'cms-grid',
74 title:'信息数据一览表',
75 iconCls: 'icon-grid',
76 layout:'fit',
77 bodyStyle:'width:100%',
78 height:605,
79 monitorWindowResize:true,
80 monitorResize:true,
81 autoScroll:true,
82 store: ds,
83 cm: cm,
84 sm: sm,
85 trackMouseOver:true,
86 loadMask: {msg:'正在加载数据,请稍侯……'},
87 viewConfig: {
88 enableRowBody:true,
89 getRowClass : function(record, rowIndex, p, ds){
90 return 'x-grid3-row-collapsed';
91 }
92 },
93 view: new Ext.grid.GroupingView({
94 forceFit:true,
95 groupTextTpl: '{text} ({[values.rs.length]}条记录)'
96 }),
97 bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
98 pageSize: 25,
99 store: ds,
100 displayInfo: true,
101 displayMsg: '当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录',
102 emptyMsg: "无显示数据"
103 }),
104 tbar:[
105 {
106 id:'btnAdd',
107 text:'新增',
108 tooltip:'新增',
109 iconCls:'add',
110 handler: function(){window.location.href=myUrl+'Admin/Add';}
111 },
112 {
113 id:'btnAdd',
114 text:'编辑',
115 tooltip:'编辑',
116 iconCls:'edit',
117 handler: doEdit
118 },
119 {
120 id:'btnDel',
121 text:'删除',
122 tooltip:'批量删除',
123 iconCls:'remove',
124 handler:doDel
125 },
126 new Ext.app.SearchField({
127 store: ds,
128 width:320,
129 emptyText:'搜索信息'
130 })
131 ]
132 });
135 gdCMS.render();
137 // trigger the data store load
138 ds.load({params:{start:0, limit:25}});
141 function doEdit()
142 {
143 var row=gdCMS.getSelections();
144 if(row.length==1)
145 {
146 var id = row[0].get("ID");
147 window.location.href=myUrl+'Admin/Edit?id='+id;
148 }
149 else
150 {
151 Ext.MessageBox.alert("提示","请选1条记录进行编辑!");
152 }
153 }
155 function doDel()
156 {
157 Ext.MessageBox.confirm('提示', '确实要删除所选的记录吗?',showResult);
158 }
159 function showResult(btn){
160 if(btn=='yes'){
161 var row=gdCMS.getSelections();
162 var jsonData="";
163 for(var i=0,len=row.length;i<len;i++){
164 var id = row[i].get("ID");
165 if(i==0)
166 jsonData =id; //这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便
167 else
168 jsonData = jsonData + ","+ id; //这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便
169 }
170 jsonData=","+jsonData+","; //这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便
171 var conn = new Ext.data.Connection();
172 conn.request({
173 url:myUrl+"Admin/Delete",
174 params:{idList:jsonData},
175 method: 'post',
176 scope: this,
177 callback:function(options,success, response){
178 if(success){
179 Ext.MessageBox.alert("提示","所选记录成功删除!");
180 ds.load({params:{start:0, limit:25}});
181 }
182 else
183 {Ext.MessageBox.alert("提示","所选记录删除失败!");}
184 }
185 })
186 }
187 };
2 * Ext JS Library 2.0
3 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC.
4 * licensing@extjs.com
5 *
6 * http://extjs.com/license
7 */
10 Ext.QuickTips.init();
11 var myUrl='http://localhost/PoloSoft/';
12 // create the Data Store
13 var ds = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({
14 // load using script tags for cross domain, if the data in on the same domain as
15 // this page, an HttpProxy would be better
16 proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
17 url: myUrl+'Admin/CmsDataSource'
18 }),
20 // create reader that reads the project records
21 reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader(
22 {
23 totalProperty: "results", // The property which contains the total dataset size (optional)
24 root: "rows", // The property which contains an Array of row objects
25 id: "id" // The property within each row object that provides an ID for the record (optional)
26 },[
27 {name:'ID', type:'int'},
28 {name:'CATALOG_NAME', type:'string'},
29 {name:'TITLE', type:'string'},
30 {name:'AUTHOR', type:'string'},
31 {name:'CREATE_TIME', type:'string'},
32 {name:'NEWS_FROM', type:'string'}
33 ]),
34 groupField:'CATALOG_NAME',
36 // turn on remote sorting
37 remoteSort: false
38 });
39 ds.setDefaultSort('CREATE_TIME', 'desc');
41 // formate ms json date formate
42 function renderDate(value, p, record){
43 var jsondate = record.data.CREATE_TIME;
44// var s = ""; // 声明变量
45 jsondate = eval("new " + jsondate.substr(1,jsondate.length-2)); // 创建 Date 对象
46// s += jsondate.getYear()+ "-"; // 获取年份
47// s += (jsondate.getMonth() + 1) + "-"; // 获取月份
48// s += jsondate.getDate() ; // 获取日
49// return(s);
50 return jsondate.toLocaleDateString();
51 }
53 // the column model has information about grid columns
54 // dataIndex maps the column to the specific data field in
55 // the data store
56 var nm = new Ext.grid.RowNumberer();
57 var sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(); // add checkbox column
58 var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([nm,sm,
59 {id:'ID',header:"编号",dataIndex: 'ID', width: 40, align:'center'},
60 {header:"所属板块",dataIndex: 'CATALOG_NAME', width: 70,align:'center' },
61 {header:"标题",dataIndex: 'TITLE', width:200, align:'left'},
62 {header:"作者",dataIndex: 'AUTHOR', width:50, align:'center'},
63 {header:"来源", dataIndex: 'NEWS_FROM',width: 50, align:'center'},
64 {header:"发布时间", dataIndex: 'CREATE_TIME', renderer: renderDate,width: 50, align:'center'}
65 ]);
67 //hide column
68 cm.setHidden(2, !cm.isHidden(2)); //隐藏编号列
70 // by default columns are sortable
71 // cm.defaultSortable = true;
72 var gdCMS = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
73 el:'cms-grid',
74 title:'信息数据一览表',
75 iconCls: 'icon-grid',
76 layout:'fit',
77 bodyStyle:'width:100%',
78 height:605,
79 monitorWindowResize:true,
80 monitorResize:true,
81 autoScroll:true,
82 store: ds,
83 cm: cm,
84 sm: sm,
85 trackMouseOver:true,
86 loadMask: {msg:'正在加载数据,请稍侯……'},
87 viewConfig: {
88 enableRowBody:true,
89 getRowClass : function(record, rowIndex, p, ds){
90 return 'x-grid3-row-collapsed';
91 }
92 },
93 view: new Ext.grid.GroupingView({
94 forceFit:true,
95 groupTextTpl: '{text} ({[values.rs.length]}条记录)'
96 }),
97 bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
98 pageSize: 25,
99 store: ds,
100 displayInfo: true,
101 displayMsg: '当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录',
102 emptyMsg: "无显示数据"
103 }),
104 tbar:[
105 {
106 id:'btnAdd',
107 text:'新增',
108 tooltip:'新增',
109 iconCls:'add',
110 handler: function(){window.location.href=myUrl+'Admin/Add';}
111 },
112 {
113 id:'btnAdd',
114 text:'编辑',
115 tooltip:'编辑',
116 iconCls:'edit',
117 handler: doEdit
118 },
119 {
120 id:'btnDel',
121 text:'删除',
122 tooltip:'批量删除',
123 iconCls:'remove',
124 handler:doDel
125 },
126 new Ext.app.SearchField({
127 store: ds,
128 width:320,
129 emptyText:'搜索信息'
130 })
131 ]
132 });
135 gdCMS.render();
137 // trigger the data store load
138 ds.load({params:{start:0, limit:25}});
141 function doEdit()
142 {
143 var row=gdCMS.getSelections();
144 if(row.length==1)
145 {
146 var id = row[0].get("ID");
147 window.location.href=myUrl+'Admin/Edit?id='+id;
148 }
149 else
150 {
151 Ext.MessageBox.alert("提示","请选1条记录进行编辑!");
152 }
153 }
155 function doDel()
156 {
157 Ext.MessageBox.confirm('提示', '确实要删除所选的记录吗?',showResult);
158 }
159 function showResult(btn){
160 if(btn=='yes'){
161 var row=gdCMS.getSelections();
162 var jsonData="";
163 for(var i=0,len=row.length;i<len;i++){
164 var id = row[i].get("ID");
165 if(i==0)
166 jsonData =id; //这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便
167 else
168 jsonData = jsonData + ","+ id; //这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便
169 }
170 jsonData=","+jsonData+","; //这样处理是为了删除的Lambda语句方便
171 var conn = new Ext.data.Connection();
172 conn.request({
173 url:myUrl+"Admin/Delete",
174 params:{idList:jsonData},
175 method: 'post',
176 scope: this,
177 callback:function(options,success, response){
178 if(success){
179 Ext.MessageBox.alert("提示","所选记录成功删除!");
180 ds.load({params:{start:0, limit:25}});
181 }
182 else
183 {Ext.MessageBox.alert("提示","所选记录删除失败!");}
184 }
185 })
186 }
187 };
1CMSDataContext db = new CMSDataContext();
2 public object GetCMSInfo(int? start,int? limit)
3 {
4 var query = from p in db.CMS_INFOs
5 join m in db.CMS_CATALOGs on p.CATALOG_ID equals m.CATALOG_ID
6 select new {
7 ID=p.ID,
13 };
14 ViewData["totalCount"] = query.Count();
15 int PageNum = start.Value / limit.Value; //共有页数
16 int PageSize = limit.Value;
17 query = query.Skip(PageSize * PageNum).Take(PageSize); //当前页记录
18 return query.ToList();
19 //return news.OrderByDescending(c => c.CREATE_TIME).ToList();
20 }
22 public ActionResult CmsDataSource(int? start,int? limit)
23 {
24 ViewData["CMS"] = GetCMSInfo(start.Value,limit.Value);
25 return View(ViewData["CMS"]);
26 }
1CMSDataContext db = new CMSDataContext();
2 public object GetCMSInfo(int? start,int? limit)
3 {
4 var query = from p in db.CMS_INFOs
5 join m in db.CMS_CATALOGs on p.CATALOG_ID equals m.CATALOG_ID
6 select new {
7 ID=p.ID,
13 };
14 ViewData["totalCount"] = query.Count();
15 int PageNum = start.Value / limit.Value; //共有页数
16 int PageSize = limit.Value;
17 query = query.Skip(PageSize * PageNum).Take(PageSize); //当前页记录
18 return query.ToList();
19 //return news.OrderByDescending(c => c.CREATE_TIME).ToList();
20 }
22 public ActionResult CmsDataSource(int? start,int? limit)
23 {
24 ViewData["CMS"] = GetCMSInfo(start.Value,limit.Value);
25 return View(ViewData["CMS"]);
26 }
1 public bool Delete(string idList)
2 {
3 bool result = false;
4 try
5 {
6 var query = from p in db.CMS_INFOs
7 where idList.IndexOf(","+p.ID+",") >= 0
8 select p;
9 db.CMS_INFOs.DeleteAllOnSubmit(query);
10 db.SubmitChanges();
11 result = true;
12 }
13 catch
14 {
15 result = false;
16 }
18 return result;
19 }
1 public bool Delete(string idList)
2 {
3 bool result = false;
4 try
5 {
6 var query = from p in db.CMS_INFOs
7 where idList.IndexOf(","+p.ID+",") >= 0
8 select p;
9 db.CMS_INFOs.DeleteAllOnSubmit(query);
10 db.SubmitChanges();
11 result = true;
12 }
13 catch
14 {
15 result = false;
16 }
18 return result;
19 }
1 public ActionResult Modify(int? id)
2 {
3 string resultJson;
4 try
5 {
6 CMS_INFO cms = db.CMS_INFOs.First(c=>c.ID==id.Value);
7 cms.AUTHOR = Request.Form["author"];
8 cms.CATALOG_ID = int.Parse(Request.Form["catalogID"]);
9 cms.CREATE_TIME = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["createDate"]);
10 cms.NEWS_CONTENT = Request.Form["content"];
11 cms.NEWS_FROM = Request.Form["from"];
12 cms.TITLE = Request.Form["title"];
13 db.SubmitChanges();
14 resultJson = @"{success: true}";
15 }
16 catch (Exception ex)
17 {
18 string msg = ex.Message;
19 resultJson = @"{success: false,msg:'数据修改失败了!'}";
20 }
21 ViewData["resultJson"] = resultJson;
22 return View("Modify");
23 }
25 public ActionResult Insert()
26 {
27 string resultJson;
28 try
29 {
30 CMS_INFO cms = new CMS_INFO();
31 cms.AUTHOR =Request.Form["author"];
32 cms.CATALOG_ID = int.Parse(Request.Form["catalogID"]);
33 cms.CREATE_TIME = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["createDate"]);
34 cms.NEWS_CONTENT = Request.Form["content"];
35 cms.NEWS_FROM = Request.Form["from"];
36 cms.TITLE = Request.Form["title"];
37 db.CMS_INFOs.InsertOnSubmit(cms);
38 db.SubmitChanges();
39 resultJson=@"{success: true}";
40 }
41 catch(Exception ex)
42 {
43 string msg = ex.Message;
44 resultJson = @"{success: false,msg:'数据保存失败了!'}";
45 }
46 ViewData["resultJson"] = resultJson;
47 return View("Insert");
48 }
1 public ActionResult Modify(int? id)
2 {
3 string resultJson;
4 try
5 {
6 CMS_INFO cms = db.CMS_INFOs.First(c=>c.ID==id.Value);
7 cms.AUTHOR = Request.Form["author"];
8 cms.CATALOG_ID = int.Parse(Request.Form["catalogID"]);
9 cms.CREATE_TIME = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["createDate"]);
10 cms.NEWS_CONTENT = Request.Form["content"];
11 cms.NEWS_FROM = Request.Form["from"];
12 cms.TITLE = Request.Form["title"];
13 db.SubmitChanges();
14 resultJson = @"{success: true}";
15 }
16 catch (Exception ex)
17 {
18 string msg = ex.Message;
19 resultJson = @"{success: false,msg:'数据修改失败了!'}";
20 }
21 ViewData["resultJson"] = resultJson;
22 return View("Modify");
23 }
25 public ActionResult Insert()
26 {
27 string resultJson;
28 try
29 {
30 CMS_INFO cms = new CMS_INFO();
31 cms.AUTHOR =Request.Form["author"];
32 cms.CATALOG_ID = int.Parse(Request.Form["catalogID"]);
33 cms.CREATE_TIME = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["createDate"]);
34 cms.NEWS_CONTENT = Request.Form["content"];
35 cms.NEWS_FROM = Request.Form["from"];
36 cms.TITLE = Request.Form["title"];
37 db.CMS_INFOs.InsertOnSubmit(cms);
38 db.SubmitChanges();
39 resultJson=@"{success: true}";
40 }
41 catch(Exception ex)
42 {
43 string msg = ex.Message;
44 resultJson = @"{success: false,msg:'数据保存失败了!'}";
45 }
46 ViewData["resultJson"] = resultJson;
47 return View("Insert");
48 }