normal curvature of a surface S at a point p measures its curvature in a specific direction x in the tangent plane, and is defined in terms of the second fundamental form.
principal curvature the maximum and minimum of the normal curvature and at a given point p on a surface S
radial curvature the normal curvature of the surface S in the direction of w definded as the (unnormalized) projection of the view vector v onto the tangent plane at p.
principal curvature the maximum and minimum of the normal curvature and at a given point p on a surface S
radial curvature the normal curvature of the surface S in the direction of w definded as the (unnormalized) projection of the view vector v onto the tangent plane at p.
G1 Continuity - direction of first derivatives of two surfaces match where they join.
G2 Continuity - G1 plus the radius of curvature matches.
G3 Continuity - G2 plus the change in radius of curvature matches.
posted on 2007-06-09 16:18 cloudseawang 阅读(384) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报