


1. 商家能够修改商品价格;

2. 商家能够下线商品;

3. 商家能够增加商品;

4. 商品信息存在文件中


 1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 2 # LC
 3 product_list = []
 4 product_line = []
 5 count = 0
 7 with open("product_list","r") as f:                     #打开商家货品清单文件
 8     for item in f:
 9         product_line = item.rstrip().split(",")            #将每行赋值给成一个列表,以“,”区分
10         product_list.append(product_line)                   #将每行的列表加入product_list列表中
12 print("This is your production".center(50,"-"))         #打印列表
13 for i in product_list:
14     print(count,i)
15     count+=1
17 #提供增加商品,修改商品价格,删除商品功能
18 while True:
19     select = input("Please input you selection,'a' to add,'m' to modified the price,'d' to Delete,'q' to quit :")
20     count = 0
21     if select == 'a':
22         add_product = input("Please input new product name:")
23         add_price = input("Please input new product price:")
24         new_product = [add_product,add_price]                       #将新添加的商品赋值成列表
25         product_list.append(new_product)                            #向产品清单列表中插入新添加的商品
26         with open("product_list","a") as f_add:                 #将添加的商品写入文件中,以追加的方式
27             f_add.writelines(product_list[-1][0]+","+product_list[-1][1]+"\n")
28         print("\033[1;31mThis is your new production list\033[0m".center(50,"-"))
29         for i in product_list:       #打印新的产品清单
30             print(count,i)
31             count+=1
32     elif select == 'm':
33         modify_index = input("Please input index of the item which you want to modify:")    #输入要修改价格的产品序号
34         modify_index = int(modify_index)
35         length = product_list.index(product_list[-1])   #判断输入的修改价格产品序号是否再产品清单范围
36         if 0 <= modify_index <= length:
37             new_price = input("Please input the new price:")                    #输入新的价格
38             product_list[modify_index][1]=new_price                                 #将新的价格修改至产品清单列表中
39             with open("product_list","w") as f_modify:                          #想修改的产品清单列表写入文件中
40                 for i in product_list:
41                     f_modify.writelines(i[0]+","+i[1]+"\n")
42             print("\033[1;31mThis is your new production list\033[0m".center(50,"-"))
43             for i in product_list:                                        #打印新的产品清
44                 print(count,i)
45                 count+=1
46         else:
47             print("Your select is invalid, Please try again!")      #如果输入的序号不在范围内,则报错重新来
48     elif select == 'd':                                             #删除商品
49         delete_index = input("Please input index of the item which you want to delete:")
50         delete_index = int(delete_index)
51         length = product_list.index(product_list[-1])               #判断输入的删除序号是否再产品清单范围
52         if 0 <= delete_index <= length:
53             product_list.pop(delete_index)                      #从产品清单中删除制定的产品
54             with open("product_list","w") as f_del:
55                 for i in product_list:
56                     f_del.writelines(i[0]+","+i[1]+"\n")           #将新的产品清单写入文件中
57             print("\033[1;31mThis is your new production list\033[0m".center(50,"-"))
58             for i in product_list:
59                 print(count,i)
60                 count+=1
61         else:
62             print("Your select is invalid, Please try again!")
64     elif select == "q":
65         print("You have been quit!")
66         break
67     else:
68         print("invalid input,please input again!")


1. 用户第一次购买输入薪资;

2. 用户购买商品信息写入文件;

3. 用户再次购买先读取之前的购买清单文件,查看余额;

 1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 2 # LC
 3 import os
 4 product_list = []           #定义商品清单列表
 5 product_line = []           #定义商品清单中每行的列表
 6 user_buy_list = []          #定义用户已经购买商品列表
 7 user_buy_product = []       #定义用户购买单个商品的列表
 8 with open("product_list","r") as f_production:              #读取商品清单列表
 9     for item_production in f_production:
10         product_line = item_production.rstrip().split(",")
11         product_list.append(product_line)
13 if os.path.getsize("shopping_list") == 0:                       #判断是否为第一次消费,如果消费清单文件为空,则第一次消费
14     salary = input("Please input your salary:")
15     balance = int(salary)                                           #将余额定义为薪资
16 else:
17     length = len(open("shopping_list","rU").readlines())            #如果不是第一次消费,计算消费清单文件行数,提取消费列表
18     count = 0
19     with open("shopping_list", "r") as f_shopping_list:
20         for shopping_item in f_shopping_list:
21             count +=1
22             if 2 <= count <= length-2:                          #去除第一行和最后两行,将消费清单中已购买的商品提取出来
23                 shopping_item = shopping_item.strip().split()   #将购买的商品转换为列表,包含商品,单价,数量
24                 user_buy_list.append(shopping_item)             #将已经购买的商品记录至用户消费清单列表中
25             elif count == length:
26                 shopping_item = shopping_item.strip().split()
27                 balance = int(shopping_item[-1])                #如果非第一次消费,则余额为消费清单文件中的余额,提取出来
28 while True:
29     print("This is the production list".center(50, "-"))
30     count = 0
31     for i in product_list:
32         print(count, i)
33         count += 1
34     user_select = input("Your balance is %d, 's' to start to shopping,'q' to quit : "%(balance))
35     if user_select == 's':
36         user_buy_product = []
37         user_select_index = input("Please select the index of the one you want to buy:")        #输入要购买的商品
38         user_select_count = input("Please input the number how many you want to buy:")          #输入要购买的商品数量
39         user_select_index = int(user_select_index)
40         user_select_count = int(user_select_count)
41         unit_price = int(product_list[user_select_index][1])                        #要购买的商品单价
42         product_price = unit_price * user_select_count                              #购买的商品金额,即单价乘以总价
43         if product_price <= balance:
44             user_buy_product.append(product_list[user_select_index][0])             #将购买的商品的名称插入新的单个列表中
45             user_buy_product.append(product_list[user_select_index][1])             #将购买的商品的单价插入新的单个列表中
46             user_buy_product.append(str(user_select_count))                         #将购买的商品的数量插入新的单个列表中
47             user_buy_list.append(user_buy_product)                                  #将新购买的商品,包含名称,单价,数量插入用户购买清单中
48             balance = balance - product_price                                        #将金额出去已经购买的商品金额,以免余额不足
49         else:                                                                       #购买的商品和数量,余额不足
50             print("\033[1;31mYour choice is out of your money!\033[0m")
51             continue
52     elif user_select == 'q':
53         break
54     else:
55         print("invalid input ,try again")
56         continue
58 #统计用户购买商品的总金额和消费余额
59 total_price = 0
60 for i in user_buy_list:
61     user_buy_product_price = int(i[1]) * int(i[2])          #用户购买的单个商品的总额,即单件商品的单价乘以数量
62     total_price = total_price + user_buy_product_price      #统计消费总金额
63 total_consumption = ["Total_Consumption:"]
64 balance_list = ["Your balance:"]                            #消费清单上记录余额信息
65 balance_list.append(balance)
66 total_consumption.append(total_price)
67 user_buy_list.append(total_consumption)                     #将总消费金额信息插入用户消费清单中
68 user_buy_list.append(balance_list)                          #将余额信息插入用户消费清单中
70 #将用户购买的商品写入消费清单文件中,并记录总价和余额
71 with open("shopping_list","w") as f_buy:
72     f_buy.writelines("product".center(15,"-")+"price".center(15,"-")+"count".center(15,"-")+"\n")
73     for i in user_buy_list:
74         if len(i) == 3:                     #将商品写入
75             f_buy.writelines(str(i[0]).center(15," ")+str(i[1]).center(15," ")+str(i[2]).center(15," ")+"\n")
76         else:                               #将余额和消费总额写入
77             f_buy.writelines(str(i[0]).ljust(30, " ") + str(i[1]).center(15, " ") + "\n")
79 #打印最终购买清单
80 print("This is your purchase list".center(45,"-"))
81 with open("shopping_list","r") as f_read:
82     for i in f_read:
83         print(i.strip("\n"))


      pic             2              20      
      rice            3              50      
     water            32            300      
     phone           5000            2       
      pia            300             50      
     phone           5000            2       
     phone           5000            1       
Total_Consumption:                 49790     
Your balance:                       210      


posted on 2017-06-18 00:49  clv  阅读(389)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
