《AdvancED ActionScript 3.0 Animation》读书笔记(3) —— A星寻路
public class Grid
private var _startNode:Node;
private var _endNode:Node;
private var _nodes:Array;
private var _numCols:int;
private var _numRows:int;
* Constructor.
public function Grid(numCols:int, numRows:int)
_numCols = numCols;
_numRows = numRows;
_nodes = new Array();
for(var i:int = 0; i < _numCols; i++)
_nodes[i] = new Array();
for(var j:int = 0; j < _numRows; j++)
_nodes[i][j] = new Node(i, j);
// public methods
* Returns the node at the given coords.
* @param x The x coord.
* @param y The y coord.
public function getNode(x:int, y:int):Node
return _nodes[x][y] as Node;
* Sets the node at the given coords as the end node.
* @param x The x coord.
* @param y The y coord.
public function setEndNode(x:int, y:int):void
_endNode = _nodes[x][y] as Node;
* Sets the node at the given coords as the start node.
* @param x The x coord.
* @param y The y coord.
public function setStartNode(x:int, y:int):void
_startNode = _nodes[x][y] as Node;
* Sets the node at the given coords as walkable or not.
* @param x The x coord.
* @param y The y coord.
public function setWalkable(x:int, y:int, value:Boolean):void
_nodes[x][y].walkable = value;
// getters / setters
* Returns the end node.
public function get endNode():Node
return _endNode;
* Returns the number of columns in the grid.
public function get numCols():int
return _numCols;
* Returns the number of rows in the grid.
public function get numRows():int
return _numRows;
* Returns the start node.
public function get startNode():Node
return _startNode;
public class Node
public var x:int;
public var y:int;
public var f:Number;
public var g:Number;
public var h:Number;
public var walkable:Boolean = true;
public var parent:Node;
public var costMultiplier:Number = 1.0;
public function Node(x:int, y:int)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public class AStar
private var _open:Array;
private var _closed:Array;
private var _grid:Grid;
private var _endNode:Node;
private var _startNode:Node;
private var _path:Array;
// private var _heuristic:Function = manhattan;
// private var _heuristic:Function = euclidian;
private var _heuristic:Function = diagonal;
private var _straightCost:Number = 1.0;
private var _diagCost:Number = Math.SQRT2;
public function AStar()
public function findPath(grid:Grid):Boolean
_grid = grid;
_open = new Array();
_closed = new Array();
_startNode = _grid.startNode;
_endNode = _grid.endNode;
_startNode.g = 0;
_startNode.h = _heuristic(_startNode);
_startNode.f = _startNode.g + _startNode.h;
return search();
public function search():Boolean
var node:Node = _startNode;
while(node != _endNode)
var startX:int = Math.max(0, node.x - 1);
var endX:int = Math.min(_grid.numCols - 1, node.x + 1);
var startY:int = Math.max(0, node.y - 1);
var endY:int = Math.min(_grid.numRows - 1, node.y + 1);
for(var i:int = startX; i <= endX; i++)
for(var j:int = startY; j <= endY; j++)
var test:Node = _grid.getNode(i, j);
if(test == node ||
!test.walkable ||
!_grid.getNode(node.x, test.y).walkable ||
!_grid.getNode(test.x, node.y).walkable)
var cost:Number = _straightCost;
if(!((node.x == test.x) || (node.y == test.y)))
cost = _diagCost;
var g:Number = node.g + cost * test.costMultiplier;
var h:Number = _heuristic(test);
var f:Number = g + h;
if(isOpen(test) || isClosed(test))
if(test.f > f)
test.f = f;
test.g = g;
test.h = h;
test.parent = node;
test.f = f;
test.g = g;
test.h = h;
test.parent = node;
for(var o:int = 0; o < _open.length; o++)
if(_open.length == 0)
trace("no path found");
return false
_open.sortOn("f", Array.NUMERIC);
node = _open.shift() as Node;
return true;
private function euclidian(node:Node):Number
var dx:Number = node.x - _endNode.x;
var dy:Number = node.y - _endNode.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) * _straightCost;