
        闲来无事,今天下了个Fiddler2来用,对这个工具的介绍就不多说了,网上搜下一大把.说下我碰到的问题吧,安装好Fiddler2以后我发现跟本捕捉不到信息,弄了半天还是没反应,上网搜搜.MSDN(上是这样说的:After you start Fiddler, the program registers itself as the system proxy for Microsoft Windows Internet Services (WinInet), the HTTP layer used by Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, and many other products. You can verify that Fiddler is correctly intercepting requests by checking the Proxy Settings dialog. From the Internet Explorer main menu, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Connections, click LAN Setting, and finally click Advanced. 想了想,会不会是Fiddler启动后自动修改了"局域网设置",但没有修改"拨号和虚拟专用网强络设置"而我用的是ADSL.想到这,马上动手设置,进入Internet 选项=>连接=>(拨号和虚拟专用网络)设置=>代理服务器=>高级.设置如下图:


posted @ 2009-01-03 14:38  cm186man  阅读(766)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报